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USA, China, CPEC and Gilgit-Baltistan

Cygnus Black

Dec 15, 2018
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Gilgit Baltistan has been under the radar of Western strategists and intelligence agencies for quite a long time. They want to sever the the land link of China and Pakistan at any cost, because it will deal a huge blow to China's Super Power ambitions. So they've been desperately trying to push India to go more and more aggressive towards Pakistan in the last few years, as can be seen from the alleged "surgical strikes" in the past few years on the pretext of "taking actions against terrorists". It doesn't matter how land link is severed. Though India would be more than willing to invade and occupy GB by force (and the West will justify this action be saying that it's a disputed territory not Pakistan's territory). The Indian army has already been quietly planning and rehearsing such a military assault for the last several years, through the so-called "AirLand campaign" (just need a green signal from Washington and New Delhi to execute). It wouldn't concern the West if South Asia is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, because their long term goal would be accomplished: Denying China access to the Indian ocean.
Gilgit Baltistan has been under the radar of Western strategists and intelligence agencies for quite a long time. They want to sever the the land link of China and Pakistan at any cost, because it will deal a huge blow to China's Super Power ambitions. So they've been desperately trying to push India to go more and more aggressive towards Pakistan in the last few years, as can be seen from the alleged "surgical strikes" in the past few years on the pretext of "taking actions against terrorists". It doesn't matter how land link is severed. Though India would be more than willing to invade and occupy GB by force (and the West will justify this action be saying that it's a disputed territory not Pakistan's territory). The Indian army has already been quietly planning and rehearsing such a military assault for the last several years, through the so-called "AirLand campaign" (just need a green signal from Washington and New Delhi to execute). It wouldn't concern the West if South Asia is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, because their long term goal would be accomplished: Denying China access to the Indian ocean.
gauging them by their current performance and even by their past performance in kashmir region and the situation on ground in iok i won't be surprised if they lose some of their land instead of gaining ours
gauging them by their current performance and even by their past performance in kashmir region and the situation on ground in iok i won't be surprised if they lose some of their land instead of gaining ours
From the reading I've done, the Indians look very determined. They view CPEC and BRI as an existential treat (strategic encirclement, string of pearls etc). Pakistan's military establishment senses this. Why do you think we're pushing for talks too hard with them? My hunch is that higher-up in Pakistan have decided to cut our losses from this Kashmir drama and move on with the talks to convert LoC (or at least the GB part of it in to Internal border). The Chinese probably also want this to happen asap so that the CPEC projects can continue smoothly and without any legal problems.

Someone posted this thread a couple of years ago, basically saying the same thing:

From the reading I've done, the Indians look very determined. They view CPEC and BRI as an existential treat (strategic encirclement, string of pearls etc). Pakistan's military establishment senses this. Why do you think we're pushing for talks too hard with them? My hunch is that higher-up in Pakistan have decided to cut our losses from this Kashmir drama and move on with the talks to convert LoC (or at least the GB part of it in to Internal border). The Chinese probably also want this to happen asap so that the CPEC projects can continue smoothly and without any legal problems.

Someone posted this thread a couple of years ago, basically saying the same thing:


From the reading I've done, the Indians look very determined. They view CPEC and BRI as an existential treat (strategic encirclement, string of pearls etc). Pakistan's military establishment senses this. Why do you think we're pushing for talks too hard with them? My hunch is that higher-up in Pakistan have decided to cut our losses from this Kashmir drama and move on with the talks to convert LoC (or at least the GB part of it in to Internal border). The Chinese probably also want this to happen asap so that the CPEC projects can continue smoothly and without any legal problems.

Someone posted this thread a couple of years ago, basically saying the same thing:

they may resurrect the so called musharraf formula but that can only happen after indian elections.
Localised war in Northern Areas is going to happen. Indian attack from East in GB, and ISIS/Blackwater attack from West in Chitral.

they may resurrect the so called musharraf formula but that can only happen after indian elections.

The problem is, it was Indians who rejected the formula because they probably started feeling that the status quo/4-point formula didn't suit them anymore. I'm afraid they'll demand more concessions this time. In hindsight, the best time for solving Kashmir dispute was before 1965 war when they were mulling over giving Kashmir valley to us, while keeping Ladakh and Jammu to themselves. I think Ayub Khan had rejected this offer.
The problem is, it was Indians who rejected the formula because they probably started feeling that the status quo/4-point formula didn't suit them anymore. I'm afraid they'll demand more concessions this time. In hindsight, the best time for solving Kashmir dispute was before 1965 war when they were mulling over giving Kashmir valley to us, while keeping Ladakh and Jammu to themselves. I think Ayub Khan had rejected this offer.
I think like americans in Afghanistan they will start seeing things objectively. There's no other way the sooner the better.
Gilgit Baltistan has been under the radar of Western strategists and intelligence agencies for quite a long time. They want to sever the the land link of China and Pakistan at any cost, because it will deal a huge blow to China's Super Power ambitions. So they've been desperately trying to push India to go more and more aggressive towards Pakistan in the last few years, as can be seen from the alleged "surgical strikes" in the past few years on the pretext of "taking actions against terrorists". It doesn't matter how land link is severed. Though India would be more than willing to invade and occupy GB by force (and the West will justify this action be saying that it's a disputed territory not Pakistan's territory). The Indian army has already been quietly planning and rehearsing such a military assault for the last several years, through the so-called "AirLand campaign" (just need a green signal from Washington and New Delhi to execute). It wouldn't concern the West if South Asia is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, because their long term goal would be accomplished: Denying China access to the Indian ocean.

Hahaha we kashmiriz and pakistaniz will not only push back the atrack but we will take back indian held territories. Territories belonging to pakistan.

And china might carve out a new country from with in India. Indians have no idea whats waiting for them on both fronts.
From the reading I've done, the Indians look very determined. They view CPEC and BRI as an existential treat (strategic encirclement, string of pearls etc). Pakistan's military establishment senses this. Why do you think we're pushing for talks too hard with them? My hunch is that higher-up in Pakistan have decided to cut our losses from this Kashmir drama and move on with the talks to convert LoC (or at least the GB part of it in to Internal border). The Chinese probably also want this to happen asap so that the CPEC projects can continue smoothly and without any legal problems.

Someone posted this thread a couple of years ago, basically saying the same thing:


India cant do shit, its trying very hard to keep hold of indian occupied kashmir. India is loosing indian occupied land because of indian army.

Nothing more to say just keep watching. See what we kashmiriz do to opressive peopke of india. And their black Army.

We only wanted peace in kashmir and our rights now we will do sonething india won't forget easily. We kashmiriz will ignite a fire with in india.

We will divide india once again!
I think like americans in Afghanistan they will start seeing things objectively. There's no other way the sooner the better.

You're right. We should keep the talks moving while the Americans are in Afghanistan. Once they are gone we'll lose all leverage over them and they'll start threatening us with sanction and prepare India with all kinds of support and getting the world behind them to go for the attack.
sir Isis is a nobody in Afghanistan they will soon be busy in saving their arses.

Let's wait and see. There's a reason why Chinese army is present and ready at Wakhan Corridor.

ISIS v Afghan Taliban hasn't started yet and no transition of power to Taliban will happen until ISIS has been utilised for the purpose it was planted there - to attack Pakistan.
I really hope we're co-coordinating with China on this one. This is the number 1 geo-strategic priority for both our countries. If India does attack, China should open its entire front with India and make deep ingress into Ladakh, cutting off the Indian forces in two and also besiege Siachen glacier. It's out in the open that India has planning for an eventual 2-front war. This is turning more and more into a reality.
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