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USA blocking army intervention in Fallujah

I thought Iraq is a free nation, doesn't answer the US or anyone else's calls!
Iraq should attack the terrorists according to their own plans. Who is yankee USA to block Iraqi army.
I thought Iraq is a free nation, doesn't answer the US or anyone else's calls!

It says advise.

Iraq should attack the terrorists according to their own plans. Who is yankee USA to block Iraqi army.

USA has experience in this, they dealt with the same 10 years ago.

Also they are right, ISIS strategy is to use to population as human shields, they want the army to bomb the city to anger the locals even though like 80.000 already left.

They shouldn't go in, better to work with the US on it.
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ISIS decided to flood the city to make it harder for the army. Flooding houses & angering many locals, this caused ISIS-Naqshabandi/tribal rebels to fight each other in the city, there have been clashes between them this week + ISIS captured some of them.

Debka (a questionable source) wrote earlier that the ISIS wants to block or divert the Euphrates. How much of this is true?
Baghdad buttresses defenses ready for wholesale Al Qaeda assault on city

2. In the town of Falluja north of Baghdad, al Qaeda has embarked on a complex engineering project which would have been beyond the capacity of many Middle East governments, to divert the Euphrates River from its course. Giant earthmoving equipment and trucks are damming the river bed with mud and rocks scooped up from the Iraqi desert region that spills over into Syria and Jordan.

This project has two objectives:
a) To divert the river’s course to the south towards central Iraq and so inundate the Iraqi military positions facing Falluja and the road links from Baghdad to army bases in central Iraq. This tactic will leave the bulk of the Iraq army high and dry by blocking supplies and disrupting its movements towards the capital.
b) To cut the cities south of Baghdad, inhabited by many millions of a predominantly Shiite population, from a major supply of clean water.
As Iraq violence grows, US sends more intelligence officers

WASHINGTON, April 25 (Reuters) - The United States is quietly expanding the number of intelligence officers in Iraq and holding urgent meetings in Washington and Baghdad to find ways to counter growing violence by Islamic militants, U.S. government sources said.

A high-level Pentagon team is now in Iraq to assess possible assistance for Iraqi forces in their fight against radical jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a group reconstituted from an earlier incarnation of al Qaeda, said two current government officials and one former U.S. official familiar with the matter.

The powerful ISIL, which seeks to impose strict sharia law in the Sunni majority populated regions of Iraq, now boasts territorial influence stretching from Iraq's western Anbar province to northern Syria, operating in some areas close to Baghdad, say U.S. officials.

Senior U.S. policy officials, known as the "Deputies Committee," met in Washington this week to discuss possible responses to the deteriorating security outlook in Iraq, said a government source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject matter.

The source did not know the outcome of the meeting. White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan declined to comment.

Staff from the Pentagon's Central Command are working closely with the Iraqi military but have advised it against launching major operations due to concerns Iraqi forces are not prepared for such campaigns, the former U.S. official said.

Americans sometimes have strange bed-fellows , MB in Egypt and now ISIS in Iraq .

It says advise.

USA has experience in this, they dealt with the same 10 years ago.

Also they are right, ISIS strategy is to use to population as human shields, they want the army to bomb the city to anger the locals even though like 80.000 already left.

They shouldn't go in, better to work with the US on it.

Never trust current american administration , if it was in time of Bush things would have been different , he was more committed to countering terrorism than the current president .

I thought Iraq is a free nation, doesn't answer the US or anyone else's calls!

Americans destroyed Iraqi army and scrapped most of their equipment during occupation , the current Iraqi army was trained and made up by Americans so they rely on American support for keeping security in iraq apart from shia militias that were inserted into the army by Iran .

No, you support Iranian Shi'a and hate Iraqi Shi'a lol.

Ad Dawla al Islamiyya will establish the caliphate in all Arab states

is it true that most ISIS leaders were former bathists ?
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Americans destroyed Iraqi army and scrapped most of their equipment during occupation , the current Iraqi army was trained and made up by Americans so they rely on American support for keeping security in iraq apart from shia militias that were inserted into the army by Iran .
That's a description of GCC armies.

Mahdi army were just locals who took arms to fight the occupiers, when they left they put the arms down. It's not like they are in service of the Iranian regime.
They're heading to Russia and China to diversify sources and rely less on the unreliable USA, in a few years the US won't be needed that much anymore as they will produce arms and ammo locally.

is it true that most ISIS leaders were former bathists ?
I think not, this ideology is dieing and few remain.
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