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USA angry about Turkey's military exercise with China

Really ? so why are they are soooooooooo upset with Turkey then ?


It gives PLAAF a chance to observe the performance of American planes and tactics employed by Western pilots in combat.
One source from Iran said that Iran opened skies for China's J-11,that means
J-11B fly from China->Pakistan->Iran->Turkey ,more than 4500KM
Kevin Rudd has gone and the new Govt of Ms.Julia Gillard is staunchly Pro-US.

Labor's staffers leaving in droves Simon Benson From: The Daily Telegraph October 07, 2010 12:00AM 43 commentsIncrease Text SizeDecrease Text SizePrintEmail Share
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A WAVE of shock resignations has rocked the Gillard Government, with the latest senior staffer to quit coming from her own office.
It is understood Ms Gillard's chief policy adviser John Whelan resigned this week to return to a private legal career.

Mr Whelan, who had been chief of staff to former NSW treasurer Michael Costa, was regarded as one of the best policy brains in the Government. But he is just the latest in an unprecedented exodus of staff to have hit the Gillard Government in recent weeks, with media and policy advisers leaving at a rate already eclipsing the evacuation under Kevin Rudd.

"You usually get this sort of thing when you lose government, not when you win," said one of the staffers to have left.

The Daily Telegraph counted at least 20 staff resignations in recent weeks, many privately citing disillusionment with the new Government.

The most critical mass departure was from the office of Health Minister Nicola Roxon, who is known to be difficult to work for. Senior staff including Owen Torpey, Mark Ward, Ruth Kearon, Laura Ryan and Katie Hall have all recently resigned.

Two senior staff also resigned from Tanya Plibersek's office - media adviser Darrin Barnett and chief of staff Michael Woodhouse.

And two have left from Warren Snowden's office - Kim Isaacs and Luke Toy.

Resignations also came from Immigration Minister Chris Bowen's office. He has lost two staff including chief of staff James Pawluk.

Industrial Relations Minister Chris Evans' media adviser Joe Scard has also resigned.

Finance Minister Penny Wong's office has also been hit with a swag of resignations.

Liberal MP Scott Morrison said the resignations were a worrying sign for the Government but said staff could not be blamed for leaving.

"From experience, they know a train wreck when they see one coming. They don't want to be part of another one," he said.

But no one left working for her:yahoo:
I seriously think this is fake news. It has not been reported on any chinese media and in western media, they always say we flew Mig-29s... we do not have a single Mig-29. they also said we flew Mig-20s... theres no such thing as a Mig-20, migs are odd numbered. even if they didn't get this wrong, theres a 4500 km distance between china and turkey with no friendly tankers along the way.
I seriously think this is fake news. It has not been reported on any chinese media and in western media, they always say we flew Mig-29s... we do not have a single Mig-29. they also said we flew Mig-20s... theres no such thing as a Mig-20, migs are odd numbered. even if they didn't get this wrong, theres a 4500 km distance between china and turkey with no friendly tankers along the way.

Sir without assessing the actual validity of the story I'd like to mention that the story has been reported on Chinese websites. It is making rounds on Tiexue right now.


This article has been quoted by Tiexue. Apparently J-11BS were sent. Highly dubious given how the J-11Bs are still some of China's top fighters right now.
I seriously think this is fake news. It has not been reported on any chinese media and in western media, they always say we flew Mig-29s... we do not have a single Mig-29. they also said we flew Mig-20s... theres no such thing as a Mig-20, migs are odd numbered. even if they didn't get this wrong, theres a 4500 km distance between china and turkey with no friendly tankers along the way.
same as the chinese made announce with russia about wwII few days ago. not major median put this on head line or even clear sign.
but the announce is a big wow for me
低调 低调 :D
Turkey has every right to choose who they wish to do their excerise.
THe US have been doing it with other countries for years.
The U.S. also supplies the Zionist entity (which is violating over 200 UN resolutions) with advanced weapons. Why is the U.S. always allowed to do this without any "objections" from anyone while Iran is always demonized for supplying Hamas and Hizbullah (the victims and freedom fighters) with arms? Surely, suppying the victims of Israeli terror and aggression and oppression makes much more sense. Anyone with half a brain and an open mind will see the hypocrisy and evil intentions of the U.S. government.
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^^^^ Thanks Erdogan

The Anatolian Eagle cancelation happened before Erdogan send a Turkish Trojan Horse towards Israel packed with his own selected few (and some activists). I must admit though, hell of move by Turkey which took the Israelis by a big surprise. It serves the Israeli government right; they should have known who they are really in bed with all these years and what they are capable of.
BTW, that had absolutely nothing to do with providing aid to poor Palestinians. It was stunt by Erdogan to not only get the Muslims worlds support (and domestic votes), but to effectively shift the center of Islam (sort of speak) from Tehran to Ankara. Palestinians now think that Turkey is going to save them from the Israelis; little do they know that Turkey, just like the Arab leaders, is only using them as cannon fodder.
I am not aware of the incident that you used as an example but I am quite sure US will have a statement or an explanation or an apology in that regards. Also your example is not relevant to question about the future of the strategic ties between USA and Turkey.

For the Palistine everyone knows the brutlity of what those people went through under Israeli occupation and its great to see Turkey standing up against any unjust just like the Jews.
Second it had civillains aboard not govnerment officials or Turkeys Crack commandoes.

I'm sorry didn't you started by saying this in bold ?

Now why would you say that....US has every right to find out why one of its important strategic ally that provides airbase for its troops transitions to Iraq and Afghanistan (not to mention all supply routes for fuel and water,etc to the war zone) has gone bunkers and now deals with Iran, China, Syria. They also not so happy how Turkey rudely kicked the Israelis out of the Anatolian exercise last year but now China is OK?
Turkey needs to do some explaining as into where they actually stand as an ally of US which shares important classified intelligence with.

I was merly making an example of the double standard played by the US. You demand Turkey to apolgies yet here is the US shooting at an Alli for no reason and your perfectly fine with that. And as for the apolgetic well they only doing for their(US) own goal so the apolgetic is pretty much useless. Afterall the US is arming Pakistan enemy.

So if my "US must apologies to Pakistan" not relevant to question about the future of the strategic ties between USA and Turkey then why bring up the issue that Turkey must apologies to the US for doing drill pratice with China ?

I know the full reason is to why you were not aware of the incident with Pakistan, its bacause you are in the wrong with Turkey and this attack by the US has cought you off guard.


It is great News to see Turkey and China working together like Omar said. Is there any chance to see an Asian version of red flag later on ?

YOu never know with great minds from these nation they might build a jetfighter
that has 4500KM range in the future. Thats how new developments happen.
When you set a goal or you think new ideas and go for it you never know you might get there.

:china: :pakistan: and turkey

//Mod could you do smiley holding the Turkish Flag too
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The reason the Chinese only brought out their old, almost-retired, and shitty Su-27s is that Turkey is a fairly new ally of China.

Maybe later they'll bring out the new stuff.
That's because South Korea is right on China's border and the US military exercise is only 500 km within Beijing.

More important is that Beijing is within the strike range of missiles and aircrafts from USS Washington in the Yellow Sea, that itself is sensitive enough.
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