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US won’t rule out military action if China establishes base in Solomon Islands

US won’t rule out military action if China establishes base in Solomon Islands​

One of the most senior US officials in the Pacific has refused to rule out military action against Solomon Islands if it were to allow China to establish a military base there, saying that the security deal between the countries presented “potential regional security implications” for the US and other allies.

Ambassador Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, was part of a high-level US delegation to the Pacific country last week.

He said the US team, which also included the National Security Council coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs, Kurt Campbell, had a 90-minute “constructive and candid” meeting with prime minister Manasseh Sogavare in which the US team detailed concerns about its recently signed security deal with China.

The rhetoric escalated in the wake of the statement, with the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, saying Australia had “the same red line” as the US when it came to China’s involvement in Solomon Islands, and defence minister Peter Dutton using his Anzac Day address on Monday to declare: “Australia should prepare for war”, claiming that China was “on a very deliberate course at the moment”.

The the genocidal anglo saxons are really something man, Since the day the war in Ukraine has started they have been saying that the notation of "sphere of influence" is an imperialist notation and it is non of Russia's business that what military alliance Ukraine can or can't join, Yet at the same time they want to invade the Solomon Islands in order to prevent them from joining a military alliance with China?! How can a genocidal anglo saxons believe in two contradictory things at the same time should be a subject of a scientific study. But again who are we kidding here, expecting the genocidal anglo saxons to behave in any other way than a double standard genocidal is like expecting fire to not be hot or ice to not be cold, i guess it is written on their dna code or something.
It's China fault not backing 100% Russia, obviously they will be the next target, dunno what's their dumb strategy is !!!
It's China fault not backing 100% Russia, obviously they will be the next target, dunno what's their dumb strategy is !!!
Maybe they're not as powerful as we believe they are. It seems like Usa is pushing Nato and its allies for a war with Russia and China. To bring them down so their allies will be the main power in Asia and Nato will be the power in Europe. Otherwise if their is peace then China and Russia will keep rising and by 2050 they will eventually become super power.
Even if the Solomon islands had any intention previously of letting China have a military base, after this threat I'm sure the Solomons are thinking "no way in hell will we invite the Chinese to have a military base or else we will be crushed by the US".
What do you think people of Solomon are, bunch of weak kneed compromised Pakistani Generals?
It's China fault not backing 100% Russia, obviously they will be the next target, dunno what's their dumb strategy is !!!
China has to consider the dumb Europeans' feeling. And so far there is no sign that Russia will lose the war.
The the genocidal anglo saxons are really something man, Since the day the war in Ukraine has started they have been saying that the notation of "sphere of influence" is an imperialist notation and it is non of Russia's business that what military alliance Ukraine can or can't join, Yet at the same time they want to invade the Solomon Islands in order to prevent them from joining a military alliance with China?! How can a genocidal anglo saxons believe in two contradictory things at the same time should be a subject of a scientific study. But again who are we kidding here, expecting the genocidal anglo saxons to behave in any other way than a double standard genocidal is like expecting fire to not be hot or ice to not be cold, i guess it is written on their dna code or something.
Might is right according to them. What role is Shanghai Cooperation organisation playing, on paper it looks like a super power alliance equal to Nato.
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I don’t get it. I don’t particularly like China or it’s authoritarian domestic and foreign policy - and for obvious reasons. But if Solomon Islands invites Chinese presence out of their own volition — I don’t see how the US can legitimately stop it or threaten either party with military action. Dammit, they have bases all over the world and the history behind some of those bases are “chequered” - to put mildly.
Russia took military actions on an immediate neighbor who intends to join an enemy bloc, US threatens to take military actions on a country which is thousands of miles away from them who merely intends to give China, which is not an open enemy to US yet, a likely naval base.
So what is the moral ground for US to criticize Russia?
US and the west are so used to bullying weaker nations and expecting weak nations to take the bullying lying down, the US and the west call it the well established "world order" or "international norm". they accuse China and Russia of challenging and disrupting this "world order".
US navy. Obviously.

But then again, Chinese Navy is built to defend Chinese territory. US Navy is built to advance US global interests. Chinese military is a defensive force. US Navy is an offensive force. Listening to western media, you might not believe it,
US and Australia can attack Solomon Islands for its intention to have a Chinese naval base, it will play right into China and Russia's hands, after their attack, what they can still say about Russia's action in Ukraine?

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