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US will watch Pakistan's choices over new Afghan policy: Jim Mattis

Afghan farmers should stop growing poppy and start growing bain cell, these chutias are their own worst enemies.
Test the ICBM for God sake. Lets prepare us for the Final Round which is approaching fast.
We should consider Twitter brigade's statements as serious threat to our national security and make it an opportunity to test whole of the inventory.
I am starting to love Kim the Warrior who has tested all of his latest and shown a finger.
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The US folks should rather watch over the choices of the Taliban!!!! Now, they have so many options!!!!!! I am pretty sure crossing over to Pak and getting into trouble isn't one of them....
He should watch us kill raw And terrorists from Afghanistan :pakistan::sniper:
USA to Pakistan

Problem's problems. Pakistan was meant to balkanised by 2015 and still it is standing. The corrupt mofo the most severe threat to Pakistan are squealing like pigs because they are caught red handed this time with no escape.

Cannot directly attack Pakistan blocking sales of military hardware means Pakistan goes elsewhere and gets it!
Cannot bring in a new political setup like zaleeldar and the pig to implode Pakistan
Cannot go too over the top in their propaganda because they need Pakistan to remain in afghanistan
Cannot find any other excuse to pressurise Pakistan as it now flips a finger in the face
Cannot loose anymore troops in afghanistan but india is not sending its to die for merica

afghanistan is like a chain attached to uncle sam's ankle that just wont break. It wont break and Pakistan wont break either.
self proclaimed policeman is watching you now
Mattis can go, and kiss his mothers behind.
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