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US warns of imminent Taliban threat to Pakistan

What are your thoughts about US interest in this region .... let say 2016-2030 .... ???
terrorism is one issue falls under the category of midterm common objectives, so its will provide common ground for the next couple of years but after that ..... ???
& sorry I don't like the fairytales of super whit human fighting for the freedom of the world against the axis of evil ....
Good questions. First off, I am not saying the "fighting for human freedom". I am speaking about the reality. Anywhere the US has been to like Saddam, etc. The country got rebuild and came on top. Look after 1991, Kuwait after what Saddam did to them, then Iraq itself, then Afghanistan. There is a lot of good that happens. ALSO note that we didn't go into Kuwait and Afghanistan because we really wanted to. The firs time, we were asked by Arabs, second time, we were attacked on 911 so we saw the threat becoming a global issue that required corrective action for our safety and for the modern world. You can't make peace or sense with someone who wants to blow themselves up. That's craziness and crazy people are unpredictable and can do anything. So to avoid and fix a long term lethal threat of AQ, we went to Afg.

Now, the US interest is simple to understand. There are two dimensions. China and India. Of course, the US interest may be with India right now. But it'll change in the next 15 years or so. The Indian have made the US drink too much of "strategic partnership" juice. But when the US and its people realize how Indians will act (or have already started to act) with more $$$$ and power, India won't care about the US. Just like the US doesn't care enough about Germany or the Japan (We'll defend them, but I am talking too much love). So once that happens, the Chinese and US relations will warm up again. Just the nature of global politics. Same thing as why Russia never sold anything to Pakistan before but now they lifted the ban on weapons. As they see their trust worthy India betraying them.

Now, in all this.....where does Pakistan lie? No where. Pakistan doesn't need to be involved with or against the Chinese and the US equation. With having trade, lobby and other sympathy to India, Pakistan doesn't come on the strategic level as India is. But, Pakistan does have critical importance. One due to its location, two terrorism and three, due to it being a nuclear state. In fact I'd put terrorism issue on the top. Which country (civilized one) wants an army of terrorist to exist that can either take out your nukes or try at least (believe me, looking at Karachi, GHQ, Mehran, this isn't an imagination though, the threat is real), or cause other countries to suffer in the shape of say destroying commercial airplanes or containers at the port of being able to hijack other airplanes or attack foreign banks, etc, etc or Western interests....
The answer is no one. NO country wants to even think about negotiating and blackmailing by Taliban and the high risk that these barbaric people would do anything (they kill innocent people to project power, and it happens a lot in Pakistan).

So Pakistan has its own place. It the country adapts policies that will abandon these terrorists and will root them out, a free modern and terrorists free Pakistan can be born again, I think with future holds a lot of progress for you in the world standing. I think that's in everyone's best interest including the US, India, etc. Even if India may be behind some of the Baluchistan stuff, they'll get to a conclusion one day that to grow their economy and Pakistani economies, peace is inevitable. But this deal India will take time.
I hear Mi-35 rotor blades

spanking some a$$ :P


if they wanted to assist, and were honest about it then why didnt they hand over a few foxhounds's,maststiffs from afghanistan
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Its all a narrative build up. If I was a Pakistani, I would be very worried. The trend is for all to see across the Muslim world in last few years.

dont worry, Pakistani forces are not as dull as other muslim countries.
Why did Pakistan oppose the anti-Taliban drone strikes by US?
You don't cross into another country and kill people there! Even if those people are criminals. Prosecuting, or killing them is the host country's job. The US refuses to understand this. Pakistan has asked the US time and time again to give us the drones, so that we can do it instead. But they'd rather march themselves in other countries with their guns blazing with impunity. They're not called arrogant for nothing.
You don't cross into another country and kill people there! Even if those people are criminals. Prosecuting, or killing them is the host country's job. The US refuses to understand this. Pakistan has asked the US time and time again to give us the drones, so that we can do it instead. But they'd rather march themselves in other countries with their guns blazing with impunity. They're not called arrogant for noting.
If you don't trust US for their actions, why should they they trust you with their hi-tech weapons?
LOL. yes. agreed.

So this way they don't trust us: so they don't give us their high-tech.
We don't trust them, so they don't get to fly in our territory.
Problemo solved! But wait...they keep bombing our territory. This is where the equation no longer holds.

The simple solution is:
We both trust each other. And so,
They trust us, so they give us the drones,
And we trust them, so we take out all targets they want us to. Simple!
So to avoid and fix a long term lethal threat of AQ, we went to Afg.

though I don't want to debate over this issue but seriously AQ went to Sudan US 'intervened' now you have broken & destabilized Sudan, US went to Iraq AQ found its route there, AQ in Syria fighting against Assad and US are supporting some anti Assad elements .... AQ in Yemen US drones are there..... I am confused AQ was more dangerous before 911 or today after 14 years of War against Terrorism..... strange don't you think ....???

Now, the US interest is simple to understand. There are two dimensions. China and India. Of course, the US interest may be with India right now. But it'll change in the next 15 years or so. The Indian have made the US drink too much of "strategic partnership" juice. But when the US and its people realize how Indians will act (or have already started to act) with more $$$$ and power, India won't care about the US. Just like the US doesn't care enough about Germany or the Japan (We'll defend them, but I am talking too much love). So once that happens, the Chinese and US relations will warm up again. Just the nature of global politics.

As you said US interest have two dimensions in this region India & China fortunately or unfortunately we are connected to both dimensions, as India is related to China in strategic balance Pakistan is related to India. I don't know how you can u ignore the effects of Indo-US strategic relations over Pakistan. It does not matter that US interest will change after 15-20 years & US will realize that India won't care about US in the future, for us 15-20 years of Indo-US relations & its repercussions on us are more important.

I think I have no need to say US thinks India & US share common interest in Afghanistan, Far-East and Pacific region. China also has interest in those regions which does not coincide with Indian & US interests especially in S. Asia.

Same thing as why Russia never sold anything to Pakistan before but now they lifted the ban on weapons. As they see their trust worthy India betraying them.

Sorry here you are mixing thing up..... currently Pak-Russian relationship based on common threat "Taliban/ Islamic Militancy" there is nothing strategic about it ‘right now’ but it 'may have future'

Now, in all this.....where does Pakistan lie? No where. Pakistan doesn't need to be involved with or against the Chinese and the US equation. With having trade, lobby and other sympathy to India, Pakistan doesn't come on the strategic level as India is.

Pakistan is laying nowhere it is at the same place where geography has placed it, it’s our curse & asset at the same time. As I said earlier Pakistan have no ‘strategic value’ from US point of view for longer term, but it has its strategic value for China and India both in the longer term, so in short no one can balance any strategic equation regarding S. Asia & Afghanistan eliminating Pakistan.

But, Pakistan does have critical importance. One due to its location, two terrorism and three, due to it being a nuclear state. In fact I'd put terrorism issue on the top. Which country (civilized one) wants an army of terrorist to exist that can either take out your nukes or try at least (believe me, looking at Karachi, GHQ, Mehran, this isn't an imagination though, the threat is real), or cause other countries to suffer in the shape of say destroying commercial airplanes or containers at the port of being able to hijack other airplanes or attack foreign banks, etc, etc or Western interests....

It’s may look like an insane query but can anyone guarantee the safety of US nuclear weapons after the attack of 911 specially after the attack on Pentagon …. ?? or can you guarantee the safety of nuclear weapons of any other nuclear state …… ‘perception & reality’ are two different things.

As far as terrorism is concern may I ask why US negotiated with Taliban?

Why even after 14 years of war Afghanistan is not a safe place …. ???

If American are unable to deal with Taliban issue successfully and failed to reduce the influence of Taliban even after 14 years and expending hundreds of billions $ how can they accept us to do the job for them, I hope you would put all the blame to Pakistan to use it as escape goat ….

Afghan Mujahedeen and Taliban were as much the children of United State as it were the children of Pakistan, this issue of terrorism was not created by Pakistan only …..

The answer is no one. NO country wants to even think about negotiating and blackmailing by Taliban and the high risk that these barbaric people would do anything (they kill innocent people to project power, and it happens a lot in Pakistan).

No Sir, once again answer is ‘no’ US tried, Karzai regime tried & under the influence of US Pakistan tried to facilitate the negotiations, let me say there was a time when Taliban was not the issue of concern for the Americans, they even tried their best to induce Taliban to be the part of US lead Afghan setup. I believe you do know why they all failed ….. it was the terms of negotiations as Taliban wanted to negotiate on their terms while other parties of the negotiations wanted their terms.

It’s the failure of US that she failed to defeat Taliban in all those years & Taliban see it as their victory that a world power with all their financial, technological and militarily might had to negotiate with them for the future of the Afghanistan.

‘Taliban favor no one, they are not in the interest of anyone, even than they exist’

So Pakistan has its own place. It the country adapts policies that will abandon these terrorists and will root them out, a free modern and terrorists free Pakistan can be born again, I think with future holds a lot of progress for you in the world standing. I think that's in everyone's best interest including the US, India, etc. Even if India may be behind some of the Baluchistan stuff, they'll get to a conclusion one day that to grow their economy and Pakistani economies, peace is inevitable. But this deal India will take time.

Sir jee, Iraq and Afghanistan are born again in ‘US ward’ but what they are now …. ??? Whole region is suffering from terrorism Pakistan alone cannot resolve it, a sincere regional effort is needed, but the problem is most of the countries and governments are part of the problem not the solution (US included)
I am confused AQ was more dangerous before 911 or today after 14 years of War against Terrorism..... strange don't you think ....???

It does not matter that US interest will change after 15-20 years & US will realize that India won't care about US in the future, for us 15-20 years of Indo-US relations & its repercussions on us are more important.

I think I have no need to say US thinks India & US share common interest in Afghanistan, Far-East and Pacific region. China also has interest in those regions which does not coincide with Indian & US interests especially in S. Asia.

Sorry here you are mixing thing up..... currently Pak-Russian relationship based on common threat "Taliban/ Islamic Militancy" there is nothing strategic about it ‘right now’ but it 'may have future'

Pakistan is laying nowhere it is at the same place where geography has placed it, it’s our curse & asset at the same time. As I said earlier Pakistan have no ‘strategic value’ from US point of view for longer term, but it has its strategic value for China and India both in the longer term, so in short no one can balance any strategic equation regarding S. Asia & Afghanistan eliminating Pakistan.

It’s may look like an insane query but can anyone guarantee the safety of US nuclear weapons after the attack of 911 specially after the attack on Pentagon …. ?? or can you guarantee the safety of nuclear weapons of any other nuclear state …… ‘perception & reality’ are two different things.

As far as terrorism is concern may I ask why US negotiated with Taliban?

Why even after 14 years of war Afghanistan is not a safe place …. ???

If American are unable to deal with Taliban issue successfully and failed to reduce the influence of Taliban even after 14 years and expending hundreds of billions $ how can they accept us to do the job for them, I hope you would put all the blame to Pakistan to use it as escape goat ….

Afghan Mujahedeen and Taliban were as much the children of United State as it were the children of Pakistan, this issue of terrorism was not created by Pakistan only …..

It’s the failure of US that she failed to defeat Taliban in all those years & Taliban see it as their victory that a world power with all their financial, technological and militarily might had to negotiate with them for the future of the Afghanistan.

‘Taliban favor no one, they are not in the interest of anyone, even than they exist’

Sir jee, Iraq and Afghanistan are born again in ‘US ward’ but what they are now …. ??? Whole region is suffering from terrorism Pakistan alone cannot resolve it, a sincere regional effort is needed, but the problem is most of the countries and governments are part of the problem not the solution (US included)

You have some points I'd like to respond to. I don't have the time to quote each of them but let's try:
1) The US SAW AQ being a huge global threat and thus the involvement. No one can or will eliminate ideology bases organization. The US or anyone doesn't have the ability to find EVERY single terrorist on the planet and punish him. However, has the AQ strength weakened so much that it's not in a strong capacity to stage any critical attacks and its financial network from the west took a plunge due to the focus on terrorism? Yes. Absolutely. Due to American involvement and focus on terrorists entire process from financial support network to the training camps, AQ today is nowhere where it could've been had there been no 911. 911 resulted in destruction of AQ's strike capability on a global scale. At this point, you have decentralized command and fractions all trying to do terrorism on the local level and won't gain strength again as the US and its partners are keeping an eye on things.

2) You should be worried about any interest change towards Pakistan from anyone. You should ALSO keep a healthy relationship with the US and others, outside of India, China, etc, etc. You have a country and you should watch for your mutual interests with others that help your country's growth in a positive manner.

3) Asia-Pacific, shouldn't be Pakistan's concern beyond verbal support for the Chinese as you've done it for decades. You guys have a huge house to fix and you have 200 million people who need a better future. Asia-Pacific involved India, China, Japan, the US and others. Much bigger scope than Pakistan so you take care of your home and get that strengthened first, both financially and security's standpoint.

4) Pakistan shouldn't be "laying" anywhere. You, the People should be able to keep it on the move. SO make new friends, ventures, relationships or strengthen the weakened ones. My expensive car parked in my garage doesn't help me with anything in the long run. In fact, if I don't drive it or take care of it, it'll have problems and it'll get old, resulting in financial loss. Similarly, using Pakistan's location as a gift or a liability and not trying to do anything to change things in a way that help 200 million people to have a better life...doesn't do anything for anyone. However, using your location and relationships as an advantage and reaching out to others, will result in business, investments, etc, etc as others will see the location and would want to invest in it for a better return.

5) Accidents can happen anywhere. But relatively speaking, yes, there should be a lot of people who'd guarantee the US nukes. We've had them before the birth of your country man.........and an attack on any place doesn't mean anything with regards to the nukes anyone else has. No other country had around AQ 200-300 K terrorists hanging out at will in the neighborhood but Pakistan. Grasp reality please? Or read up on Karachi airport attack literally two days ago....?? May answer your question and the real threat you face.

6) Weakening and elimination are two different things. The US's goal wasn't to kill every single AQ member, nor can we guess who'll become a AQ terrorist one day. The goal was to eliminate the capability to spread terrorism to other places. Look at how many got killed and how many leaders were captured and killed. The intensity is reduced by 70% in my opinion. Similarly, winning and losing it subjective. The US won the war in Afghanistan because is disseminated the AQ leadership and destroyed AQ's ability to attack globally. We consider it win because we achieved our goals. We weren't there to stop every terrorist from firing a bullet. So people who say the US "lost" probably don't know anything about warfare. In 1971, did India win because it took over the entire Pakistan and every single Pakistani was captured? Or, it achieved its objectives and cut Pakistan into two....?? The win is ALWAYS related to achieving military objectives.
7) Yes, you are right. Talibans do not favor anyone. Something we've been trying to tell your military since 2001 !!!! A terrorists is a terrorists based on any ideology or religion. Their goal is to seek power and disrupt normal human life by spreading fear and death. You guys miscalculated the threat and you are now paying the price. These talibastards are attention whor*s and will do anything to grab attention and spread fear by making common citizens suffer, whether that be on 911, or two days ago in Karachi. So take decisive action, clean up this mess once and for all, and keep presence in the FATA area. It'll be a hard battle but the benefits of it will result in a stronger, more peaceful, violent free and economically growing Pakistan. When you are stable and have money sitting around, you automatically build a stronger military to project power and take more responsibility on the world stage. That's what I'd like to see happen in Pakistan's case
When will USA gift us democracy? They all ready did to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia and Philippines.
Do you have oil? If not what right do you have to ask for democracy
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