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US wants India to step up training of Afghan army

Will India do it for any country? No. Simply because there India finds a sort of interest to heat up the Pakistani boarders with Afghanistan. Infiltration in Balochistan is through the way of Afghanistan without any doubt and thats why you are investing a hell of amount there in the country of ruins.

Same is with India. All you want is a stronghold to the west of Pakistan to put your pressure on. We can't stay unaware from the situation going on in a country whose borders are joining ours. What is the matter with India? Why multiple counselots and nearly one in each city? India has nothing to do with Afghanistan directly? Pakistan has. So its you who is poking nose in other's affairs.

We bombed your embassies? Did the angel of death brought this news to you? Or the departed Indian spies??? Grow up we have given most sacrifices in the war against terrorism and still you ain't see it.

Lets see what becomes. If thats so I am certain that the training of Pakistan Army is without doubts and therefore If India is to train Afghan troops, they will certianly are bound to defeat ;). Future will tell.

I am ain't a you did-you did-you did person but you forced me to be. And I am this just for you and not for any sensible Indian.

KIT Over

simple answer why wouldn't we do that???:devil: you make it on your western border like you did in ours??:mod:

ya if you create freedom fighters then why we don't:yahoo::yahoo:
simple answer why wouldn't we do that???:devil: you make it on your western border like you did in ours??:mod:

ya if you create freedom fighters then why we don't:yahoo::yahoo:

No need buddy, Like zardari accepted that Pakistan created taliban, and also says that India is funding Taliban to turn against them, So Let them create freedom fighters, History will repeat here again... better give them good training, We dont fund bad Fighters...:cheers:
Let me get it straight. It should have been the right of Pakistan to train Afghan troops but if they can not than India should also not trian them for the same objections will also be raised which would have if Pakistan was to do so.

I prefer US or NATO might train them themselves for if any of the two neighbours did so, than the ongoing lame and weak efforts for peace will die natural death.

KIT Over

:rofl:"your right":rofl: .......you guys have already trained the afgans in the past and they ended up creating a mess around the world.....so let india do it this time.....and you are not the authority to decire on who trains who......the afgan govt asked us and we are doing the traing so just take a pill and get on with it!
so let india do it this time.....and you are not the authority to decire on who trains who......the afgan govt asked us and we are doing the traing so just take a pill and get on with it!

India is most welcomed to train Afghans .. My best wishes for the IA efforts in training Afghans ..
can someone please post simillar news from any other source except the Indian media ..! Will be most welcomed ..!

can someone please post simillar news from any other source except the Indian media ..! Will be most welcomed ..!


The United States and Britain are exploring ways to boost India’s role in Afghanistan, including a controversial proposal for it to train the Afghan National Police (ANP), The Times has learnt.

Richard Holbrooke, the US envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, was expected to discuss that and other ideas when he began a visit to India yesterday, his first in almost a year.

Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, also arrives in Delhi today to discuss issues including expanding co-operation in Afghanistan and boosting US arms sales to India.

The two visits follow a low-profile trip to Delhi last week by Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, the British “Afpak” envoy, who discussed the ANP training proposal with officials.

The diplomatic activity reflects a growing desire on all three sides to boost co-operation on regional security, despite differences over Pakistan, a close US ally that is India’s arch enemy. India fiercely resisted being included in Mr Holbrooke’s formal brief last year, and rejected his attempts to raise the issue of Kashmir, which is claimed by India and Pakistan and seen by some as a root cause of regional instability.

Now, however, India appears to want to play a more active role in Afghanistan largely because it fears that Pakistan will engineer a Taleban takeover when foreign troops leave.

“We’ve spent quite a lot of time now talking with the Americans,” M. K. Narayanan, India’s National Security Adviser, told The Times. “We’re involved in infrastructure, we’re involved in building roads and electricity and we’re willing to do even more.”

India also wants to offset the growing influence of its newer rival, China, which is developing a huge copper mine south of Kabul and plans to build a railway across Afghanistan. The US hopes that India, which has already contributed more than $1 billion in aid to Afghanistan, can use its growing economic, political and military clout to act as a democratic bulwark in the region.

But any expansion of India’s influence in Afghanistan risks antagonising Pakistan, which accuses Delhi of using its consulates there to support separatist movements in Pakistan.

The US Embassy declined to give any details about Mr Holbrooke’s visit, or Mr Gates’s, but Mr Narayanan said that the Americans were exploring ways for India to contribute more in Afghanistan — possibly by training the 82,000-strong ANP, which Germany has been handling since 2002.

“We have the best institution for training the civilian police, and the paramilitary to some extent . . . if you want a civilian police with a little bit of strength to the elbow,” Mr Narayanan said.

Military News - Britain and US consider asking India to train Afghan National Police
IF that happens , it would be really bad for india. Because Pakistan will support anti indian groups over there. So it would effect the peace process in afghanistan. I am a staunch opposer of this whole plan.


will, pakistan has been asked/want to train afghan police, it will be good if india train the army/police. afterall afghanistan will benefit from both programmes(pakistan and india).
Why Pakistan does not want Indian involvement in Afghanistan ????

I think Pakistan thinks their is a 'cruel intention' of India in the Afghanistan ....

& they are wrong...India want to boost up the growth & security of Afghanistan

Because Pakistan will support anti indian groups over there. So it would effect the peace process in afghanistan.

So you agree that Pakistan supports anti-Indian activities ?
I think Afghans need a decent National army which can keep the country together. A 300000 to 500000 army which os loyal only to afghanistan and not any warlord/ tribal grouping backed by good logistics and air force is the key to Afghan stability. India can help create such a force. The reason why afghans despite being such good soldier material have always had their ***** whipped is b'coz they have never been allowed a decent army.
I wouldn't trust some India trained troops to be capable of fighting anything haha. Didn't the terrorist outkill the Indian' police in Bombay?
I wouldn't trust some India trained troops to be capable of fighting anything haha. Didn't the terrorist outkill the Indian' police in Bombay?

Ahmnnn, The police cannot open fire on terrorists when there are 1000's of innoscent people running for there lives, And Even then managed to capture a terrorist alive...
I wouldn't trust some India trained troops to be capable of fighting anything haha. Didn't the terrorist outkill the Indian' police in Bombay?

dude.. show me a few terrorist attacks around the world where the security forces outkill the terrorist. The basis of terrorism is guerilla warfare where they chose the battleground to maximize collateral damage. See what's happeneing in Pakistan. One idiot kills himself and takes another 20 or so civilians and police personnel with him
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