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US wants four ex-ISI officials declared terrorists

Hamid Gul is a great guy....we need more like him.:pakistan:

Is he a personal friend of yours? Why don't you invite him to join the forum? Maybe he would chat with us and tell us what he is really up to? Set us straight. (or, is he already here using a nom de guerre? )
I think, sooner rather than later, Hamid Gul and his sympathisers would be made into a CIA/RAW/MOSSAD target. If you play with fire, you are bound to get burnt !! Good luck guys:usflag:

CIA, RAW and MOSSAD are all terrorist organisations, the world cannot afford to be frightened of terrorists because the consequence is too disastrous.
I somewhat agree.He should shut the **** up instead of giving interviews and talking about jihad

I think moron like you should shut the **** up for you have a very limited intelligence. You have a tendency to sell yourself like prostitutes in a brothel. If your friends at Langley have not told you let me tell you, it is not at all dignified attitude for a human being to behave like a slave.
i guss, the real problum here is that, most of these retried militry officers, has nothing to do & they feel useless, that is the reason thats why they keep putting thier fingers , even in the matters ,which they shouldnt needed to be .

hamid gul's problum is that still , he is pretending to protect pakistani state by doing crazy stunts like , the movement against MUSHARAF!
he also have a crazy dream that, he is the best person for the presidentship of pakistan, but he also knows that there is no way for him , to have a seat in the president house, so he act's like a stupid!:angry::crazy:
I think moron like you should shut the **** up for you have a very limited intelligence. You have a tendency to sell yourself like prostitutes in a brothel. If your friends at Langley have not told you let me tell you, it is not at all dignified attitude for a human being to behave like a slave.
T-Rex, you've been here for sometime. You should know this sort of a post, is well worthy of getting one banned. I'd suggest you weigh your words very carefully the next time you post.
Former Pakistani Official Denies Links to Lashkar

By Candace Rondeaux
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, December 9, 2008; Page A12

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Dec. 8 -- A former high-ranking Pakistani intelligence official denied allegations Monday that he had given advice and support to a Pakistani militant group linked to the attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai late last month.

Retired Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, former director of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, first surfaced in connection with the armed Islamist group Lashkar-i-Taiba over the weekend when a high-ranking Pakistani government official said India is seeking Gul's arrest along with several other Pakistanis. The Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities, said Gul was not suspected of having a direct role in the Mumbai attacks but was considered a political patron of Lashkar.

The Pakistani official acknowledged that Gul is widely viewed as the "godfather" of a Pakistani policy that used guerrilla groups such as Lashkar as proxies in the conflict with India over the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir.:angry::agree: But the official said Pakistan declined to hand over Gul because he has no role in setting the operational agenda of Lashkar or other organizations within Pakistan. Reached at his home in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi on Monday, Gul said he was aware of the allegations but dismissed them as an effort to "malign" him.

"There seems to be an orchestrated campaign to somehow get me," he said.

Gul, 71, has acknowledged that he once was a member of a group of retired ISI officers, Pakistani scientists and others that was suspected by the United States of giving material support to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Gul said the organization, Ummah Tameer-e-Nau, was formed by a group of Pakistani businessmen to aid war-ravaged industries in Afghanistan.

The U.S. Treasury Department declared Ummah Tameer-e-Nau a terrorist group after a search of the group's offices in the Afghan capital, Kabul, unearthed documents referencing plans to kidnap a U.S. diplomat and outlining basic physics related to nuclear weapons.

Gul said he had recently been informed by a senior official in Pakistan's Foreign Ministry that he had been placed on a U.S. watch list of global terrorists, along with several others. He said that he was shown a U.S. document that detailed several charges against him, including allegations that he had ties to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Indian and U.S. officials say Gul, who served as an army tank commander before he was named director of the ISI in 1987, has maintained strong ties to Lashkar and has played an advisory role in several recent attacks.

An Indian intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Gul, who retired after serving as head of the ISI for two years, has been placed on a U.S. terrorist watch list because of his alleged ties to Lashkar. The Indian intelligence official said Gul is a "close adviser" of the group and regularly attends Lashkar meetings. "As recent as this November, he attended their congregation at Muridke and Pattoki. He addresses their gatherings and also defends the Lashkar at every forum. He is considered a guide by Lashkar," the Indian intelligence official said.

But the official also said that no direct link has been made between Gul and the Mumbai attacks and that investigators believe ISI officers allegedly connected to the attacks are still actively working for the Pakistani intelligence agency. "A person who helped organize this attack in Mumbai is definitely a serving ISI officer, not retired," the Indian intelligence official said. Pakistan has denied that allegation. :crazy:
Gul, self-confident, well educated, outspoken and always impeccably dressed, worked closely with the CIA and Saudi intelligence agencies to support and train Afghan resistance groups fighting Soviet forces in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Gul eventually turned against the United States after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989.

Gul said he believes U.S. officials are targeting him because he has publicly expressed his political support for Taliban and Afghan rebel groups who are fighting U.S.-led coalition troops in Afghanistan. He said his brief meetings with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the early 1990s and his call for a reinvestigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks also have attracted attention.

"I simply fail to understand what all the hullabaloo is about. It's simply because I speak loudly about the fact that 9/11 was a bloody hoax," Gul said. "It was an inside job." :undecided:
Gul won't be handed over to US: Gilani

Pakistan on Wednesday ruled out handing over former ISI chief Lt Gen (Retd) Hamid Gul to the US, which wants to get his name included in the UN list of individuals and organisations having terror links.

If any action is to be taken against Gul, it will be done under the Pakistani law, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told reporters in his hometown of Multan.

"Soon after our government was formed, a resolution was moved in the Security Council (for inclusion of Gul in the UN list for his alleged links with Al-Qaeda and Taliban) but we got it put on hold," he said.

Gul is a Pakistani citizen and he would not be handed over to the US, Gilani said. The resolution was never discussed and further steps would be taken by Pakistan if it was "no longer on hold", he added.

Gul, who served as the chief of the ISI during 1987-89, has offered to "present himself for inquisition" before a UN commission to clear himself of charges that he has links to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Reports in Islamabad have said the US plans to send the names of Gul and three other Pakistanis, all said to be former top officers of the ISI, as well as some Pakistan-based terror groups to the UN Security Council for imposing sanctions against them for alleged links to terror activities.

Gul has said that he learnt about a purported US document in this regard from a journalist.

He has dismissed as a "pack of lies" the US charge of him having links with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and asked the Pakistan government to defend him.

If Gul's name is included in the UN's sanctions list, it would lead to freezing of his assets.
Gul won't be handed over to US: Gilani- Hindustan Times
wait, you serious?

Hamid gul can see the bigger picture of what the west is trying to do to pakistan.....you cant.
Any pakistani that takes a pro pakistan postion first and calls a "spade a spade" is looked down on.
No matter what you do to please the US ,it will never be happy.......cut your loss's and move on.
Is he a personal friend of yours? Why don't you invite him to join the forum? Maybe he would chat with us and tell us what he is really up to? Set us straight. (or, is he already here using a nom de guerre? )

Let me guess.....if hamid gul was pro US you would think he was a great guy and there would be no need to call for him to be arrested?

Its people like Hamid gul that make pakistan great.:pakistan:
Guys one big difference between CIA/RAW/Mossad and ISI is former three organizations create elements of their interest outside their country, CIA and RAW are not allowed to operate in US and India whereas ISI is creating elements inside its own country. You guys have to realize that people like Hamid Gul support elements who do suicide bombings in PAK. Terrorist who operate in Kashmir share intellectual and infrastructural network with elements in Tribal areas. All such elements should be eliminated. Government is weak and needs popular support of its people for elimination of these elements. Hamid Gul is not working pro Pakistan, he is just working anti Indian and anti US and you need to see the difference between these approaches. You need to eliminate these people for your growth and well-being not for Indian, US interest.
Guys one big difference between CIA/RAW/Mossad and ISI is former three organizations create elements of their interest outside their country, CIA and RAW are not allowed to operate in US and India whereas ISI is creating elements inside its own country. You guys have to realize that people like Hamid Gul support elements who do suicide bombings in PAK. Terrorist who operate in Kashmir share intellectual and infrastructural network with elements in Tribal areas. All such elements should be eliminated. Government is weak and needs popular support of its people for elimination of these elements. Hamid Gul is not working pro Pakistan, he is just working anti Indian and anti US and you need to see the difference between these approaches. You need to eliminate these people for your growth and well-being not for Indian, US interest.

These people only started multiplying after India's terrorist operation in East Pakistan in the late 60's and early 70's. What goes around comes around. Gul and Kashmiri groups are supported by 99% of Pakistani's.
These people only started multiplying after India's terrorist operation in East Pakistan in the late 60's and early 70's. What goes around comes around. Gul and Kashmiri groups are supported by 99% of Pakistani's.

The reason of their creation is not important but cant 99% of the people of Pakistan see that they are harming their own country. Which country allows non-state elements to operate from their land. Saudi and China might support them but dont allow such elements on their land. India, US, Mossad, UK might create such elements but not on their own land.

As you said what goes around comes around, today Pak is creating a ditch for others sooner or later it might fall in the same ditch.
Guys one big difference between CIA/RAW/Mossad and ISI is former three organizations create elements of their interest outside their country, CIA and RAW are not allowed to operate in US and India whereas ISI is creating elements inside its own country. You guys have to realize that people like Hamid Gul support elements who do suicide bombings in PAK. Terrorist who operate in Kashmir share intellectual and infrastructural network with elements in Tribal areas. All such elements should be eliminated. Government is weak and needs popular support of its people for elimination of these elements. Hamid Gul is not working pro Pakistan, he is just working anti Indian and anti US and you need to see the difference between these approaches. You need to eliminate these people for your growth and well-being not for Indian, US interest.

Yeah, you're right, CIA, RAW and MOSSAD commit terrorism outside their own countries, matter of fact, the network of the former two span the entire world, so they are absolved from their crimes. Those who defend these terrorist organisations are also terrorists. As you mentioned, what goes around comes around.
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