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US virologists synthesize infectious SARS-like coronavirus in 2008: PNAS


Dec 3, 2013
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US virologists synthesize infectious SARS-like coronavirus in 2008: PNAS
Updated: Aug 7, 2021

BEIJING -- A group of US virologists reported "the design, synthesis, and recovery of the largest synthetic replicating life form," a 29.7-kb bat SARS-like coronavirus in an article published in the US scientific journal PNAS as early as October 2008.

The article reported the creation in laboratory of the coronavirus, which was not only infectious in mice, but also in human airway epithelial cell cultures.

Researchers have the ability to design and synthesize various SARS-like coronaviruses, said Ralph Baric, professor at the University of North Carolina and leading author of the article published in the scientific journal PNAS.

Since 1983, Baric has published over 400 papers in his own name or as an instructor, including 268 papers on coronavirus. He has been exploring the analysis, manipulation and creation of coronavirus, and recombining, cloning, modifying and transforming different viruses for more than 30 years, according to a report by China's Science and Technology Daily on Thursday.

Insufficient fund had been the biggest headache of Baric in his study of coronavirus until the outbreak of SARS in 2003, which proved to the world the lethality of coronavirus and the tremendous damage coronavirus could inflict on humanity.

In 2006, after an unknown number of generations of targeted culture of viruses by Baric's team, a mutation that can successfully cause rapid death in mice appeared, and this new virus can infect humans and lead to pneumonia and higher mortality.

In a report, he warned that the technology of synthesizing virus sequences has the potential to be used to make biological weapons of mass destruction. However, his warning was seen as an advertisement by warmongers.

The Fort Detrick lab researchers were among the inventors of many of Baric's granted patents. This practice is more conducive to covert patent sharing, so that the staff of the lab will no longer have to pay patent fees for virus preparation in the future.

The article described Baric's creation of coronavirus with an aim to respond to health emergencies as "confusing."
Nearly all of the vaccine patents that make up Moderna's mRNA covid-19 vaccine were filed before December 2019. How is this possible? How did Moderna know there would be a coronavirus outbreak? Why were they already working on a vaccine for Covid-19 before Covid-19 officially existed? This is from Moderna's official website regarding the 7 patents that make up their mRNA Covid-19 vaccine:


Click on all 7 patents and look at the filing date for each patent (on the left side). Ignore the date of when the patent was awarded (top right), what's important is the date when the patent was filed. In 6 of the patents, the filing dates were long before December 2019, which is when the new Covid-19 virus suddenly emerged (or so we're told). Only one of the patents (the second on the list) shows a filing date after Dec. 2019, showing of Feb 28, 2020. Anyone care to explain what is going on? The patent on the Kung Flu 1984 was made years prior to that.

Patents | Moderna, Inc. (modernatx.com)

Read more: https://www.city-data.com/forum/pol...odernas-covid-19-vaccine-patents-were-17.html
Nearly all of the vaccine patents that make up Moderna's mRNA covid-19 vaccine were filed before December 2019. How is this possible? How did Moderna know there would be a coronavirus outbreak? Why were they already working on a vaccine for Covid-19 before Covid-19 officially existed? This is from Moderna's official website regarding the 7 patents that make up their mRNA Covid-19 vaccine:


Click on all 7 patents and look at the filing date for each patent (on the left side). Ignore the date of when the patent was awarded (top right), what's important is the date when the patent was filed. In 6 of the patents, the filing dates were long before December 2019, which is when the new Covid-19 virus suddenly emerged (or so we're told). Only one of the patents (the second on the list) shows a filing date after Dec. 2019, showing of Feb 28, 2020. Anyone care to explain what is going on? The patent on the Kung Flu 1984 was made years prior to that.

Patents | Moderna, Inc. (modernatx.com)

Read more: https://www.city-data.com/forum/pol...odernas-covid-19-vaccine-patents-were-17.html

These patents before 2019 are non-specific to Covid19.

That's like saying China's PPE patents for KN95 masks before 2019 are a tipoff to Covid19.
These patents before 2019 are non-specific to Covid19.

That's like saying China's PPE patents for KN95 masks before 2019 are a tipoff to Covid19.

Please do not compare orange and apple.
KN95 is not made for Covid vaccine just a general mask can be used for many other application.
Incorrect comparison.

The big pharma in US has no feeling towards a human lives. They make the virus and the vaccines.
Please do not compare orange and apple.
KN95 is not made for Covid vaccine just a general mask can be used for many other application.
Incorrect comparison.

The big pharma in US has no feeling towards a human lives. They make the virus and the vaccines.

So why do you think those Moderna patents only apply to Covid19?
You think that company only exists because of Covid19 and all MRNA patents should point to it?
MRNA research has been around much longer.
So why do you think those Moderna patents only apply to Covid19?
You think that company only exists because of Covid19 and all MRNA patents should point to it?
MRNA research has been around much longer.

Has anyone got injected with mRNA vaccines for any other diseases? Answer NO.
US has been pushing for vaccine to be used for years but they failed. Answer Yes
Using the Covid 19 pandemic they finally manage to make it through. Answer Yes

US (Dr Fauci and gang) manufactured the virus and the vaccines to turn the Big Pharma and (Dr Fauci and gang) richer by making many billion people suffered. The only country that would make others sufferring is US for their own selfish interested regardless of human lives.

See US is sending B52 bomber to bomb Afghanistan again- killing not only Taliban but normal innocents Afghanistan people that has done nothing wrong but to live a normal live. Barbaric.
So why do you think those Moderna patents only apply to Covid19?
You think that company only exists because of Covid19 and all MRNA patents should point to it?
MRNA research has been around much longer.
US don't understand that money cannot buy everything. An innocent live lost can US raised the death? And in this world not everyone would like US system? Plutocracy only the rich getting richer. A small group of people 1% wanting to determine the fate of the entire world? Using their wealth to make virus that killed innocent people. Evil.
US don't understand that money cannot buy everything. An innocent live lost can US raised the death? And in this world not everyone would like US system? Plutocracy only the rich getting richer.

At least our "Plutocracy" has been exporting vaccines that have been saving lives around the world for over 100 years while others spent their days in the paddy fields walking in oxen muck claiming they are the ones helping the diseased of the world by having a "better system" which is to do absolutely nothing.
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huckyang is rather naive, and somewhat stupid to focus on mRNA stuff.

The key focus, and the most likely breakout of this case, should always be on our good old dear Professor Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, he has been designing and developing the so-called "Gain of Function" (a.k.a weaponization of virus) of CoronaVirus since 2008, and he actually openly claimed it is possible to create man-modified virus that could very well passed as natural evolution: “You can create a virus without leaving a trace.", you know, his own words, not mine.

Our dear Prof. Baric is most likely the creator and father of COVID-19, so the virus should be named as BaricVirus-2019 to honor his enormous effects and contribution, hope he would still be alived in court, when the US feel the heat he could very well end up being like Professor Plummer you know.

(6) Professor Baric from the US, received funds from Fort Detrick, developing weaponized Coronavirus since 2008 | Pakistan Defence
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US has been pushing for vaccine to be used for years but they failed. Answer Yes
Using the Covid 19 pandemic they finally manage to make it through. Answer Yes

US (Dr Fauci and gang) manufactured the virus and the vaccines to turn the Big Pharma and (Dr Fauci and gang) richer by making many billion people suffered. The only country that would make others sufferring is US for their own selfish interested regardless of human lives.

See US is sending B52 bomber to bomb Afghanistan again- killing not only Taliban but normal innocents Afghanistan people that has done nothing wrong but to live a normal live. Barbaric.

That's the dumbest logic ever. Besides are you saying non-MRNA vaccines are completely USELESS against Covid and the only vaccines that can save the world are the German and US MRNA vaccines?

So China has been deceiving the World with their non-MRNA vaccines and this was part of some grande plan??
Our dear Prof. Baric is most likely the creator and father of COVID-19, so the virus should be named as BaricVirus-2019 to honor his enormous effects and contribution, hope he would still be alived in court, when the US feel the heat he could very well end up being like Professor Plummer you know.

(6) Professor Baric from the US, received funds from Fort Detrick, developing weaponized Coronavirus since 2008 | Pakistan Defence

Even trumps favourite tv news station agrees this was from North Carolina Labs, although the news outlet did not have the evidence then that this went as far back as 2008:

One America News continues on and proves that China was set up with research on this line from North Carolina - as Rand Paul points out with Washington funding, to set up China with the weapon to blame China. Which means this outbreak is another one of these:

And another one of these:

Italy had cases before China. usa had cases before China. Further proving China was set up.

The goal is a looting operation or Versailles Treaty on China.

So the usa started research on bat virUSes in the usa to make them transmissible, contagious and deadly to humans, in order to prevent a future outbreak of these virUSes which were no threat to humans. Then funded this research in China too to blame China.

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.

How obvious is it that this bioweapon from North Carolina is the Washington tool to stop the rise of China.
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