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US vacates checkposts ahead of SWA operation


Mar 13, 2009
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On whose side is US anyway?

Monday, October 19, 2009
US vacates checkposts ahead of SWA operation

By Qudssia Akhlaque

ISLAMABAD: The US-led Nato forces vacated more than half a dozen key security checkposts on the Afghan side of the Pak-Afghan border just ahead of the major Pakistan Army ground offensive (code named: Rahe Nijaat) against Taliban-led militants in the volatile tribal area of South Waziristan, it is learnt.

It is feared that the American decision will facilitate Afghan Taliban in crossing over to Pakistan and support militants in striking back at the Pakistani security forces in the troubled tribal area.

Sources close to the NWFP government and military strategists involved in the planning of S Waziristan operation told The News over the weekend that the Americans vacated eight security checkposts on the Afghan side of the border just five days before the Army operation. Four of these close to South Waziristan including one each at Zambali and at Nurkha, and four in the north in the area of Nuristan where American forces recently came under violent attacks by the militants.

Latest reports indicate that the Americans have also removed some posts close to North Waziristan, which could encourage even more Afghan Taliban fighters to cross over to the Pakistan side. This has raised many eyebrows in government and military circles with points being made about “conflicting interests” and dubious American designs.

The NWFP government, civilian and military officials in the provincial capital have been astonished by this move and more so intrigued by its timing. Alarmed and concerned about its likely adverse affect on the military operation in S Waziristan where the Pakistani troops reportedly comprising 28,000 soldiers are expected to face fierce resistance from the heavily armed Taliban-led militants, the NWFP government recently alerted the relevant authorities in Islamabad about it.

Pakistan has now taken up this matter with the Americans and conveyed its serious concern about vacating the checkposts at this crucial juncture. Notably the security checkposts on the Afghan side of the border are already almost a third of what Pakistan has on its side.

Recent communication intercepts by Pakistani intelligence outfits have revealed that Taliban commander in Nuristan Qari Ziaur Rehman has invited TTP leader Maulvi Faqir Mohammad, former deputy of late Baitullah Mehsud, to come to Nuristan and operate from there if he finds space in Wazristan shrinking.

Experts believe the American move of vacating security checkposts on the Afghan side close to Pakistan’s border could undermine the military action by Pakistan Army. While on one hand it could offer an easy escape route to some militants, it is believed that this would facilitate movement of Afghan Taliban into Pakistan side to join hands with the al-Qaeda-backed local Taliban and other locals as well as foreign militant groups against the military action there.

Some observers see it as a tactical move by the US to ward off pressure from its own forces in Afghanistan that have been under severe attacks by the Afghan Taliban. Hence they want to provide them unhindered passage to Pakistan side, as it would help shift the main theatre of war from Afghanistan to inside Pakistan. Americans themselves have been saying that 70 per cent of area in Afghanistan is out of their control.

The Pakistani Tabiban in S Waziristan backed by al-Qaeda are joined by a large number of foreign militants including a battalion of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens and Arab fighters. According to military sources the toughest resistance is expected from an estimated 1,500 battle-hardened Uzbek fighters, equipped with highly sophisticated weapons. “The Uzbek fighters face a do or die situation with the all-out army action in the hostile mountainous area,” a senior government representative maintained.

The uninterrupted flow of sophisticated arms and funding to the foreign militants in S Waziristan has also lured many criminals to join hands with them in challenging the writ of the state, defence experts say. The presence of various foreign and local militants in the rugged terrain of South Waziristan is estimated at between 15,000 and 20,000.

Officials in the military and civil bureaucracy are cautiously optimistic about the outcome of the operation. “Either these militants will run to Afghanistan, settled areas or stand and fight to the end,” is how one key NWFP government representative summed it up.

A seemingly more realistic view from a key office holder in Peshawar is: “We are half way in containing insurgency and hopefully by end of the year major military operations will be over and 2010 will be the year of consolidating the gains made in recovering the lost ground.”

Whatever the outcome, observers believe that operation in the Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan became inevitable. “It became imperative to go for a military operation in South Waziristan to regain the lost space that has been used as training ground for planning and executing attacks targeting key security installations of Pakistan including the GHQ,” the Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said earlier shortly after the launch of the operation.

Despite several attempts on Sunday The News was unable to get an official version from the Pakistan Army Spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas on this alarming development. However, when the US Embassy Spokesman Richard Snelsire was contacted by this correspondent and his attention was drawn to the question of vacated checkposts he remained non-committal. When a confirmation was sought and he was asked what had prompted this move, Snelsire said he had no clue about it. “I do not have information on that, and that is outside our purview,” he noted, adding that he had not seen any reporting on that.

On whose side is US anyway?
This war is actually an indirect war between Pakistan and America!

Its time to change the game and play our hand wisely , the US is using a mercinary force against us and we need to call them out on this , in their faces
You know S-2 has been saying on this forum and WAB that 'Pakistan should declare open war on America' wellllllll ............. maybe we should!
These scum bags have double crossed us yet again , when will we learn

United States is the biggest threat to Pakistan.
On whose side is US anyway?
Before this, we should ask the question "On whose side are Pakistanis anyway?". Have you noticed how un-noticed your useful post has gone? So there you have the answer to your question. We have to fix ourselves first before complaining about those who are our known and sworn enemies (as per Quran).

You know S-2 has been saying on this forum and WAB that 'Pakistan should declare open war on America' wellllllll ............. maybe we should!
First we must declare an open war against the American-mental-slaves, the ruling elite class of Pakistan. We have to get rid of this fiiilth otherwise we will never be able to get ourselves and our country free from the foreign colonialism. We need a bloody revolution and there is no other way.
The American-mental-slaves and the ruling elite will lay naked in case of open war between US and Pakistan. They will look like traitors if they apear to be siding with the US so openly should the US choose to attack us in the open. Public rage will bring them down like a house of cards!

I know this sounds outlandish but were it happen that the US openly attacks Pakistan. Im telling you that is just the the 'ingredient' we need.
Its abundantly clear why US/NATO forces were not in favour of mining and fencing the border the plan all along was to try and entangle the Pakistan Army in a sh!thole like they are in Afghanistan and see Pak Army take casualties in the hope that is weakens one of the best armies in the Muslim world.

we need to pay back the americans win the same coin , I sincerly hope that we do

Werent the americans accusing us that millitiants are coming into Afghanistan from Pakistan.

By abandoning the posts what the F U C K these turds are hoping for!

Bloody spineless cowards!
Lets not jump the gun everyone and wait and see how this thing plays out in the next few days and weeks. Remember all the discouraging reports during operation rah-e-raast? I don't think PA is that naive that it won't take into consideration afghan talibs supporting TTP or Americans vacating their positions, this operation has taken PA months to prepare, I'm sure these hurdles will be taken care of.
Bro this is not news ... real news is Islamabad has ceased funds for law and order in NWFP. Rs. 6 billion approved for enhancing law and order in NWFP are never given to province as per information minister Kaira.

Now even a blind can see who is systematically destroying Pakistan on same scale as Yugoslavia was destroyed.

On one hand US is doing anything and everything to protect TTP and on other hand its ally govt. is destroying law and order in NWFP like it happened in former Yugoslavia. Common figure on both places is: Richard Hallboruk.
Lets not jump the gun everyone and wait and see how this thing plays out in the next few days and weeks. Remember all the discouraging reports during operation rah-e-raast? I don't think PA is that naive that it won't take into consideration afghan talibs supporting TTP or Americans vacating their positions, this operation has taken PA months to prepare, I'm sure these hurdles will be taken care of.

Yeah sure these will be taken care of but thing is when US is not ready to take on TTP fleeing into Afghanistan how Pakistan can grantee that people will stop crossing border. It is always duty of two nations who share the border to protect and guard it.

Next, How one can assure that no TTP support will come from Afghanistan is absence of US/NATO checkposts. FYI, TTP Bajur chieftain Faqir Muhammad has fled into Afghanistan as soon as NATO with drew from Kunhar.
Be nice to see some facts with the propaganda. Last i read the dozen bases was actually two, the descion was made months ago and had nothing to do with Rahe Nijaat.
Appart from the bases being in Nuristan province which would be a strange way for taliban to get to South Waziristan, perhaps the middle of an important offensive time would be better spent supporting the army rather than spreading TTP propoganda.

If you want to get some payback PD perhaps look at paying back the people who attacked the GHQ or the other attacks that have killed so many Pakistani's rather than all this fuss over the US moving two bases?
Be nice to see some facts with the propaganda. Last i read the dozen bases was actually two, the descion was made months ago and had nothing to do with Rahe Nijaat.
Appart from the bases being in Nuristan province which would be a strange way for taliban to get to South Waziristan, perhaps the middle of an important offensive time would be better spent supporting the army rather than spreading TTP propoganda.

If you want to get some payback PD perhaps look at paying back the people who attacked the GHQ or the other attacks that have killed so many Pakistani's rather than all this fuss over the US moving two bases?

Do you know difference between base and check post/check point?

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