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US uses defense diplomacy to woo Bangladesh away from China

Don't talk big every time without knowing anything. Just stop bickering, stop lecturing with others and learn more about how the world is run.

Spoken like a professional contrarian....absolutely nothing whatsoever to actually contribute just moaning for the sake of moaning.

This is an open forum, I will express my opinion as I see fit. You seem to be of the opinion that ppl here are BD policy and descision makers....no one has claimed to be. Everyone is giving their opinion all of which are as valid as any. You on the other hand illogically lash out at everyone, only you know your reason. Its not productive and makes you simply look immature....something to consider dude...

I see you are still unable to articulate your position..... so what is it?
You are just a great stupid. Stop bickering and learn many subjects.

Well that obviously provided clarity to the topic of the thread..... i am on safe ground i believe when i conclude that you are an infantile attention seeker. There is nothing wrong with it i suppose, whatever floats your boat.
BD is benefitting greatly from china,trying to act too cheeky and two timing with the US would be an affront to the Chinese which are providing much more than US or any other nation,it would be dumb to jeopardize it,IDK how wise the admin is but BD will never be important for US .
Well that obviously provided clarity to the topic of the thread..... i am on safe ground i believe when i conclude that you are an infantile attention seeker. There is nothing wrong with it i suppose, whatever floats your boat.
Does any one need attention from an ignoramus toothless child knowing nothing about anything substantive?
Bangladesh rapidly sinking. Add in the sea rise and there is not going to be much of the nation left pretty soon. Where Muslims are for some reason is now either desert, sinking land or Earthquake prone land? Nobody is taking the hint.
Bangladesh rapidly sinking. Add in the sea rise and there is not going to be much of the nation left pretty soon. Where Muslims are for some reason is now either desert, sinking land or Earthquake prone land? Nobody is taking the hint.
Better you do not cry for Bangladesh. However, you may write fiction on the imaginary sinking of this country. Will it be a best seller? Now, enjoy reading the feature below to enhance your knowledge:

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Bangladesh has to decide if gaining access to US tech is worth annoying an emerging superpower, in China, on their doorstep and risk of cutting itself off to China's huge growing market which Bangladesh will need for its economic development, not to mention investment from cash-rich China. US intentions with regards to Bangladesh are probably no more than recruiting another potential proxy state that will bear the brunt of China's wrath, to further their geostrategic policy of containing China. China has shown with countries like Canada, Australia and India that they will not sit idly by when hostile countries are acting against their national interests.
The sentences above say the reality of American mind towards Bangladesh. I do not think Americans know where BD is located, but they know where big India is. It is now an American ploy to distance BD from China and make it dependent upon India.

BD should be careful not to fall on its thorny lap.
Bangladesh rapidly sinking. Add in the sea rise and there is not going to be much of the nation left pretty soon. Where Muslims are for some reason is now either desert, sinking land or Earthquake prone land? Nobody is taking the hint.

I believe Canadians or Indians should worry about Indian cities in dire straits.

Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi, Bhubaneswar and Bengaluru are all subject to the same issues (sinking water table because of over-construction, sewage mismanagement and unplanned urbanization) that the 2015 Chennai flood so aptly demonstrated, if your infra is as effed up as it is and you are lazy and sitting on your butt as far as upkeep, there is hell to pay at some point.

Read the following,

Better you do not cry for Bangladesh. However, you may write fiction on the imaginary sinking of this country. Will it be a best seller in Pakistan?

And China builds huge empty cities far inland because? that is okay, don't take the hint.
I believe Canadians or Indians should worry about Indian cities in dire straits.

Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi, Bhubaneswar and Bengaluru are all subject to the same issues (sinking water table because of over-construction, sewage mismanagement and unplanned urbanization) that the 2015 Chennai flood so aptly demonstrated, if your infra is as effed up as it is and you are lazy and sitting on your butt as far as upkeep, there is hell to pay at some point.

Read the following,


So true. Fantastic post. Perhaps instead of fighting with China, Indians could instead hire the Chinese to build levees, new urban infrastructure AND some system to catch and make use of that monsoon rainwater. Chinese like to build things and are really good at it. Everyone would be happy and better off, well except those who want to sell India weapons.
Bangladesh could do the same. So much water to make use of. Men working and money flowing makes war less likely.
Rohingya issue is getting hotter again...Bangladesh asked security council to take necessary steps against Myanmar...and everyone knows Russia and China will block every move against Myanmar...so we want west's help to solve this shitshow...in this situation a mega military deal with China is not gonna look good for Bangladesh for sure...Current govt understands quite well how geopolitics works these days..diversification of defense equipment is a must for Bangladesh...we need China but we also need the west... Rohingya issue thought us that

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