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US troops carry out search operation in NWA!!!


Apr 2, 2008
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US troops carry out search operation in NWA
By Mushtaq Yusufzai
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

PESHAWAR: Two US choppers, carrying American troops, reportedly intruded into the Pakistani tribal territory and landed at the Bange Dar village of North Waziristan Agency (NWA), bordering the Khost province in Afghanistan, and abducted three nomads on Monday night.

Separately, suspected militants killed four more alleged US spies in the Taliban-controlled North Waziristan tribal region on the night between Monday and Tuesday.Tribal sources told The News that two US choppers landed at the Bange Dar village. The soldiers carried out a brief search operation in the village and detained three nomads and took them along to the neighbouring country.

The sources informed this correspondent from Miramshah, headquarters of NWA, by telephone that the US choppers landed at the border near Ghulam Khan area and searched the small village for suspected Taliban militants.

Quoting residents of Bange Dar village, the sources said after failing to find out any militants in the village, the US troops later held three ‘innocent’ men on suspicion of having links with Taliban militants involved in attacks on the US and Nato forces across the border.

However, senior government officials as well as security authorities based in Miramshah denied violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the coalition forces. “We have our troops deployed along the border with Afghanistan but none of them reported any such violation by the foreign forces,” a military officer told this scribe but wished not to be named.

The government officials said the incident might have happened across the border in Afghanistan as the Afghan nomads had set up small-tented villages inside Afghan territory. When reached by telephone, Maj-Gen Athar Abbas, Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), denied reports about violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the US choppers.

“No, I don’t have any kind of such report. I am in touch with senior military officials but none of them talked about this issue, which I am sure would not have taken place,” explained Maj-Gen Abbas.

Meanwhile, suspected militants in North Waziristan killed four more alleged US spies and threw their bodies on main roads in various parts of the restive tribal region. Two of the alleged US spies were said to be Afghan nationals and the other two were identified as local tribesmen. The tribal sources said bullet-riddled bodies of the two Afghans were found on road in Sarobi village near Spalga.

Body of one tribesman was recovered from Miramshah Bazaar and other’s body was found from the Razmak Road. The suspected militants left hand-written letters Pashto language in which four of the slain men were accused of spying on ‘Mujahideen’ in North Waziristan for the US forces in Afghanistan.
Maybe this operation is backed by GoP, particularly Zardari must have allowed it....let's see the further development of this issue
However, senior government officials as well as security authorities based in Miramshah denied violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the coalition forces. “We have our troops deployed along the border with Afghanistan but none of them reported any such violation by the foreign forces,” a military officer told this scribe but wished not to be named.

If this is true, then it had to be authorized by the GoP. If it was authorized by the GoP then it wouldn't technically be "violation of Pakistan's airspace".
If this is true, then it had to be authorized by the GoP. If it was authorized by the GoP then it wouldn't technically be "violation of Pakistan's airspace".

^^^^^Yes dude, US troops cud not take such step with out mutual consent, to avoid any certain mishap.
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Do also pay attention to the official response in the article:

However, senior government officials as well as security authorities based in Miramshah denied violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the coalition forces. “We have our troops deployed along the border with Afghanistan but none of them reported any such violation by the foreign forces,” a military officer told this scribe but wished not to be named.

The government officials said the incident might have happened across the border in Afghanistan as the Afghan nomads had set up small-tented villages inside Afghan territory. When reached by telephone, Maj-Gen Athar Abbas, Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), denied reports about violation of Pakistan’s airspace by the US choppers.

“No, I don’t have any kind of such report. I am in touch with senior military officials but none of them talked about this issue, which I am sure would not have taken place,” explained Maj-Gen Abbas.

I don't think the violation happened. If Pakistan was informed in advance, it would have carried out the search itself.
Do also pay attention to the official response in the article:

I don't think the violation happened. If Pakistan was informed in advance, it would have carried out the search itself.

I don't think so, remember the ground raid, it was carried out by USA and the Drone attacks are also told to GoP, nevertheless they are carried out by USA
I don't think so, remember the ground raid, it was carried out by USA and the Drone attacks are also told to GoP, nevertheless they are carried out by USA

I personally don't think the Pak Army would tolerate US boots on the ground in this manner. So if it did happen, it was given the green light by the GoP.
I don't think so, remember the ground raid, it was carried out by USA and the Drone attacks are also told to GoP, nevertheless they are carried out by USA

^^^^ Dear lockheed, as the NWA is sensitive territory and and as such this could not possible for US forces to held search operation without any mutual consent with Pakistani authorities, ...they may keep it secret as classified to avoid any further tension, or due to several adminstrial /operational reasons.:coffee:
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I personally don't think the Pak Army would tolerate US boots on the ground in this manner.

Well, we have Zardari in power.....The Army wouldn't tolerate it at all but Zardari maybe, we'll have to wait what happens, it's kind of weird situation at the moment...
I don't think so, remember the ground raid, it was carried out by USA and the Drone attacks are also told to GoP, nevertheless they are carried out by USA

You also have to remember the Pakistani reaction to that SF raid - the PA basically said they would shoot down intruding choppers next time it happened.

Also, government officials pointed out that the Nomads had set up tented villages in Afghan territory, and that was what had been raided, and the border is pretty hard to determine in many areas.

I see no evidence at this point to indicate that there was an incursion into Pakistani territory.
I also don't think there was any incursion but I was talking of the case, if the news is true
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