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US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says sanctions may risk hegemony of US dollar


Nov 4, 2011
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US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says sanctions may risk hegemony of US dollar

Yellen says sanctions may risk hegemony of US dollar

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said sanctions imposed on Russia and other countries risk undermining the hegemony of the dollar. (Photo: AFP/Stefani Reynolds)

17 Apr 2023 01:49AM(Updated: 17 Apr 2023 06:29AM)

WASHINGTON: Economic sanctions imposed on Russia and other countries by the United States put the dollar's dominance at risk as targeted nations seek out an alternative, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Sunday (Apr 16).

"There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar," Yellen said on CNN.

"Of course, it does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative," she told the network's Fareed Zakaria in an interview. "But the dollar is used as a global currency for reasons that are not easy for other countries to find an alternative with the same properties."

The robust US capital markets and rule of law "are essential in a currency that is going to be used globally for transactions", she added. "And we haven't seen any other country that has the basic ... institutional infrastructure that would enable its currency to serve the world like this."

Yellen noted that sanctions are an "extremely important tool", all the more so when used by the United States and its allies as "a coalition of partners acting together to impose these sanctions".
Asked about the possibility of using frozen Russian assets to rebuild war-ravaged Ukraine after Moscow's invasion, Yellen said that "Russia should pay for the damages that it's caused".

But she noted there are "legal constraints on what we can do with frozen Russian assets, and we're discussing with our partners what might lie in the future".

No matter how hard Americans and their cheerleaders in PDF try to deny this fact, it's already happening, even Janet Yellen knows it.
True, but take that away and you have evil commies trying to gobble up everything in its path and leave a trail of destruction in the world.
Good point - I was referring to China.

Communist or not, Chinese system is a far more superior one than the so-called "democracy" or whatever it called which India currently has. The whole world see it that way, just you Indian do not want to admit (but want their government to emulate / copy everything China does)

Ask anyone in China if they ever want to go to live in India? But If China opens their country like the US, perhaps hundred of millions of Indian ..99%, I guess. Accept the truth and improve, otherwise your country will be stuck forever. Do not believe in just some economic data and brag that your country is in progress. No, from social point of view, India has not changed. It is stuck in medieval mentality or even going backward and the whole country can collapse anytime.
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last time germany wokeup under hitler to print its own currency no usury whole west attacked germany.
Relax, dude.

Chinese people are not interested in the Ganges River, which is full of cadaver odor. Even if you beg us, we will not devour you.

We will only slap you when Pakistan needs help.
disagree on 2 counts. Chinese will devour anything.
pakistan doesn't need any help and you can't do zilch anyway.
Communist or not, Chinese system is a far more superior one than the so-called "democracy" or whatever it called which India currently has. The whole world see it that way, just you Indian do not want to admit (but want their government to emulate / copy everything China does)

Ask anyone in China if they ever want to go to live in India? But If China opens their country like the US, perhaps hundred of millions of Indian ..99%, I guess. Accept the truth and improve, otherwise your country will be stuck forever. Do not believe in just some economic data and brag that your country is in progress. No, from social point of view, India has not changed. It is stuck in medieval mentality or even going backward and the whole country can collapse anytime.
No one in India would want to migrate to China either like they do for the West. Going temporarily for work is possible both ways.
I disagree with what you are saying but that’s not the point of this discussion.

Relax, dude.

Chinese people are not interested in the Ganges River, which is full of cadaver odor. Even if you beg us, we will not devour you.

We will only slap you when Pakistan needs help.
You got slapped the last few times and Xi has been hiding in his hole plotting his next move.
Pakistan certainly needs help, they are about to handover all they got to Ci anyways.

The central planners at the fed?
Hehe could be true… the democrats are in the CcP pocket anyways.
US is world market
over 90% of international trade is done in USD

China and Russia can try to push their own currency,but Chinese exports are mostly to EU,UK,USA,JAPAN,INDIA,S.Korea,Aus etc that are either allies of US or can have influence over them
Apart from this, most exports from China are for US corporations ,which can be influenced by US regulations

US can pass a law that all US external trade should be done with USD only ,including US corporations and every individual and entity dealing with US directly and indirectly will be effected
I don't think there is any major threat to USD in near future ..may be Russia/China/Iran may do bilateral trade in other currency..but will be very limited
US is world market
over 90% of international trade is done in USD

China and Russia can try to push their own currency,but Chinese exports are mostly to EU,UK,USA,JAPAN,INDIA,S.Korea,Aus etc that are either allies of US or can have influence over them
Apart from this, most exports from China are for US corporations ,which can be influenced by US regulations

US can pass a law that all US external trade should be done with USD only ,including US corporations and every individual and entity dealing with US directly and indirectly will be effected
I don't think there is any major threat to USD in near future ..may be Russia/China/Iran may do bilateral trade in other currency..but will be very limited
China’s main trade partner today is ASEAN and its trade with the non western world is rising rapidly. You’re thinking 2008 when China was largely dependent on western markets, not the case anymore.

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