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US too has suffered from terrorism emanating from Pakistan: Ashton Carter

Who Is Responsible for the Taliban?

Quote from the above article...

"....................In 1974, the Islamists plotted a military coup, but Daoud's regime discovered the plot and imprisoned the leaders -- at least those who did not escape to Pakistan. The following year, the Islamists attempted an uprising in the Panjshir Valley. Again they failed, and again the Islamist leaders fled into Pakistan. Islamabad found that supporting an Afghan Islamist movement both gave Pakistan short-term leverage against Daoud, and also a long-term card to play should Afghanistan again seek to strategically challenge its neighbor to the East. With a sympathetic force in Afghanistan, Pakistan would be better able to influence succession should the elderly Daoud die. It was thus in the mid-1970s, while both the United States and the Soviet Union continued to ply the Kabul regime with aid, that Pakistani intelligence -- with financial support for Saudi Arabia -- first began their ties to the Islamist opposition in Afghanistan...........................
Despite the oversimplifications of some in academe and opponents of the military campaign against the Taliban, the mujahidin was not simply created by the CIA in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion. Rather, as Red Army crack soldiers flew on Aeroflot planes into Kabul, and as Soviet tanks rolled across the Friendship Bridge from what is now Uzbekistan, a cadre for the enlargement of the Afghan mujahidin already existed. This cadre had remained in Pakistani exile since their failed uprising four years before. However, even if the mujahidin existed prior to the Soviet invasion, it was the occupation of a foreign power that caused the mujahidin movement to grow exponentially in both influence and size as disaffected Afghans flocked to what had become the only viable opposition movement............"

There are many Pakistanis(including the politicians) who shamelessly accuse the Americans of "giving birth" to jihadis in Afghanistan, and also love to post articles, but I believe these Pakistanis themselves haven't read those articles, or display lack of comprehension skills while reading.Someone posted this article on this thread, but wait....they didn't see the details. Long before even the soviets invaded Afghanistan, Pakistanis had already created the mujaheddin groups in order to suppress the Afghan desire for pushtunistan. Pakistanis love to loathe Christine fair, but she accurately pointed out the lie being spun out of Pakistan that Americans created the mujaheddin groups.

Back in early 1970's itself the Pakistanis had created the mujaheddin groups in hope of overthrowing the afghan government. And as highlighted above in red color, by 1974 these Pakistan sponsored mujaheddin's were already attacking the Afghanistan. The soviets invaded Afghanistan only in 1979 (five years after the Pakistan sponsored mujaheddin's were carrying out attacks in Afghanistan) and it was not until 1980's that the first american officials showed up at af-pak region to help mujaheddin against soviets. The mujaheddin's were created by Pakistanis almost a whole decade back before the Americans came to support these groups against soviets. Go through any recorded historical facts you want, you will find the following events happening one by one in chronological orders as

Early 1970's: Pakistanis created afghan mujaheddin's, and by 1974 the mujaheddin's were attacking Afghanistan to overthrow the government and put in place a new government which would be more friendly to Pakistanis.

By December of 1979: It was only at the end of decade the soviets invaded Afghanistan.

In 1980: It was only at the start of 1980's decade the american's decided to support Afghan mujaheddin groups.

Yet with all these bare facts, Pakistanis will continue to accuse the US of "giving birth" to mujaheddin groups, which is a historical lie to say the least. They love to play this class victim card by blaming everything on the west. And also, mentioned in the above article,by 1989 the soviets pulled out of Afghanistan and by 1990 Iraq had invaded Kuwait, this event caught the american attention and they shifted their resources from afghan conflict to war in Kuwait.
We had to deal with the shit after they left. Secondly they saw atrocities in Kashmir nothing stopped them from helping fellow brothers for struggle
TTP in Kashmir? :woot: That's breaking news!! :lol:

And you talk of atrocities in Kashmir? Well, we don't use fire assaults by artillery, rockets and bombs using aircraft. Scores of towns and villages haven't been destroyed where collateral damage is colossal. A million Kashmiris haven't become IDPs. You need to compare this with what's happening in NW/FATA.

So it's better if you stop repeating the same old tired cliche that there's a 'genocide' going on in the Valley!
I think I saw that movie. :D

Seriously, such refrains are beyond ridiculous, so I beg my leave in this thread. Please carry on as you wish, Sir.

Either you are too ignorant about the fact FBI surveillance on 9/11 attacker or the fact CIA got intel from half a dozen Inte agencies around the world in 1-3 months before 9/11 or you are being yourself as susual i.e. habitual cherry-picker. You Sir are Following the steps of your true leader Donald Trump. He himself cant handle when shows him a mirror ;)

TTP in Kashmir? :woot: That's breaking news!! :lol:

And you talk of atrocities in Kashmir? Well, we don't use fire assaults by artillery, rockets and bombs using aircraft. Scores of towns and villages haven't been destroyed where collateral damage is colossal. A million Kashmiris haven't become IDPs. You need to compare this with what's happening in NW/FATA.

So it's better if you stop repeating the same old tired cliche that there's a 'genocide' going on in the Valley!

Does Kashmir has a terrain similar to NW/FATA where militants can secure high peaks and screw your soldiers down the valley?
Make in India F18/F16 is making this guy go crazy .On a serious note how dare he says ,they bombed the shit out of Afg /Drones killed so many innocent children ,Our Economy has suffered more than 100 Billion US $ we lost 50,000 People + Armed forces personnel . It's time to ditch USA once and for all ,they can have their honeymoon with India (Rattlesnakes) Because of US we are sitting in this shit hole we are cleaning there created proxies .
Just watched this and this is a slap on those who accuse Pak all the time .

Hillary nailed it.
Does Kashmir has a terrain similar to NW/FATA where militants can secure high peaks and screw your soldiers down the valley?
Yes it's similar except in the Valley proper.

Even if the terrain is tough to operate on, it doesn't mean you adopt a scorch earth policy of destroying entire villages! You're throwing the baby out with the bath water. And that ain't good tactics.
One thing about Americans.

When they decide to get their claws into something, they do.

And they are polite and politically correct and say the right things.

But they persevere.

And get what they want.

The Russians are the perfect counterfoil of them.

Same results. Different techniques. Same abilities.
Sugary talk. C'mon America.....The world knows you can never ditch Pakistan.
TTP in Kashmir? :woot: That's breaking news!! :lol:

And you talk of atrocities in Kashmir? Well, we don't use fire assaults by artillery, rockets and bombs using aircraft. Scores of towns and villages haven't been destroyed where collateral damage is colossal. A million Kashmiris haven't become IDPs. You need to compare this with what's happening in NW/FATA.

So it's better if you stop repeating the same old tired cliche that there's a 'genocide' going on in the Valley!
Is that reason why you have that infamous act ? and why on every Friday we see Pakistan's flag waving ???
What is happening FATA is WOT simple. Not like occupation, rape or looting for that matter

Look at ISIS

WTF do we have to do with ISIS?

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