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US to support Vietnamese fishermen against intimidation at sea

Past is past, otherwise, chinese never caused atrocities and murder of Vietnamese like the Americans did, Vietnamese was treated less then livestock by French too and yet Vietnamese tends to hold more historical qualm against the Chinese....the irony...It seems Vietnamese minds cannot process more than some fishing qualms .

Just wanna point out that,Japanese didn’t ruled China,japan only occupied the manchurian region( which was actually turned into an independent nation ruled with some help of Japanese know how, totally different than how the western imperialist treated their colonies and their citizens like in Vietnam) , that’s the only reason China wasn’t invaded by the soviets(and it still exists today without being balkanised more) . Had manchuria been taken over by Soviets or other western imperialists, it would have served as pivot to Korea & japan ; a total and enternal imperialism of Asia .But I don’t know if Vietnamese cares about all that, or if they can think beyond some fishing qualm with Chinese.

Japan invaded in to China, and killed Chinese there. Nanjing massacre is not in China ?


The biggest mistake made by Soviet Union is that CPPR did not given independence to Manchurian people.

China had invaded in to CCCP in 1969 and Vietnam in 1979 for favous of USA in cold war.

Lol, run to ur daddy?
Us sailors protect ur fishman? Lol
what is your problem ? if you have the balls you can take on US Navy
Japan invaded in to China, and killed Chinese there. Nanjing massacre is not in China ?


The biggest mistake made by Soviet Union is that CPPR did not given independence to Manchurian people.

China had invaded in to CCCP in 1969 and Vietnam in 1979 for favous of USA in cold war.

China,when it was under their imperial dynasty for thousands of years,was a great nation,with a backbone and pride.
But china post 1913,after the fall of qing dynasty ,was a sell out ,the local leaders were only seeking power and position for themselves,through assisting the western hegemons in imperialism of asia in exchange.
Vietnam is a country that's very akin to china, historically, politically,but difference is, China developed a backbone now,Vietnam didn't.

In the western colonial era,Japan was the only country with a backbone and ideals that saved Asia from the total,absolute and eternal colonialism of by the white supremacist.
Do you think the Western imperialist would have ever left Asia if,there was no japan changing the status quo and liberating the Asian nations in the pacific and starting an uprising coalition against colonialism? that'd be the thought of the naive,maybe a balkanized china would've served as the henchmen for the coalition of western colonizers in an alternate scenario with no japan,or where japan was invaded in early 1910s.

And yes,nanking massacre is faked by sellout leaders from KMT, with the help of these three figures:Bates-Rabe-Timperley(All three of them acknowledged that they have personally never seen a single massacre).

Japan did invade china,but it was also provoked by a KMT-soviet coalition,but Japan instantly returned those region under the hands of anti-west Chinese leaders under the supervision of Japan.Japan didn't looted nor burned summer palace like the brits did,Japan left China unscathed ,they were not like the western colonizers with intent of looting and subjugating everyone under their tyrany forever.
what is your problem ? if you have the balls you can take on US Navy
china actually cares about the development and improving living standard of their civilians and the well being of their people ,hence a war with the USA isn't a viable option, for now,but when china has met her goal promised toward its civilians,then China wouldn't restrain herself.
Prepare for PLAN to patrol 200 km off the coast of california in the name of Freedom of Navigation by 2035.
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what is your problem ? if you have the balls you can take on US Navy

pathetic, what are your two carriers waiting for since you accuse china's artificial islands are illegal, why don't you come to take them if you have balls?
Maybe they should support Vietnamese in:

War reparations
Removal of land mines
Care and medical bills for people suffering from agent orange
Money for the hordes of half Vietnamese offspring left behind
An apology

But of course they wont do those reasonable things. Vietnam is seen as a tool, a pawn or a cockroach. Once you use them you discard or spray them. Now they want to sic the Vietnamese to fight the PRC. Its like sending a kamikaze monkey to fight a dragon.
You compare us as kamikaze monkey fighting a dragon?
Ok we will see.
US did not support India on Galwan
China,when it was under their imperial dynasty for thousands of years,was a great nation,with a backbone and pride.
But china post 1913,after the fall of qing dynasty ,was a sell out ,the local leaders were only seeking power and position for themselves,through assisting the western hegemons in imperialism of asia in exchange.
Vietnam is a country that's very akin to china, historically, politically,but difference is, China developed a backbone now,Vietnam didn't.

In the western colonial era,Japan was the only country with a backbone and ideals that saved Asia from the total,absolute and eternal colonialism of by the white supremacist.
Do you think the Western imperialist would have ever left Asia if,there was no japan changing the status quo and liberating the Asian nations in the pacific and starting an uprising coalition against colonialism? that'd be the thought of the naive,maybe a balkanized china would've served as the henchmen for the coalition of western colonizers in an alternate scenario with no japan,or where japan was invaded in early 1910s.

And yes,nanking massacre is faked by Chinese sellout leaders with the help of these three figures:Bates-Rabe-Timperley(All three of them acknowledged that they have personally never seen a single massacre).

Japan did invade china,but it was also provoked by a chinese-sovet coalition,but Japan instantly returned those region under the hands of anti west Chinese leaders under the supervision of Japan.Japan didn't looted nor burned summer palace like the brits did,Japan left China unscathed ,they were not like the western colonizers with intent of looting and subjugating everyone under their tyrany forever. china actually cares about the development and improving living standard of their civilians and the well being of their people ,hence a war with the USA isn't a viable option, for now,but when china has met her goal promised toward its civilians,then China wouldn't restrain herself.
Prepare for PLAN to patrol 200 km off the coast of california in the name of Freedom of Navigation by 2035.
History said something else. You are not in the same universe as mine?
China: Wahhh!!! US can do this & that! Why can't we Chinese do that too. Baby want milky.

Also isn't it the same reasoning imperial Japan had to justify invading & colonizing Asia? I guess it's true that everything goes back full circle.

Nobody is buying china holier than thou attitude the truth of the matter is that list of countries joining the coalition of the willing is getting bigger while nobody wants to join the Chinese side.
Chinese clowns tend to forget we don’t tolerate arrogance and racism no matter if they are white or yellow.
I'm sorry but if you think US warships will actually risk combat or even a war over Chinese/Vietnamese fishing boats you'd be very wrong. But hey, if it makes Vietnam feel safer why not? The US needs to do more of this to show American presence in the SCS ... even if it is fast being challenged by the Chinese.
Any party that support the things you mentioned will be political suicide. Many Americans still have resentment of the Vietnam war.
Past is past, otherwise, chinese never caused atrocities and murder of Vietnamese like the Americans did, Vietnamese was treated less then livestock by French too and yet Vietnamese tends to hold more historical qualm against the Chinese....the irony...It seems Vietnamese minds cannot process more than some fishing qualms .

Just wanna point out that,Japanese didn’t ruled China,japan only occupied the manchurian region( which was actually turned into an independent nation ruled with some help of Japanese know how, totally different than how the western imperialist treated their colonies and their citizens like in Vietnam) , that’s the only reason China wasn’t invaded by the soviets(and it still exists today without being balkanised more) . Had manchuria been taken over by Soviets or other western imperialists, it would have served as pivot to Korea & japan ; a total and enternal imperialism of Asia .But I don’t know if Vietnamese cares about all that, or if they can think beyond some fishing qualm with Chinese.
The SE Asians think that China's claims cannot be backed up by force while the US is involved so they intend to take a hostile maximalist position against China. The whole situation will resolve itself nicely when we kill SE Asians (on a significant scale) while Washington gives warnings. The SE Asians will re-evaluate their calculus and accommodation will prevail.

This is the same reason why South Vietnamese are not afraid of China while North Vietnamese seek accommodation with China. The South knows that the North will be slaughtered in a war but they are far away from the action.
History said something else. You are not in the same universe as mine?
Studying history in schools and colleges is akin to taking propaganda lessons,that's the norm in every country.
If you actually care about history ,the real one,than take a more independent approach,more based on reliable historical documents/ official records and third party non-biased affiliates.
what is your problem ? if you have the balls you can take on US Navy
We already took on the US Navy this month. Your aircraft carriers failed to wrest Scarborough Shoal from us after we conducted twin aircraft carrier exercises and live fire anti-ship exercises. You ran away tail between legs after taking some group formation photos to commemorate your defeat.
Beijing is only good at bullying weaker countries. Lets see how they work against USN
Past is past, otherwise, chinese never caused atrocities and murder of Vietnamese like the Americans did, Vietnamese was treated less then livestock by French too and yet Vietnamese tends to hold more historical qualm against the Chinese....the irony...It seems Vietnamese minds cannot process more than some fishing qualms .

Just wanna point out that,Japanese didn’t ruled China,japan only occupied the manchurian region( which was actually turned into an independent nation ruled with some help of Japanese know how, totally different than how the western imperialist treated their colonies and their citizens like in Vietnam) , that’s the only reason China wasn’t invaded by the soviets(and it still exists today without being balkanised more) . Had manchuria been taken over by Soviets or other western imperialists, it would have served as pivot to Korea & japan ; a total and enternal imperialism of Asia .But I don’t know if Vietnamese cares about all that, or if they can think beyond some fishing qualm with Chinese.
we are in ccp dynasty period and according to your own chinese imperial system you got responsibility to be benevolent and protect vn but you were two faced betrayer
1979 was intitation test from your usa master test your loyalty to them, you chose attack vn as act of submission and became lapdog of usa, you are enemy of vn ok?
The SE Asians think that China's claims cannot be backed up by force while the US is involved so they intend to take a hostile maximalist position against China. The whole situation will resolve itself nicely when we kill SE Asians (on a significant scale) while Washington gives warnings. The SE Asians will re-evaluate their calculus and accommodation will prevail.

This is the same reason why South Vietnamese are not afraid of China while North Vietnamese seek accommodation with China. The South knows that the North will be slaughtered in a war but they are far away from the action.

don't forget that Northener VN slapped hardly on your face in 1979 !

In the first Sino Japan war, Chinese was very bigmouth, at the end of war you have lost territory Taiwan to Japan. Later on chinese were enslaved by Japanese until 1945.

Nowaday, this is big dream of CPC to counter your father in cold war, USA imperialist. You will entslaved again like idiot by your father from time of cold war.
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