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US to rely on India if Afghan supply route is not opened: official

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It would be a blow to our interests if we offer any help in U.S supplies.Its better for us if U.S supplies come through russia-fortunately russia is also supportive of that.We should concentrate in humanitarian assistance to afghans and improving trade with them.
Well Pakistan could insist that Indians don't go over our air space. I would be surprised if we allowed it.

There are two ways NATO can ship supplies via India. NATO or USA Army planes fly from New Delhi Air Base over Kashmir to Afghanistan and second option is a long route via Mumbai along the coast over the Pakistan Air Space and the job can is done.
Geopolitics does not work like transitive closure. I am not sure what point you are making, but nobody appreciates when you help their mortal enemy specifically in the context of that conflict.

Iran doesn't care if India has economic relations or joint military drills with the US, but actively supplying military equipment which has a very real chance of being used against Iran is a different matter altogether.

When I was preparing for UPSC, some one told me about diplomacy. When a Diplomat say yes, it means may be, If he says may be, it means no, and if he says NO, then he is not a diplomat.

Trust me Diplomacy works this way only.

Having said that I agree with your second part, if Iran feel that the weapons/help gonna affect there interest, they will try to block it with all possible way, even by threatening to break frndshp.

When I was preparing for UPSC, some one told me about diplomacy. When a Diplomat say yes, it means may be, If he says may be, it means no, and if he says NO, then he is not a diplomat.

Trust me Diplomacy works this way only.

Having said that I agree with your second part, if Iran feel that the weapons/help gonna affect there interest, they will try to block it with all possible way, even by threatening to break frndshp.

BIT off topic!!!!

but how was ur interview regarding UPSE...........did u make it???
As we understand cricket, let me tell you in cricketing logic. In Asia cup
Bangladesh beat India
India beat Pakistan
It doesn't means that BD will beat Pakistan..

Democracy is similar to this logic.
USA and Israel ally, USA and Pakistan ally doesn't mean that Israel and Pakstan are ally. Similarly
USA and India frnd, USA and Iran enemy doesn't mean that India and Iran enemy..

Diplomacy is dealt with mutual need.
Ok , A Game logic to explain geo political and strategic moves ... Nice one :lol:

Since when things are that concrete :what: in cricket as they are in International arena ? :azn:
There is something awfully wrong with your analogy tbh ... I can understand both Pakistan and Israel being US allies but do Israel and Pakistan co operate with each other or allow use their land to work against one another ? Its just like you being friends with both GCC and Iran ... What difference is it making ? As long as you not cross the red line , all is fine ... But when you do , do you expect Iran to sit silent ?

And US being both Pakistan and Israel's ally , does it mean that Pakistan and Israel are allies too :azn: ? Hell , leave Pakistan ... Turkiye , which happens to be an ally of US and Israel recently refused to permit the Israelies from obtaining data from radar stations placed in their country ? :rofl:

And you want the Ayatollahs , who want every single zionist dead to allow you their land to work for their enemy ? ... Get me some of what you smoke :D

Yes but USA and India ally , doesn't mean Iran will allow you to do anything in Afghanistan and Central Asia just because you are their allies ( Iran's ) that too what benefits their enemy (USA) :rofl: ... You dont even properly know how to write analogies ...

Why did the thought never crossed your mind ?

And all this blabbering about diplomacy this and that ... Remind me what does a sovereign entity keeps in mind whilst making decisions ? :azn:
In your desperation to knock Pakistan and ingratiate yourself with white masters you will speculate to the nth degree. Do you not know that Putin and America's plans for the silk road clash?? Don't you remember what happened at the regional conference in Turkey about Afghanistan where America suggested their version of the future. Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Pakistan registered disapproval and even your govt kept quite.

India's White masters? What are you smoking buddy.. They use your country as their play ground and you leaders bend over backwards to accommodate them despite they daily embarrassing you with drone strikes and killing your soldiers. And yet not a single of their drones is shot down. Pretty clear who is the beck and call guy for the white man.. And he wears green :)
India's White masters? What are you smoking buddy.. They use your country as their play ground and you leaders bend over backwards to accommodate them despite they daily embarrassing you with drone strikes and killing your soldiers. And yet not a single of their drones is shot down. Pretty clear who is the beck and call guy for the white man.. And he wears green :)

Does Pak want to be a friend or has it been an enemy?'
March 28, 2012 04:21 IST

Pakistan harbouring Osama bin Laden [ Images ] was the straw that broke the camel's back and led to the irrevocable trust deficit between the United States and Pakistan, says Louie Gohmert. Aziz Haniffa reports

United States Congressman Louie Gohmert, a Republican who represents Texas, has said Pakistan harboring Osama bin Laden was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of Washington's mistrust over Pakistan's perfidy in the US-led war on terror and put paid the to the longtime theory that the enemy of our enemy is our friend.

Gohmert said it was bad enough that Pakistan was harboring America's greatest enemy but said that adding insult to injury was when Islamabad [ Images ] immediately provided China with access to the one of the helicopters that crashed while the elite US Navy SEALS team launched its attack on the compound where bin Laden was hiding out in the military garrison town of Abbottabad and killed him.

Gohmert, speaking at the National Press Club, echoing sentiments expressed by Defence Secretary Leon Panette recently in a CBS 60 Minutes interview, said, "Pakistan was harboring our nation's greatest enemy and they were not letting us know he was there."

In his Texan drawl, he said, "We don't know who all officials knew he was there. But there had to be people at or near the top (in Pakistan) that knew."

"And, then what happened, when the helicopter crashed? Did our friends say, 'Please come, we are so sorry, we didn't know we were harboring your greatest national enemy? Oh, no, they were mad because we found out they were harboring our national enemy and not only that, they said, 'China come, look at what the Americans have here and this helicopter.'"

Gohmert said, "That's not what friends do. Friends don't harbor enemies so that they can keep directing attacks on the United States -- they don't harbor enemies so that another country can come in and examine their weaponry. You don't do that to friends."

"And so, we are finding out more and more as times goes on, just about whether or not Pakistan really wants to be our friend or has really been our enemy for sometime," he said.

Gohmert said it was a failed policy that "we've spent a great deal of time trying to placate Pakistan because they were in such a strategic location."

"But it turns out," he reiterated, "Pakistan was harboring enemies of ours. It didn't turn out that our enemy was their enemy so much."

Get the picture
india will not let U.S to use its soil for its op. in Afghanistan. U.S can't twist our arm unlike others.
i think after few days or weeks max they will open the route, simple so no alternative bullsh!t.
1. may be our leader really scared of US
2. for economic reasons by using taxes on roads, rails plus aid.
3. (a perception in common pakistanis) our millitary did realize that today or after few years America will attacks on us limited or full scale, so taking time for
a. give more injuries to americans in afghanistan
b. may b china acts as super power
c. we modernize our millitary enough just to give americans the toughest war of there modern history.
india will not let U.S to use its soil for its op. in Afghanistan. U.S can't twist our arm unlike others.

time will tell. i hope you are right

i think after few days or weeks max they will open the route, simple so no alternative bullsh!t.
1. may be our leader really scared of US
2. for economic reasons by using taxes on roads, rails plus aid.
3. (a perception in common pakistanis) our millitary did realize that today or after few years America will attacks on us limited or full scale, so taking time for
a. give more injuries to americans in afghanistan
b. may b china acts as super power
c. we modernize our millitary enough just to give americans the toughest war of there modern history.

I think Army is playing it cool. Let civilians decide. civilian leaders are reluctant cos they know that they will never get reelected
It's quite amusing to see how many Indians believe that they have an active role to play in Afghanistan, even more amusing to see how desperate they are to become US' proxy only to piss off Pakistan. :laugh:

Replacing USA means becoming Taliban's enemy number one. Say welcome to bomb blasts all over the country.

Taliban cannot do anything in India. They do not have even 1/10th of support they get in Pakistan.

The public support help them succeed in Pakistan, they are not invincible.
Taliban cannot do anything in India. They do not have even 1/10th of support they get in Pakistan.

The public support help them succeed in Pakistan, they are not invincible.

Mate you are wrong religous parties rarely poll more than 2 or 3% in votes in Pakistan
This seems to be an error in transcript, pak tribune has mentioned the same in the news below the news item.
How can India help USA if supply route not opened? India and Afghanistan are miles apart.

Someone needs to learn geography here.....or am i missing something?
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