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US to rely on India if Afghan supply route is not opened: official

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Maybe US senate will release another another military aid, and Pakistani government will be more than willing to cooperate with US. A small pat in the head, and they're good to go. :D

Sorry, views of common man doesn't count in Pakistan or any other South Asian countries.

I think this time it is different. Military are asking civilians to decide whether to allow routes. Civilians are scared that if they approve they may never get reelected. I am please Pakistan is standing firm on this occasion. Some on here thought that routes would reopen within 30 days. Lets see I think things will not be as easy for Americans and or Indians now
I think this time it is different. Military are asking civilians to decide whether to allow routes. Civilians are scared that if they approve they may never get reelected. I am please Pakistan is standing firm on this occasion. Some on here thought that routes would reopen within 30 days. Lets see I think things will not be as easy for Americans and or Indians now

I fear you are probably wrong. Nothing has changed.

And why would Pakistan allow supply to Indian consulates so they can send terrorists into Pakistan


They crooks are simply holding out for a bigger bribe.
What is that supposed to mean??

No desperation on part of America.

If there is no route ... why thy are relying on India ?

Why they are making air castle..are they so foolish ? They do have something in their sleeves to play with pakistan.
Maybe they mean logistics supply chain which India has developed for Northern Aliiance via Tajikistan

I doubt if India would like to get involved in it. USA is on the verge of pulling out and India helping a defeating force wouldn't earn it any strength in Afghanistan.
From India via air to Afghanistan is possible and see Pakistan has never blocked air supplies of NATO over it's air space and this option will decrease the cost from 6 times higher to 2 times higher.

wora, if they are going through Pakistani airspace as the air route is not blocked, then they are already doing it in present. regardless of if they take the air route via India then too they will have to go through Pakistan or china ,plus it will be longer when they can already access Afghanistan through the Pakistan air route which is much closer to their bases in the gulf region

If there is no route ... why thy are relying on India ?

Why they are making air castle..are they so foolish ? They do have something in their sleeves to play with pakistan.

First they are foolish. Second they are not God. You are assuming that America will assist its proxy by pressurising Pakistan to allow routes. Methinks that will not work.
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