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US to press India on F-16 and F-18 deal, to call for opening of its markets


Nov 1, 2010
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The US said it was up to India to clinch a deal to co-produce F-16 and F-18 fighter jets, adding that the agreement would “enhance interoperability” between the two militaries.

“We strongly support these transfers,” Alicia Wells, a senior state department official told a subcommittee of the House of Representatives on Thursday. “If India can seize these opportunities, we can enhance interoperability between our militaries and support thousands of jobs in both countries.”

India is in the market for the joint-production of single-engine fighter jets, and US firm Lockheed Martin’s F-16 and Swedish Saab’s Gripen are competing for the contract. The Indian Air Force is expected to release a Request for Information (RIF) in two months.

US firm Boeing’s F-18 is in the race to sell deck-based fighters to the Indian Navy, and is competing with French, Swedish and Russian firms. A global tender is expected in 2018.

In a written testimony, Wells drew an extremely positive picture of the state of bilateral ties, quoting President Donald Trump during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit in June. The US president had said that the “relationship between India and the United States has never been stronger, has never been better”.

However, there is a wrinkle — the deficit in bilateral trade.

“We do need to do more to balance the trade deficit between our two countries, which totaled nearly $30 billion last year,” Wells said. “We are working closely with United States trade representative and the commerce department to address the concerns of the US business community regarding India, including tariff and non-tariff barriers, subsidies, localisation policies, restrictions on investment, and intellectual property concerns that limit market access and impede US exporters and businesses from entering the Indian market.”

The commerce department is currently in the final stages of a review and analysis of a country-wise breakdown of its trade deficit, as ordered by Trump. The department will also recommend follow-up action, which could include punitive measures if the deficit was caused by unfair practices.

“We are committed to ensuring our trade relationship with India is fair and reciprocal, and will continue to press India to further open its markets and create a level-playing field for US companies,” Wells said.

India-US trade stood at $114 billion in 2016, more than doubling from $45 billion in 2006. Wells said US exports to India support more than 260,000 jobs in America, while investment from Indian companies supported more than 52,000 jobs in the US in 2016.

The two-way investment between the US and India in 2016 was nearly $40 billion.

Wells also referred to growing energy trade ties, and noted the first-time purchase of US crude oil by Indian companies beginning in August.
US/Trump push means its (F-16) gonna be the reality now.

Half of Modians here are divided between yes and no on F-16 due to its 5 decade old airframe design beside other grievances. But mark my words, once the deal is done, they will all say "Oh what a master stroke by Modi'

Sheeple attitude.
US/Trump push means its (F-16) gonna be the reality now.

Half of Modians here are divided between yes and no on F-16 due to its 5 decade old airframe design beside other grievances. But mark my words, once the deal is done, they will all say "Oh what a master stroke by Modi'

Sheeple attitude.
I am up for the F16's if the case was for single engine platforms.

Whole reason being, That is the only platform Indian sectors can accumulate the tech and US will be ready to impart. Also, we can upgrade this before induction incase we don't want the UAE based upgrades or need better than them (if we want to avoid royalties.)
americans will never share sensitive technology.they can allow indians to make only few parts of f-16s.this fighter is a very old jet.why not asking for f-35?
americans will never share sensitive technology.they can allow indians to make only few parts of f-16s.this fighter is a very old jet.why not asking for f-35?

When and where is India asking even F-16's ??? It's he delusional LM and U.S.A who think they can somehow convince India to build their factories here. LOL :p:
US/Trump push means its (F-16) gonna be the reality now.

Half of Modians here are divided between yes and no on F-16 due to its 5 decade old airframe design beside other grievances. But mark my words, once the deal is done, they will all say "Oh what a master stroke by Modi'

Sheeple attitude.
Honestly I don't care what IAF get (GripenNG or F-16 block70) as long as they are better than what our adversaries got in that category( yes they are better undoubtedly). My only wish is that they should get it asap.
Foolish Indians will be getting 40 years old technology (which we used 36 years ago) at exorbitant price just to please Trump. By the time those f16s will arrive PAF will be getting 5th Gen Fighters. What a pity for IAF.
americans will never share sensitive technology.they can allow indians to make only few parts of f-16s.this fighter is a very old jet.why not asking for f-35?
americans will never share sensitive technology.they can allow indians to make only few parts of f-16s.this fighter is a very old jet.why not asking for f-35?
Well If India at all choose F-16s, they'll be most advance F-16s in the world. Airframe may be old but F-16 block70's avionics will be among best in their single engine category. Difference between F-16 block 40 vs F-16 block 70( or whatever that'll be called) will be similar to that of Su-27 and Su-35... although airframe will be similar, they are a generation apart.
PS: About F-35 part, these aircrafts( F-16/Gripen) are meant to replace Soviet era oldies like Mig-21 and Mig-27s....Its not feasible to induct F-35 in that many numbers also F-35 are not available anytime soon as we have our own project/JVs for that for now.

Foolish Indians will be getting 40 years old technology (which we used 36 years ago) at exorbitant price just to please Trump. By the time those f16s will arrive PAF will be getting 5th Gen Fighters. What a pity for IAF.
First go and learn difference between F-16 A/B and F-16 block 60/70. Its still better than any platform you'll get in next 2 decade in Its category.
Well If India at all choose F-16s, they'll be most advance F-16s in the world. Airframe may be old but F-16 block70's avionics will be among best in their single engine category. Difference between F-16 block 40 vs F-16 block 70( or whatever that'll be called) will be similar to that of Su-27 and Su-35... although airframe will be similar, they are a generation apart.
PS: About F-35 part, these aircrafts( F-16/Gripen) are meant to replace Soviet era oldies like Mig-21 and Mig-27s....Its not feasible to induct F-35 in that many numbers also F-35 are not available anytime soon as we have our own project/JVs for that for now.

First go and learn difference between F-16 A/B and F-16 block 60/70. Its still better than any platform you'll get in next 2 decade in Its category.
ha ha you are telling it to us ? we are using this air frame for 36 years, and also using Block 52s and now you will tell us the difference ? Our JF17s will be equal to block 70s with AESA radars and PL15s. India has missed the train of manufacturing fighter aircraft. You are 40 years behind industry and 15 years behind Pakistan now.
ha ha you are telling it to us ? we are using this air frame for 36 years, and also using Block 52s and now you will tell us the difference ? Our JF17s will be equal to block 70s with AESA radars and PL15s. India has missed the train of manufacturing fighter airc are 40 years behind industry and 15 years behind Pakistan now.
lolz even Indian Jaguars are getting AESA but I am sane enough not to compare it with F-16 block 70s. And India is manufacturing aircrafts since 70s...even today we manufacture Su-30MKIs...hell even their engines here. But there's difference between manufacturing and designing an aircraft on your own. We have designed Tejas while you are yet to design an aircraft on your own.
lolz even Indian Jaguars are getting AESA but I am sane enough not to compare it with F-16 block 70s. And India is manufacturing aircrafts since 70s...even today we manufacture Su-30MKIs...hell even their engines here. But there's difference between manufacturing and designing an aircraft on your own. We have designed Tejas while you are yet to design an aircraft on your own.
lol, this is precisely the reason that Tejas are already obsolete. Indian Navy has already rejected them and IAF is also not happy.

lol, this is precisely the reason that Tejas are already obsolete. Indian Navy has already rejected them and IAF is also not happy.
Tejas hasn't even cleared FOC. And you are too blind to mention JF17 designed by Pakistan with 60% of manufacturing in house.
lol, this is precisely the reason that Tejas are already obsolete. Indian Navy has already rejected them and IAF is also not happy.

Tejas hasn't even cleared FOC. And you are too blind to mention JF17 designed by Pakistan with 60% of manufacturing in house.
lolz Its all about standards. While Tejas with HOBS and HMDS is meant to be out point defence/second line fighter, Jf-17s which are without HOBS and HMDS is your front line fighter. That tells alot... ain't it?
lolz even Indian Jaguars are getting AESA but I am sane enough not to compare it with F-16 block 70s. And India is manufacturing aircrafts since 70s...even today we manufacture Su-30MKIs...hell even their engines here. But there's difference between manufacturing and designing an aircraft on your own. We have designed Tejas while you are yet to design an aircraft on your own.

LOL Indians designed Tejas. Joke of the century
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