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US to deploy tanks in Afghan war

Tanks to Afghanistan: The More Things Change…

The New York Times, Aug. 27, 1980
“Hundreds of Soviet tanks and other vehicles based near Kabul were reported rolling toward Sarobi.”


The New York Times, Dec. 24, 1981
“On the ground, the analysts said, Soviet tanks have become nearly static pillboxes useful only for general support fire for infantry troops.”


The New York Times, May 16, 1988
“A long convoy of tanks, trucks and happy Soviet soldiers rumbled through a narrow mountain pass and into this capital city today as the first official step of the withdrawal”



Tanks to Afghanistan: The More Things Change... - NYTimes.com
How much do they pay you to spread this propaganda? We all know why you went to Iraq and Afghanistan. It has nothing to do with fighting terrorisme or bringing democracy to do those countries. The only country that is terrorizing millions of people around the world is the USA with her hypocritical foreign policy. Everywhere where the USA shows up terrorists show up.

Let me inform you about the developments leading Afghanistan towards democracy with the help of US and NATO forces. After reviewing the facts, your opinion will, I believe, take a different shape. At the same time, I do not believe you are misleading anyone by stating, “Everywhere the USA shows up terrorists show up” because the long occupation of Afghanistan under the Taliban rule and the destruction they caused to the nation and its people is not a secret to anyone. Just like, the overwhelming majority of casualties in Iraq died as a result of terrorist violence committed by Muslim insurgents and criminals so it is in Afghanistan where Taliban hatred and evil targets Muslim brothers and sisters. As you may have heard “2014” has been announced as a withdrawal date for our troops once the Afghan security forces can independently protect the people and serve the common good. Could we have imagined such a development under Taliban rule? The hated Taliban who kill indiscriminately and without remorse, deny women the right to better themselves, and bur Qur’ans; Almost 600, that we know of, at last count.
You state “we all know why you went to Iraq and Afghanistan” but an opinion should be separated from verifiable facts because from the beginning the US made clear its stance in Iraq and the AfPak region. The 9/11 terror act along with the threat Al-Qaida posed required the US to free Iraqis from a dictator and wage a war on terror. Our efforts in Iraq were aimed at getting for Iraqis the country and lives they want for themselves through healthcare, education, security, defense, civil capacity and infrastructure development projects, funded by the US government. Are we not witnessing in Iraq freedom of press without any pressure from the government? Let’s not forget, the, US keeps its promises and started transitioning from Iraq after the war.
Afghanistan today is also witnessing an unprecedented reformation. In 2006, only 36 schools were operating in the Uruzgan Province and now 250 schools have opened with more than 1,100 teachers and 425 trainees.
Progress in Afghanistan Highlighted by Business Growth, Job Creation and New Infrastructure Projects
More females are attending schools, job growth, new factories and a rising economy is leading the nation towards prosperity. Afghanistan, once a country with one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world has just received a new women’s health clinic in Paktika. Don’t you think the US efforts in strengthening the education system?
Afghanistan Seeks To Further Reduce High Maternal Mortality Rate - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2010

Further, the US is always at the forefront when it comes to humanitarian efforts around the world and you can read about our flood relief efforts in Pakistan here:
ReliefWeb » Document » Update: U.S. Response to Pakistan's Flood Disaster, 29 Oct 2010

Now, when confronted with the facts, do you still think the “US is terrorizing millions around the world” or spending millions in saving lives and restoring democracy?

LCDR Bill Speaks
DET, United States Central Command
Let me inform you about the developments leading Afghanistan towards democracy with the help of US and NATO forces. After reviewing the facts, your opinion will, I believe, take a different shape. At the same time, I do not believe you are misleading anyone by stating, “Everywhere the USA shows up terrorists show up” because the long occupation of Afghanistan under the Taliban rule and the destruction they caused to the nation and its people is not a secret to anyone. Just like, the overwhelming majority of casualties in Iraq died as a result of terrorist violence committed by Muslim insurgents and criminals so it is in Afghanistan where Taliban hatred and evil targets Muslim brothers and sisters. As you may have heard “2014” has been announced as a withdrawal date for our troops once the Afghan security forces can independently protect the people and serve the common good. Could we have imagined such a development under Taliban rule? The hated Taliban who kill indiscriminately and without remorse, deny women the right to better themselves, and bur Qur’ans; Almost 600, that we know of, at last count.
You state “we all know why you went to Iraq and Afghanistan” but an opinion should be separated from verifiable facts because from the beginning the US made clear its stance in Iraq and the AfPak region. The 9/11 terror act along with the threat Al-Qaida posed required the US to free Iraqis from a dictator and wage a war on terror. Our efforts in Iraq were aimed at getting for Iraqis the country and lives they want for themselves through healthcare, education, security, defense, civil capacity and infrastructure development projects, funded by the US government. Are we not witnessing in Iraq freedom of press without any pressure from the government? Let’s not forget, the, US keeps its promises and started transitioning from Iraq after the war.
Afghanistan today is also witnessing an unprecedented reformation. In 2006, only 36 schools were operating in the Uruzgan Province and now 250 schools have opened with more than 1,100 teachers and 425 trainees.
Progress in Afghanistan Highlighted by Business Growth, Job Creation and New Infrastructure Projects
More females are attending schools, job growth, new factories and a rising economy is leading the nation towards prosperity. Afghanistan, once a country with one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world has just received a new women’s health clinic in Paktika. Don’t you think the US efforts in strengthening the education system?
Afghanistan Seeks To Further Reduce High Maternal Mortality Rate - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2010

Further, the US is always at the forefront when it comes to humanitarian efforts around the world and you can read about our flood relief efforts in Pakistan here:
ReliefWeb » Document » Update: U.S. Response to Pakistan's Flood Disaster, 29 Oct 2010

Now, when confronted with the facts, do you still think the “US is terrorizing millions around the world” or spending millions in saving lives and restoring democracy?

LCDR Bill Speaks
DET, United States Central Command

All those projects that to mention have only benefited a small number of people in Afghansitan. The money that is spend in Afghanistan did not went to the poor Afghani's, but it went into the pockets of the corrupt elite which have surrounded Ahmid Karzai. Even is brother is mentioned as a druglord in secret documents which wer released by Wikileaks. Former vice president caught with 50 million dollars in cash in UEA and was resealed with the money after UEA got the green light by Ahmid Karzai and USA. Opium production is 37 times higher under the Karzai governement than under the Taliban. Security has never been so bad as it now is. Corruption reached all time highs and has infiltrated all government institutions at all levels. Numbers of killed cilivians reached all time highs under your occuption. You destroyed thousands of houses and livelyhoods and you think that by building some schools that the Afghan people will forget their loved one who you killed. This war will never end untill the occuption ends.
All those projects that to mention have only benefited a small number of people in Afghansitan. The money that is spend in Afghanistan did not went to the poor Afghani's, but it went into the pockets of the corrupt elite which have surrounded Ahmid Karzai. Even is brother is mentioned as a druglord in secret documents which wer released by Wikileaks. Former vice president caught with 50 million dollars in cash in UEA and was resealed with the money after UEA got the green light by Ahmid Karzai and USA. Opium production is 37 times higher under the Karzai governement than under the Taliban. Security has never been so bad as it now is. Corruption reached all time highs and has infiltrated all government institutions at all levels. Numbers of killed cilivians reached all time highs under your occuption. You destroyed thousands of houses and livelyhoods and you think that by building some schools that the Afghan people will forget their loved one who you killed. This war will never end untill the occuption ends.

Leave us alone my arab brother!!! we dont need your sympathy and please dont act as if you are our solicitor. i am not supporting anyone including the americans, but your indirect support of the taliban is not appreciated by majority of afghans. refer to your bolded part, the war will never end even if the americans completely withdraw, it will be worse and rivers of blood will be created.
Leave us alone my arab brother!!! we dont need your sympathy and please dont act as if you are our solicitor. i am not supporting anyone including the americans, but your indirect support of the taliban is not appreciated by majority of afghans. refer to your bolded part, the war will never end even if the americans completely withdraw, it will be worse and rivers of blood will be created.

Assalaam Wa 3alaykom brother, I am not a Taliban supporter, but you can not denie that some things were beter under the Taliban. Like their was security in large parts of Afghanistan, corruption was very low and drugs production was at all time low. But things like forbidding girls not to go to school or using suicide bombings I totally do not support that, because I think it is against our believe.

But brother if the USA stays the war will also go on and furthermore you will get a government that is corrupt, not democratic and only cares about her interests and that of her paymaster (USA).

Assalaam Wa 3alaykom brother, I am not a Taliban supporter,

You might not be taliban supporter, but anti american sentiments will lead you to directly/indirectly support anyone who is agaisnt the americans.

but you can not denie that some things were beter under the Taliban. Like their was security in large parts of Afghanistan,

and what do you know about life under the taliban? do you know that they killed people because they were shias? do you know that they used to kill people becasue they were not pashtoons? they killed us in thousands and thousands, they masacared the other muslims for no reason.

corruption was very low and drugs production was at all time low

corruption was as high during the taliban as it is now, there is only one differnece, you couldnt criticize the taliban for corruption because you would have lost your head, but now people can easily talk against corruptin and the gov. you even were not able to get a passport without bribing the officials during the taliban time, you would have laughed if you knew a mullah or taliban commander, no questions asked whaever you did, isnt it corruption? isnt bribery corruptin?

. But things like forbidding girls not to go to school or using suicide bombings I totally do not support that, because I think it is against our believe.

i am glad to hear that, you should also know that around 60-70% of all civilian casualty is due to the taliban attacks, they even killed over 70 school kids in one attack.

But brother if the USA stays the war will also go on and furthermore

but if the US leaves, there will be unimaginable level of bloodshed a thousands time more than today, you dont know but we know, our experience tell us.

you will get a government that is corrupt

we always had corrupt governments, the taliban were also badly corrupt, almost every muslim countgry have corrupt govs, so what is the differnence?

not democratic and only cares about her interests and that of her paymaster

maybe not 100% democratic, but it is way better than whatever we had before in the last 35 years, we have to start from somewhere no matter how bad, it is bad what we have today, but it is better than the taliban. and please dont tell me that the taliban are not/were not on foreigners and other country's payrolls. i dont see the difference.

The problem is nt that he is just being paid to do this... He probably believes in this crap anyway... The average westerner is extremely ill informed and they cant get a YES SIR!!! from their soldiers unless they do a thorough brain washing of them in training etc... I would not blame him at all... I actually feel sad and sorry for the poor 20 year olds who have given their lives to serve Queen and Country in Afghanistan in a war based upon lies and deceit...

Dear Muhammad-Bin-Qasim,

While I respect your right to an opinion, respecting the content of your opinion is not as easy. The 9/11 terror act claimed over 3,000 lives in our homeland. Al Qaeda, Osama bin laden and his deputies openly claimed responsibility for planning and carrying out those hateful, evil attacks. In response, our soldiers, like good soldiers in any military, not only say “Yes Sir,” but continue to fight for our great nation and sacrifice their lives in Afghanistan fighting terrorism. We do not, however, say “Yes Ma’am,” as, although we are the strongest of allies, CENTCOM does not serve British Queen and her Country. Unless, are you proposing a new conspiracy theory?

Is not the brainwashing and misinformation you refer to better used to reference al Qaeda? No one in the US military has to be brainwashed to go to Afghanistan; Perhaps if you had been to the front lines to see the fighting and horrible toll of war for yourself, you would not venture such an awkward statement? And no one will have to be brainwashed to leave in accordance with the 2014 withdrawal which clearly indicates our future plans and alerts our troops about the ongoing transition to full Afghan Security Force responsibility. We and the international community have continued to progress in Afghanistan and I have mentioned all the developments in the previous post… Why do you not acknowledge or deny any of this information? Should I assume from the anger evident in your comments that facts are not open to debate?
I would be more than happy to update you on all the developments in Afghanistan as we continue to help the nation rebuild and be on the camel’s path towards democracy and prosperity. You are also welcome to bring any debate regarding our progress and development in Afghanistan. We continue to post in the belief that the facts outweigh ideology and we will continue to do so! We welcome any information to the contrary, rather than uninformed insults. Perhaps you know someone who has knowledge of the facts? If so, please refer them to us for a learned discussion.

LCDR Bill Speaks

DET, United States Central Command
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Dear Muhammad-Bin-Qasim,

While I respect your right to an opinion, respecting the content of your opinion is not as easy. The 9/11 terror act claimed over 3,000 lives in our homeland. Al Qaeda, Osama bin laden and his deputies openly claimed responsibility for planning and carrying out those hateful, evil attacks. In response, our soldiers, like good soldiers in any military, not only say “Yes Sir,” but continue to fight for our great nation and sacrifice their lives in Afghanistan fighting terrorism. We do not, however, say “Yes Ma’am,” as, although we are the strongest of allies, CENTCOM does not serve British Queen and her Country. Unless, are you proposing a new conspiracy theory?

YouTube - Bin Laden "Confession" Video

Is not the brainwashing and misinformation you refer to better used to reference al Qaeda? No one in the US military has to be brainwashed to go to Afghanistan; Perhaps if you had been to the front lines to see the fighting and horrible toll of war for yourself, you would not venture such an awkward statement? And no one will have to be brainwashed to leave in accordance with the 2014 withdrawal which clearly indicates our future plans and alerts our troops about the ongoing transition to full Afghan Security Force responsibility. We and the international community have continued to progress in Afghanistan and I have mentioned all the developments in the previous post… Why do you not acknowledge or deny any of this information? Should I assume from the anger evident in your comments that facts are not open to debate?
I would be more than happy to update you on all the developments in Afghanistan as we continue to help the nation rebuild and be on the camel’s path towards democracy and prosperity. You are also welcome to bring any debate regarding our progress and development in Afghanistan. We continue to post in the belief that the facts outweigh ideology and we will continue to do so! We welcome any information to the contrary, rather than uninformed insults. Perhaps you know someone who has knowledge of the facts? If so, please refer them to us for a learned discussion.

LCDR Bill Speaks

DET, United States Central Command

Dear Bill...

Thank you for addressing our concerns... Your response is much appreciated...

You do not need to post videos of Bin Laden's confession... I know most of the details of 9/11, having been blessed with some contacts in international journalism as well as having a close friend who has graduated from Hamburg University, gave me a lot of insight into what happened on that day... You should always remember that regardless of our differences most of us Muslims would never support terrorism and believe it or not, our sympathies were with the innocent Americans who died in those attacks on that day... The only question that has remained in my mind is why did the American government not do anything to stop 9/11 when they had plenty of warnings and information about the group in Hamburg who planned and executed this attack? And why was no one from the government at that time ever brought to justice for such a neglect? We live in a time when a typing mistake can result in a boss firing an employee yet such a disaster took place before everyone's eyes and no one held Bush or Cheney or Rice to account for their negligence??

Of course you do not say Yes Ma am... :) There is no conspiracy theory being discussed here... In the words of the late Leslie Nielsen the idea of having a Queen is stupid but that still does not prevent America and the Queen's soldiers to fight on the same side... My comment about Queen and Country was about the British as I know a lot of young British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan...

You as an American do serve your country... So Queen for the British and Country for the Americans... that would make more sense...

Lastly... You THINK you are doing something good for Afghanistan... The Afghans and the rest of the Muslim world does not see it this way... Bill before I post for you the reality on the ground in Afghanistan, why dont you talk about the two horrible cases that I mentioned... Those of Dilawar and the American soldier who killed innocent Afghans for fun and collected their fingers and skulls as trophies? Dilawar was tortured by US troops for absolutely no crime... The whole affair would have remained hidden from the world had it not been a journalist investigating what happened... You may claim and boast that America has done a lot of good for Afghanistan... but at least for my brother Dilawar and his family... you brought them nothing but pain and misery... none of the good that America is trying to do in Afghanistan would bring their Dilawar back to them...

To actually believe that anyone in the "normal" world thinks America has done some good by invading Iraq is laughable... Do remember that nothing in the entire history of the US has damaged your country's image and reputation (not even the A Bombs on Japan) than what America has done in Iraq... This should suffice for the issue of the Iraq war...

Now lets see what you have been doing in Afghanistan... apart from supporting the most corrupt person on the face of the Earth i.e Hamid Karzai... Bill... it is not that America is trying to do some good or not... rather the issue is that your very presence is causing bloodshed in that country... If Osama Bin Laden was the reason... You have totally failed to capture and punish him...

See for yourself... Even the Pentagon admits it...

Pentagon says US progress in Afghanistan war is 'patchy' | World news | The Guardian

You want more details...

Here you go...


Read it in detail... I can be angry and I may not be... Facts are always open to discussion...

Those who take the time to communicate genuinely instead of war mongering deserve the utmost respect... even if they are our enemies... So you ll find that we will never show you any disrespect...

Bill get your boys out of Afghanistan... Do it now... I say this to you as a friend... not an enemy...

Wish I could offer you coffee or tea... or even a cuban cigar... but we can leave that all for the good times...

Have a good weekend...

Some more facts that I got after some searching...

Democracy: Western governments and commentators would have us believe that Afghanistan is now a flourishing democracy. But America may soon have 100,000 troops in the country. Moreover, the US-backed Hamid Karzai is leading what’s considered to be one of the most corrupt governments on earth.

Poverty: There is endemic poverty in Afghanistan, which ranks 174th out of 178 countries on the Human Development Index. Infant mortality is shockingly high: 142 babies out of every 1,000 die before reaching their first birthday, while a woman dies in pregnancy every 30 minutes. Just 23 per cent of the total population have access to safe drinking water, and only 24 per cent of people above the age of 15 can read and write. More than half of the population earns less than $2 a day.

Drugs: In December 2009, Viktor Ivanov of Russia’s anti-narcotics federal agency said that “60 per cent of all opiates in the world are produced in the area [in Afghanistan] that the British forces are responsible for. There were 25 hectares of opium in 2004. Now there are 90,000. This shows you how effective they are.” Drug addiction and smuggling are growing problems in the whole central Asian region.

Underdevelopment: To date, half of the Afghan capital Kabul lies in ruins, thousands are unemployed, many still live in tents, children go hungry, schools are overcrowded and hospitals dirty, women beg in the streets and turn to prostitution, and children are kidnapped and sold into slavery or murdered, allegedly for their organs. Since 2001 US military spending amounts to $100m a day, while only $7m goes to development, and 40 per cent of that is lost to administrative costs. Less than five per cent of what’s left goes to agricultural development, yet 80 per cent of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihood.
What? They didn't have tanks on the ground till now?

What is wrong with Americans fighting this war half-assed while we Pakistanis are dying on a daily basis, these guys do everything for show and dance. How many are they sending?

What I don't understand with the American planning is they seem to be doing everything for show - like "Oh we are sending 7000 troops, oops didn't work, now we are sending 30,000 troops - didn't work, so now we will send tanks"

You need to send at least 100,000 more troops to Afghanistan. The Pak-Afghan border has to be heavily manned by American soldiers - not Pakistani, not Afghani. Not even Nato - just American. Use these tanks (lots of them) to retake towns from Afghanistan and then station American troops there for the long term and send MORE troops to attack more towns under Taliban control, then don't shift troops from the previous town but put in more troops there.

With Pakistan's very limited resources we have done this with good success in Swat and SWA the example is in front of you.

Americans are so quick to say that Pakistanis want them to leave Afghanistan, but we would be equally happy if you brought an end to this war and then left. The problem is we are sick of half-assed efforts. We don't want to see Operation Cobra, Khanjar, snakes and ladders and so on, we want to see Afghanistan under proper American military control.

Instead there is an operation, you guys are like "here Karzai, this town is for you", You guys have now realized how corrupt and inept he is right? Wikileaks have confirmed he is at least consorting with Pakistan's known evil - Bugti. If nothing else, he loses the town and Taliban take it over again. Hold it yourself. Hold it for a year - or 5. Bring some order into Afghanistan - yourself.

If you can't do all that - then Pakistanis say - leave. I still can't believe no one in the entire US of A and the effin foresight that tanks may be needed to win this war till now! What a waste of 10 years!
.....If you can't do all that - then Pakistanis say - leave. I still can't believe no one in the entire US of A and the effin foresight that tanks may be needed to win this war till now! What a waste of 10 years!

It is not as simple or straightforward as you make it seem, my dear sir!
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