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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

- How many times do Burmese wish Bangladesh gets obliterated to oblivion?
- How many times do you see mass Burmese coming out into the roads screaming "Kill Banglas" with slogans in their colonies?
- How many times does the junta promise the complete wipeout of Bangladesh regularly?
- How many Burmese are sponsoring militant groups inside Bangladesh to act against Bangladeshi nationals and citizens?

When you change the 'Burma' and 'Bangladesh' and replace it with 'Israel' and 'Arab/Islamic states', the answers are as follows:

- Almost daily.
- Almost weekly.
- Almost monthly.
- Almost half a dozen.

Now if Bangladesh Government had the same set of answers for your country vis a vis Burmese, I am sure that your reaction to the amassing of troops would be very, very different than what it is.

If Arabs/Muslims hated Jews that much, they could have 'wiped them out' a long time ago. They have existed together for 1400 years in the Middle East, even now. There was never any mass genocide of Jews in the Middle East during WWII.

Jeez, serious propaganda and paranoia going on there. Although, I don't deny that there is propaganda on the Muslim side as well.
By the virtue of the same link, please check the article that mentions regarding the 6 Day War. It doesn't have your troops or generals listed but "other" collaborators involved from your country, obviously meaning political and possibly financial supporters. The main men in the field were Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians. No doubt.

Of course more countries doesn't mean more troops. But it still doesn't make it fair when comparing these three significantly large countries fighting against a much smaller country, isn't it?

Are you talking about IDF jets bombing the runways and Egyptian and Jordanian air fields? They took a calculated risk considering that a strike on their runways meant that half their air forces will be useless. And the risk worked. Who declared the war first though? It wasn't Israel.

Those two changing means a lot changes. Everything about their behavior changes. Their societal manners, their behavior, their perception, their views, etc. Now certainly if Saudis were to become Jews or Christians or any of the Dharmic faiths tomorrow, your aforementioned attributes would also drastically change.

It is like saying, "hey I just gave this guy an eye, nose, ear and lip plastic surgery. That doesn't really make him look different". Obviously the people don't vanish. The Palestinians are not vanishing by the minute either. Rather they're multiplying faster than Jews in some areas. You're talking as if Israelis daily gas the whole lot with chemical agent weapons. That's not happening.

Re-read your last sentence again before changing the meaning last minute. For your convenience, I will do it: "We will not give Palastenian citizenship in our country not to let them suffer but because we learned what happened when jordan gave them citizenship very well."

Seems the Palestinians weren't too grateful to their friends in Jordan after all the kindness they showed. After what happened in Black September, no GCC country has the intention to hand out passports to Palestinians. It is an open truth that many Arabs (Especially ones living outside) talk of. There isn't much bunny love between you guys either, isn't it?

As I said, these two are the mask identity of a particular civilization. Palestinians talk in Arabic, think in terms of Arab concepts, look like any other Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians etc, follow Islam. I think a lot more years of doing this naturally makes you what you've adopted. Real Arabs don't really matter now considering that everyone from Morocco to Oman is considered an Arab now, isn't it? What propaganda is there in this? You're not a since race either. It is the Pan-Arabism that makes you called the Arab states isn't it? Now don't tell me "no it is not like that". Arabs of Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia etc will beg to differ from you.

So by saying Jordanian and Syrian forces "no doubt" You admit that what you made your statement in is complete speculation while I am stating facts that Egypt was in no position to fight another front in "Israel" of all places in the middle east.

Regarding your second reply you are attributing that a strength of a military of a country is on its size....I will not even reply to that.

Your third reply yes I meant the air strike that Israel spent 5 years planning and taken against Arab countries when they least expected it. Yes very clever by the Israeli side I have to give them credit on how accurate and carefully planned the strikes were and its timing when Arab who are suppose to be according to Israel are preparing to attack were sleeping or just waking up from what seemed to them another normal day.

People can change their appearance a thousand times but their DNA and who they are will stay the same. This is exactly how you will find Black jews blond jews and your more average type jew....

The king of Jordan was an idiot he wanted to make entire Palastine another part of his country, So in order to do that he gave Palastenians citizenship and even made it illegal to say the word Palastine out of his own sick wants of power. A power the british promised to him but did not pull through.

To you yes Palastenians look like Syrians and Egyptians but to us we can spot the difference between us a mile a way and we know where does this person come from. For instance we have a very considerable amount of Chinese, Russian and African people in Saudi Arabia all of them speak perfect Arabic and are Muslims....does that make them "Arabic" too??
The key player in my opinion is saudi. They have the power to force americans to bend by threatning to refuse to accept dollars for their oil. This one act could destroy america overnight. However then america would support democracy in saudi lol,
If Arabs/Muslims hated Jews that much, they could have 'wiped them out' a long time ago. They have existed together for 1400 years in the Middle East, even now. There was never any mass genocide of Jews in the Middle East during WWII.

Jeez, serious propaganda and paranoia going on there. Although, I don't deny that there is propaganda on the Muslim side as well.

Do you listen to yourself? They have existed together under Muslim discrimination you mean. There were good times, without a doubt, but there were Massacres and persecution throughout the ages by Muslims.
Here, educate yourself.
History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you listen to yourself? They have existed together under Muslim discrimination you mean. There were good times, without a doubt, but there were Massacres and persecution throughout the ages by Muslims.
Here, educate yourself.
History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, that's why it's called Wikipedia :lol:

I think you should also read some good books like A World without Islam.

Although I understand, there was discrimination of Jews in general by some conservative and aggressive Muslims in history. Similarly applied in Europe. In fact, they were much worst. Anyways, the past is the past.

I am not saying that Israel must cease to exist or something, it is a viable state. It is the most advanced state in the Middle East. But the current stance taken by the State of Israel on key issues demanded by the Arabs is not acceptable.

Yeah, even your Uncle Sam wants a state for the Palestinians and Obama has been very clear on his stance on the Jewish settlements on Palestinian territories. Sadly, AIPAC is just too powerful for anything. Hence America's credibility in the Middle East Peace Process now is nearly 0. All that needs to be done is for a state for the Palestinians with East Jerusalem as its capital living side by side with Israel in peace - nothing more or nothing less.

Otherwise, the cycle will just keep repeating itself for a very, very long time. And no, it is not something you, I nor even Uncle Sam can fully control.
Yeah, that's why it's called Wikipedia :lol:

I think you should also read some good books like A World without Islam.

Although I understand, there was discrimination of Jews in general by some conservative and aggressive Muslims in history. Similarly applied in Europe. In fact, they were much worst. Anyways, the past is the past.

I am not saying that Israel must cease to exist or something, it is a viable state. It is the most advanced state in the Middle East. But the current stance taken by the State of Israel on key issues demanded by the Arabs is not acceptable.

Yeah, even your Uncle Sam wants a state for the Palestinians and Obama has been very clear on his stance on the Jewish settlements on Palestinian territories. Sadly, AIPAC is just too powerful for anything. Hence America's credibility in the Middle East Peace Process now is nearly 0. All that needs to be done is for a state for the Palestinians with East Jerusalem as its capital living side by side with Israel in peace - nothing more or nothing less.

Otherwise, the cycle will just keep repeating itself for a very, very long time. And no, it is not something you, I nor even Uncle Sam can fully control.

Well, we`ll see what happens in September. If the Palestinians want to shoot themselves in the foot, that`s their choice.

They refuse to even accept Israel as a Jewish homeland, Abbas rejected it i`m not even bothering with Hamas, those that will replace him will though.
Jerusalem will remain the undivided capital of Israel, no matter what.
If they unilaterally declare themselves a state in the UN then Israel will annex everything that belongs to her and those settlements will become parts of Israel.
10 years from now, US won't exist. And Israel will be overtaken by the arabs, then. So US is only delaying the inevitable.
since when India has been Jewish country? you don't feel any compassion for your fellow mulism?

not enough?
If Arabs/Muslims hated Jews that much, they could have 'wiped them out' a long time ago.

This is where you think all wrong. If it was that easy, it would have been done. Do you think the tactics have not been tried already? This isn't 8th century where wars are fought with thousands running with swords. There is more to wars than direct battle. Israel maintained supremacy of battlefield because they first made the war a success in their minds and applied it to the battlefield. Most of you fail to understand that fighting requires strategy. Which is why they got nukes and that Option in place lest Arabs/Muslims got uppity.

They have existed together for 1400 years in the Middle East, even now. There was never any mass genocide of Jews in the Middle East during WWII.

Jews existed much before that. And you forgot that this existence of theirs was under an Islamic government of Ottoman Empire. If parts of other countries can claim to demand an Islamic state out of a non-Islamic country (wink wink you know), then why and how come Israel is wrong claiming a Jewish land (which was historically theirs) in that land which was a result of collapse of Ottoman Empire and British taking?

Jeez, serious propaganda and paranoia going on there. Although, I don't deny that there is propaganda on the Muslim side as well.

I appreciate your broadmindedness to actually acknowledge this argument neutrally. Very few here have the humility to do so.
The key player in my opinion is saudi. They have the power to force americans to bend by threatning to refuse to accept dollars for their oil. This one act could destroy america overnight. However then america would support democracy in saudi lol,

You answered your own comment. :lol:. It would have been on the table for the Saudi king straight "Listen to us or we will bring bring democracy to your country and let your women drive around".
since when India has been Jewish country? you don't feel any compassion for your fellow mulism?

not enough?

What a question! How did you assume that we're a Jewish country? :blink: What compassion are you talking about? Your questions really don't make sense man. Rephrase them.
10 years from now, US won't exist. And Israel will be overtaken by the arabs, then. So US is only delaying the inevitable.
So Osama bin Laden was correct when he claimed that a significant proportion of Muslims support who they see as "the strong horse" rather than what is just.

With that kind of attitude, how can Pakistan ever reduce corruption?
This is where you think all wrong. If it was that easy, it would have been done. Do you think the tactics have not been tried already? This isn't 8th century where wars are fought with thousands running with swords. There is more to wars than direct battle. Israel maintained supremacy of battlefield because they first made the war a success in their minds and applied it to the battlefield. Most of you fail to understand that fighting requires strategy. Which is why they got nukes and that Option in place lest Arabs/Muslims got uppity.

Jews existed much before that. And you forgot that this existence of theirs was under an Islamic government of Ottoman Empire. If parts of other countries can claim to demand an Islamic state out of a non-Islamic country (wink wink you know), then why and how come Israel is wrong claiming a Jewish land (which was historically theirs) in that land which was a result of collapse of Ottoman Empire and British taking?

I appreciate your broadmindedness to actually acknowledge this argument neutrally. Very few here have the humility to do so.

Cool circular logic bro :tup:
Not just Israel but the neighbors as well. The Iranians are willing to 'martyr' any 'collateral damages' just to wipe Israel off the map.

you have gone too far..... Talking about iranian intentions of collateral damage by nuke! Funny.. The country does not posses nuke yet... It is usa the only country who used nuke... Do you think everyone is like you???
This is where you think all wrong. If it was that easy, it would have been done. Do you think the tactics have not been tried already? This isn't 8th century where wars are fought with thousands running with swords. There is more to wars than direct battle. Israel maintained supremacy of battlefield because they first made the war a success in their minds and applied it to the battlefield. Most of you fail to understand that fighting requires strategy. Which is why they got nukes and that Option in place lest Arabs/Muslims got uppity.

Jews existed much before that. And you forgot that this existence of theirs was under an Islamic government of Ottoman Empire. If parts of other countries can claim to demand an Islamic state out of a non-Islamic country (wink wink you know), then why and how come Israel is wrong claiming a Jewish land (which was historically theirs) in that land which was a result of collapse of Ottoman Empire and British taking?

I appreciate your broadmindedness to actually acknowledge this argument neutrally. Very few here have the humility to do so.

In Islam the way to treat non-muslims in your state is clear. They are free to practice their religion, They are free to have their own courts according to their religion, They are not required to serve in the army (thus the jizya tax, although some non-muslims did serve for the muslim army and those that did did not nor their family had to pay tax) and Justice is done equally between all citizens.

I admit and it makes me angry that Saudi Arabia does not practice these laws. But most of other Islamic empires (amoyah and abbasyah and fatimyah) did.

Okay Teshering let us not use a bible here to determine who's land it is and base solely on historic point of view shall we?? According to jewish history David took the land of Israel from Gath by defeating Goliath who was an Arab, and if that proves anything it proves that Arabs existed in Philistia before jews doesn't it? Okay now that we have established who was there first let us look at the time line shall we? at about 1000BC David conquered Philistia and then the Assyrians Conquered them in 800BC (that is about 200 years) and then they scattered everywhere (most notably Babylon if you read about the Jewish Babylonian revolt) which lasted about 50 years which makes it a total of 250 years of jewish kingdoms.
On the other hand Muslims have been there for collectively from 637-1099(462 years) and then in 1187 it was Arab/Muslim again till 1917 when it fill to the British and that is 730 years so 730+462=1192 years of Muslim/Arab rule.... You guys do the math.
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