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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

The Palestinian National Authority on Friday expressed its regret that U.S. lawmakers accepted a resolution cutting off all aid to the Palestinians if they turn to the United Nations in September to request the Palestinian Territories be recognized as an independent country.

The political advisor to PNA head Mahmud Abbas, Nimr Hammad, said during a briefing on Friday that the decision made by the U.S. House of Representatives was "a new attempt demonstrating its partiality to Israeli policy."

A majority vote in the House of Representatives on Thursday made the decision to cut off American aid to the Palestinians if they continue to strive for recognition as an independent state through the UN and not through dialogue with Israel.

The United States has warned earlier that it would use its veto in the UN Security Council to stop the progress of Palestinian recognition.

"This decision contradicts the interests of the United States in the region, breaches all international norms and shows contradiction in the U.S.'s attempts in the protection of freedom and the right of the people in self-determination, when at the same time they support the [Israeli] government which is using all forms of breaching human rights," Hammad said.

The United States does not support the PNA's desire to address the UN with the recognition of Palestinian independence.

A head of the Fatah delegation visiting Moscow, Nabil Shaath, reiterated on Tuesday the PNA's desire to address the UN for recognition of Palestinian independence.

The Palestinians want to form an independent state within the 1967 borders before Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.

Israel wants Jerusalem to be its "eternal and undivided" capital.

U.S. to cut off aid to PNA, veto Palestinian recognition in UN | World | RIA Novosti

Looks like a punch in the stomach for the Palestinians.
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?
If true, any pretense of US being a fair moderator or arbitrator between Israel and Palestinians has been thrown in the dustbin.

Very shameful on part of the Congressman who would pass such a resolution for a policy that the US under Bush and Obama and before and even Israeli PMs have all advocated a two state solution. Now they want to go back and change the basis of negotiations.
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?

Lets look at what is happening with emotional blinkers.

Palestinian PM doesn't listen to the US President and they get threatened with any US aid cut. Well that is all good because it is US money. And basically what the PM is asking for is recognition of a Palestinian state that has been part of the peace deals since 1992.

The Israeli PM doesn't listen to the US President and he gets thunderous applause (29 standing ovations). Normal people including Americans look at this and see that US is partial to Israel and anti-Palestinian.

Aid is appreciated when its provided as a helping hand and a positive lever. If its used as a negative lever, especially on a core issue like state recognition, no one would want such an aid.

Also since 2008, the share of US aid as a percentage has been going down with the bulk now coming from the EU and Arab countries.
This is what Turki Al-Faisal said:
“In September, the kingdom will use its considerable diplomatic might to support the Palestinians in their quest for international recognition. American leaders have long called Israel an “indispensable” ally. They will soon learn that there are other players in the region — not least the Arab street — who are as, if not more, “indispensable.” The game of favoritism toward Israel has not proven wise for Washington, and soon it will be shown to be an even greater folly. There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.”
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?

O.K if you actually didn't get it then please read the title again

US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?

Your rhetoric aside, actually I'm against the aid but its the fact that the US is making hostile moves against the very request of a Palestinian state that is shameful. Of course its nothing new, the US has always given aid out of guilt / to make them look less horrible, but in the long run it has vetoed anything anti-Israel or Pro-Palestinian. The US also gives compensation after killing civilians as collateral damage. You are better off not giving the aid since it won't help wash away your original sins OR you can give ZERO aid and not oppose resolutions that are in favor of Palestinians and you will get much better PR.

But as things stand, Shame! Is all you should feel.
The acknowledgement of Palestinian cause and the "warnings" to Israel were just a drama.. Oh dear!!!

I always knew this, words are cheap and Americans are full of it. Which is why I have been against this UNSC bakwas. There has to be General Assembly vote, thats it. If it was up to me, I would push for a new UN this one has gone to the gutters. All UN decisions should be democratic.
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