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US 'to build Libyan nuclear plant'


Aug 23, 2006
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The US is to help Libya build its first-ever nuclear power plant according to the African nation's official news agency, Jana.
Jana said on Monday that the General People's Committee, the Libyan parliamentary body, had given approval for the foreign ministry to sign a deal with the US the day before.
There was no immediate confirmation of the deal from the US, but any such agreement would continue a considerable thawing of relations between the two countries.

'American pressure'
Guma El-Gamaty, a researcher on Libyan affairs, told Al Jazeera: "It is a significant reward for Gaddafi and a sign of how far relations between America and Libya have come.
"Gaddafi's regime has become strong ally of America in its 'war on terror' ... supplying information about Islamic groups around the world that may prove a threat to the US."
He said: "This will send a diplomatic signal to other more crucial countries, like Iran and North Korea, that if they follow Libya's example and completely capitulate and give up to American pressure and toe the American line ... they will be rewarded."
Libya had long been suspected by some governments in the west of attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction.
But in 2003 Muammar Gaddafi, the country's long-term leader, renounced all attempts to develop a non-conventional arsenal, clearing the way for the restoration of diplomatic relations with the US in May last year.
Gaddafi did, however, maintain his desire to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Technical assistance
The deal to be signed shortly with the US would include building a nuclear power plant, helping develop water desalination capacity, joint research and technical projects and training Libyan technicians in the US.
"The General People's Committee authorised on Sunday the General People's Committee for Liaison and International Cooperation to sign the agreement related to Libyan-American cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy," Jana said.
On March 3, Gaddafi renewed a recent complaint that Western countries had failed to properly compensate Libya for scrapping its nuclear arms programme and as a result countries like Iran and North Korea would not follow his lead.
Fears over finite oil and gas supplies and climate change have meant nuclear power is seen increasingly as a way of producing energy and cutting emissions of carbon dioxide.
Libya has proven oil reserves of 39 billion barrels, enough for 60 years at current production rates.
Its largely unexploited gas reserves are estimated at 53 trillion cubic feet.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

No N-power cooperation with Libya: US

WASHINGTON: The US insisted on Tuesday that it had no plans to help Libya develop a nuclear power industry despite a decision in Tripoli to seek such assistance.

“There’s no formal pending nuclear cooperation agreement with Libya on nuclear power plants or any other nuclear issues,” said State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey. Casey said nuclear cooperation with Libya since the two countries renewed diplomatic relations last year following a 25-year break was limited to medical uses of radioisotopes.

“We are in discussions with the Libyans regarding a project to help them develop a nuclear medicine centre, and that is the only thing you could use the word ‘nuclear’ in relation to past agreements,” he said.

The Libyan government announced on Monday that the Foreign Ministry had been authorised to enter into negotiations with the US on assistance for construction of the country’s first nuclear power station. The state news agency had reported earlier that Washington had already offered to help Libya as part of the normalisation of bilateral relations. Casey denied the report.

“There’s no discussion of this, there’s no agreement being worked out and there are no plans to do so right now,” he said. “At a future date, we’d be open to discussions about this, but now is not the time that I think either of us deem appropriate for that,” he said.

I bet there is some one some where laughing there A-- off in pakistan.Excellent i wonder who will trust him now.:yahoo:
I'm laughing my a$$ off here aswell...:rofl:
North Koreans are smart though, even if they abandon their nuclear programme, the have the know how which will never be lost. ;)
wht humilation and slap in tht ***** face in tripoli
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