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US to be the sole Superpower for century at least !


Nov 18, 2010
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Often I read on PDF that Chinese and Indians put up topics of being Superpower to challenge the US. I thought it was time we discussed it seriously. To be super power you have to 3 ingredients in sync.

- Having a NATO like alliance: When it comes to India, they are pacifists by nature i.e. will never go for challenging the US, and China -no NEW friends i.e. not many countries outside current ones that are aligned with Russia already, have a chance at creating such a NATO like alliance. Both these countries need NEW alliances that are outside the ones aligned with Russia.

- International bases in developed countries that also have nuclear bombs. Again, the issue here is_ Russians will never accept these two playing in their backyard and challenging their alliances. So who is going to give you that GLOBAL presence and it has to be GLOBAL to be a superpower.

- Dominant Currency – As much as India or china gets some countries to accept their currencies in trade, some is not over 80-90% of countries. Now to get your currency to dominate you have to be democracy , free access to internal investments ( china restricts this due to fear of influence by developed countries over their citizenry and India is still not mature as markets go)

There are several other factors but for now I will submit-bottom line is for a century at least- Both India and China can be great @ GDP’s but as old USSR showed us GDP does not equate to being a superpower!

All 3 of these have to place and no single one can be sufficient for either India or China to challenge the US
Wonder why a Indian in US is so concerned about superpower status of America :angel:

:coffee: the Indians are panicking now because they realize nobody can save them from another 1962

The above two examples , another reason why countries cannot challenge the US. Lack of any intellect among majority of the population.. Forrest Gump said famously " stupid is as stupid does". and Ladies and gents - presenting you the two youths who fit that description well. I'm sure many to follow.
He's not Indian, more a American intel ID.

The USA will rot only sooner. I bet in 50 yrs it will end up like Mexico, if not deintegrated.
US is a hyper power which is one step ahead of a super power. The moment russians were defeated in afghanistan, US invaded panama.

US could rule the world for 200 years more if it averts major economic and intervention disasters like Iran.

China and Russia would never go into direct confrontation with the US; however, they do try to weaken the US a bit.

A new super power like China would not challenge the US.
He's not Indian, more a American intel ID.

The USA will rot only sooner. I bet in 50 yrs it will end up like Mexico, if not deintegrated.

Is there any insurgent movement in US...I don't think so.
Mate HongWu is a Pakistani in China. I have some real Chinese friends and used to have good Chinese friends in the UK. No Chinese wants a nuclear war, however this character seems to be hell bent on a Nuclear war. His typing is also Pakistani types... i.e. he is a faker.

The above two examples , another reason why countries cannot challenge the US. Lack of any intellect among majority of the population.. Forrest Gump said famously " stupid is as stupid does". and Ladies and gents - presenting you the two youths who fit that description well. I'm sure many to follow.
i think strong unbeatable army can lead any country to become a super power...and china is upgrading their army very fast....
i think strong unbeatable army can lead any country to become a super power...and china is upgrading their army very fast....

Then why USSR went bust. Without a strong economy to back up the military machine, its good for nothing.
Then why USSR went bust. Without a strong economy to back up the military machine, its good for nothing.

And you also need strong allies to keep you alfoat. US had the entire NATO- with them, as well as Japan. USSR's allies were smaller nations with no real economic clout.
Often I read on PDF that Chinese and Indians put up topics of being Superpower to challenge the US. I thought it was time we discussed it seriously. To be super power you have to 3 ingredients in sync.

- Having a NATO like alliance: When it comes to India, they are pacifists by nature i.e. will never go for challenging the US, and China -no NEW friends i.e. not many countries outside current ones that are aligned with Russia already, have a chance at creating such a NATO like alliance. Both these countries need NEW alliances that are outside the ones aligned with Russia.

- International bases in developed countries that also have nuclear bombs. Again, the issue here is_ Russians will never accept these two playing in their backyard and challenging their alliances. So who is going to give you that GLOBAL presence and it has to be GLOBAL to be a superpower.

- Dominant Currency – As much as India or china gets some countries to accept their currencies in trade, some is not over 80-90% of countries. Now to get your currency to dominate you have to be democracy , free access to internal investments ( china restricts this due to fear of influence by developed countries over their citizenry and India is still not mature as markets go)

There are several other factors but for now I will submit-bottom line is for a century at least- Both India and China can be great @ GDP’s but as old USSR showed us GDP does not equate to being a superpower!

All 3 of these have to place and no single one can be sufficient for either India or China to challenge the US

Superpower ....Its losing its superpower status at a rapid pace. Look at its deficits,debts and the massive derivative ponzi schemes.There is not much industrial base in USA with exception of military and upcoming oil and gas in north Dakota Bakken formation ,Eagle Ford formation (Texas) and the Permian Basin.

USA will lose its superpower status in coming 3-4 years with the dollar collapse happening in 2014 and its military will evaporate soon after that. There will be three major power centers : North America ,Russia ,China. China will be manufacturer type merchantilist power while USA and Russia will be resource selling major power.


Then why USSR went bust. Without a strong economy to back up the military machine, its good for nothing.

US economy is a paper economy now.

:coffee: the Indians are panicking now because they realize nobody can save them from another 1962

And you might lose 300 to 800 million chinese to indian biological weapons in event of India's invasion and destruction. You might win the war against India but you will be severely decimated too.
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