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US threatened and cajoled Pakistan in run-up to Iraq invasion


Apr 24, 2007
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US threatened and cajoled Pakistan in run-up to Iraq invasion

March 24th, 2008

New York, Mar.24 (ANI): The Bush Administration threatened and cajoled its allies, including Pakistan, in the run-up to the 2003 Iraqi invasion in a bid to seek support for its proposed military action in the UN Security Council in face of a veto threat by French President Jacques Chirac, says a Chilean diplomat in his forthcoming book.

Ambassador Heraldo Munoz, who was Chile’s Ambassador to the United Nations, sat on the UN Security Council as one of the 10 non-permanent members along with Angola, Cameroon, Guinea, Mexico and Pakistan, the six countries which opposed the US position to invade Iraq.

In his book “A Solitary War: A Diplomat’s Chronicle of the Iraq War and Its Lessons,” set for publication next month. Mr Munoz says that US President George Bush personally pushed the presidents of the six countries to support the US position in the 15-member Security Council.

The US wanted to show the world how isolated was the French government in its opposition to the invasion of Iraq, but it failed.

The book was made available to the Washington Post, which published excerpts on Sunday.

Munoz says that on March 14, 2003, less than one week before the eventual invasion, Chile hosted a meeting of diplomats from the six undecided governments to discuss its proposal. But US ambassador John D. Negroponte and then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell moved quickly to quash the initiative, warning their governments that the effort was viewed as “an unfriendly act” designed to isolate the United States.

The diplomats received calls from their governments ordering them to “leave the meeting immediately,” Munoz writes.

According to the Dawn, in the months leading up to the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration threatened trade reprisals against countries which withheld their support, spied on its allies, and pressed for the recall of UN envoys that resisted US pressure to endorse the war, according to the book.
If this was true, perhaps we made a mistake supporting US. Instead we should have supported France for its quest not to support such an US effort to invade Iraq. This way US would have not attacked afghainstan and disrupt not only afghanistan but also pakistan and hence no so called war on terror and no suecide bombings. A huge mistake that will haunt us for years to come or until both iraq and afghanistan get stable.
Political arm twisting at it's best. Oh, the perks of being a superpower.

If this was true, perhaps we made a mistake supporting US. Instead we should have supported France for its quest not to support such an US effort to invade Iraq. This way US would have not attacked afghainstan and disrupt not only afghanistan but also pakistan and hence no so called war on terror and no suecide bombings. A huge mistake that will haunt us for years to come or until both iraq and afghanistan get stable.

War of Afghanistan was in 2001, when the world was waiting with baited breath to see how the US would respond. At that time the whole world, even France and Germany, supported the US invasion of Afghanistan. It would have been suicide for us to resist their demands.
the invasion of afghanistan was not wrong according to me. alqaeda, supported by the taliban, had attacked USA in a cowardly manner. USA responded by attacking back the taliban and al qaeda. it is the right of every sovereign nation to defend itself, and USA was trying to prevent more attacks on their soil by attacking the taliban.

however, iraq war was 100% wrong. USA attacked iraq on a false pretext and for no other reason than to get iraqi oil.
The US action in Afghanistan was justified because of 9/11 and Osama's tapes.

However, Iraq was a different kettle of fish.

I see no justification for the same if the reasons given are taken.

However, if for geopolitical and geostrategic reasons it was done it is fine, but still, it is not morally justifiable!!
the invasion of afghanistan was not wrong according to me. alqaeda, supported by the taliban, had attacked USA in a cowardly manner. USA responded by attacking back the taliban and al qaeda. it is the right of every sovereign nation to defend itself, and USA was trying to prevent more attacks on their soil by attacking the taliban.

however, iraq war was 100% wrong. USA attacked iraq on a false pretext and for no other reason than to get iraqi oil.

Do you really believe in the fantasy story of AQ attacking the US in 2001? It was all a mere setup to justify US attack on countires like afghanistan and then later on Iraq and thats what exactly happened. The so called leaders of AQ escaped right under the watchful eye of the US and how many WMD's were found in iraq is known to all.
Actually we all have to understand the Geo-politics, before we jump to conclusions. As much as I also condemn American aggression against Afgahnistan & Iraq, they were bound to happen, using one excuse or other.

USA fought the Afghanistan war, to take control of the Caspian Sea Oil & Gas reserves, that stand equal to Saudi Arabia. Stubborn taliban earlier supported US conglomerate Unocal but later retracted and signed the pipeline deal (passing through Afghan) with Argentinean Bridas. That's when USA decided to invade Afghan.... no other reason...

That Oil pipeline had to come through Afghan and end in Gwadar. The Gas pipeline would have ended in Multan.

This WoT is not a fight against terrorist or taliban.... its just for peace so that the Gas & Oil pipeline could be laid through Afghan..... otheriwise taliban will keep disrupting their supplies.... by blowing up pipelines....

Why PAK had to RELUCTANTLY join.... or I would say counter the other Indian & russian conspiracies agaist PAK's existence....

A war always brings IMPORTS 'cross border infiltration' and 'espionage missions'. India has setup several small embassies on Afghan border..... why? They are training suicide bombers and shifting them inside PAK (with help of Northern Allianace in the interior ministry of Karzai govt).

In the guise of war, PAK would have faced Complete Destabilization, had we not stationed our troops on the border and setup fences and laid mines. The Baloch uprising was also part of Indian design, and so are the Fazalulah and Mehsuds..... they are being pumpled money and ammunition by Indian RAW..... to fight PAK army.

Saying that we should not have joind this WoT (read stationing our troops on border & crushing the uprising in Balouchistan & extremism in NWFP)..... is like "puting our heads into sand and assuming nothing will happen!"

USA should not be bluntly refused, and we should continue our strategy of strenghting Paksiatan first and cleaning our country of extremism.

please read to understand:
Pakistan First : International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing
Do you really believe in the fantasy story of AQ attacking the US in 2001? It was all a mere setup to justify US attack on countires like afghanistan and then later on Iraq and thats what exactly happened. The so called leaders of AQ escaped right under the watchful eye of the US and how many WMD's were found in iraq is known to all.

Conspiracy theories!!!! :hitwall:

IceCold sir why would a superpower need to through the trouble of hatching up an elaborate plan to attack it's economic heart and kill 3000 of it's own citizens just to attack a barren wasteland of Afghanistan?

If indeed the 9/11 attacks were carried out by the US with the intention of eventually justifying the Iraq invasion, don't you think it would have also fabricated evidence against Iraq? No WMD's were found, were there? How easy must it be for the US to plant WMD's in Iraq and claim them to have been of Saddam?

The US dosen't need to attack it's own homeland to justify an invasion to anyone, especially of a country like Afghanistan, where it has nothing to gain.
If the US can attack Iraq without any genuine cause since every claim has been disproved, why should the US require to have a conspiracy theory to attack Afghanistan?

Therefore, it is ridiculous to feel that AQ was not involved in 9/11.

If AQ was not involved, then why are they issuing videos or giving interviews against the US to selected Moslem journalists including those of Pakistan? Even Al Jazzeerah reports them!

A wee bit of intelligent analysis would reveal the inadequacy to justify the conspiracy theories.

Emotions are fine, but they cloud reasoning and logic!!

Time to smell the coffee!
Conspiracy theories!!!! :hitwall:
SS, We all know that within few hours following 9/11 attacks AQ and Taliban were identified as culprits.
Same day US had announced it an act of war and Mr. GWB in his telewised address hinted that they will be going to attack some state, in retaliation. Same rhetoric was made by various US officials as they were rehearsing it from many days.
It was also reported that OBL was having surgery in American hospital at Dubai, just one day before 9/11. It is also reported that US embassy oficials held meeting with him in the same Hospital. Why he was not captured than?
US made big bangs in Afghanistan killing all Taliban but OBL, whose where abouts were even known to Taxi drivers. Still at large.
Look at the geography of war theater it is oil/mineral rich sarroundings.
Who is counting what is going in and out of Afghanistan and Iraq?
Us can easily launch military campaign against China, Pakistan and Iran. We are all surrounded.
Than comes affair with India. Us is dying to arm India to its teeth.
Is it not a preparation to stop Pakistan from siding with China or vice versa in next war pahse.
What you see today, happening in Pakistan, Tibet and Malyasia is all followup of same game plan.
Remember, the footage showing the reaction of Mr. GWB upon receiving official information of the evil act.
Grab a copy of: Fahrenheit 9/11 | Now available on DVD!!
Welcome to new world order.

Because you have no idea how intelligence works, you have exposed your shallowness.

Do you think that intelligence is Instant Coffee?

It is a laborious process over time and patterns being identified.

Let us, for arguments sake, say that the AQ was not involved.

Then why are they repeatedly releasing statements and videos against the US?

Why not other countries?

Let paranoia and crazed fear not deprive you of logic!
Please, give us a break. Give us some time before turning the page: :blah::blah::blah:
In red is reply to ur remarks:
Because you have no idea how intelligence works, you have exposed your shallowness.
It is not my profession and because of what you supect that I'm running intelligence operation?
With 'Shallowness' did you meant 'inclined' !!!!
I have merely quoted the known events. do you disagree?

Do you think that intelligence is Instant Coffee?
Please, I say again try to be objective and don't attempt to drag discussions down to Indian forum level.
It is a laborious process over time and patterns being identified.
I trust you.
Let us, for arguments sake, say that the AQ was not involved.
You can assume what ever you like. Have I said some where AQ was not involved?
Then why are they repeatedly releasing statements and videos against the US?
Why not other countries?
You are intelligence cheif, please give us your best shot.
Let paranoia and crazed fear not deprive you of logic!
Do you think some one is trying to scare me?
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