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US test-fires ICBM traveling 4,000 miles to South Pacific

US ballistic missiles need a serious update
Quality and capability of American ballistic missiles is second to none actually. Why spend a huge sum of money on replacing stuff that nobody can counter?
Provocative, destabilising, dangerous! :o:

Quality and capability of American ballistic missiles is second to none actually.

Tell that to the SS-18...


And soon, the SS-30.
NK got sanctioned from nuclear weapon test, not missile test, NK tested two missile and fail in the last week, did US or UN slap sanction on it?? Nuclear Warhead testing (Actual blast) is banned across the world, no one in this world is currently doing it, aside from Iran and North Korea. All other nation uses supercomputer simulation instead of actual nuclear blast.
You need to understand what is the situation before commenting.
I completely understand where are you coming from. Had those failed tests been successful, things would have been different. US has one goal and that goal is no other country shall test any new technology that can challenge hegemony of US. Russia and China has already started challenging US both technologically as well as economically. Now, US doesn't want more countries that are anti-US advance technologically.
If Iran or NK test a nuclear weapon in your territory or in the US then US can bark. If its within their country, no country should act like a street dog and start barking. Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons? The countries which have tested them many a times in the past? Don't give me load of this B.S, I won't take it.

Ya, that's an excellent idea and perhaps arrange for it to be dropped on the zionist illuminati freemasonary mafia elected dictatorship of the USA?
Please do no bother responding.
Akhi, as you know, the USA is an elected dictatorship made up of the zionist freemasons & illuminati et al; all with the same aim and purpose: NWO, in which the zionist yehud take control and try to rule the world with their master and leader, the dajjal. May ALLAH AoJ protect us from his fitnah, ãmiin.
We cannot and should not expect anything from these pale face red neck hypocrites, because, they only live for the life of this dunya, all embroilled in greed, tyranny and mastership over anybody and everybody. We muslims have been warned against these dastardly evil rotten dirt, and in all honesty, we muslims are in deep slumber expecting these zionist yehud led entities, to come to our rescue, when we should totally rely on and expect our affairs to be put right by ALLAH AoJ.
May ALLAH AoJ give taufiq, steadfastness and unity within the muslim world, ãmiin.:pakistan:
Yes, that is so true. I agree with what you've said.

what are you going on about.
Wait for a few more years and you'll get to know what I'm going on about. US hegemony days are counted. The fate has been sealed.

you do know we are the only country in the world to actually USE nuclear weapons on another country
That act of ruthlessness could only have been expected from a country like US. That is run by lunatics.

we got a 70 year old business mongol/reality star with the nuclear codes, sooooooooo........I wouldn't taunt him if I were you.
You can first talk to Satan, from Russia and then brag about your 70 history with the codes. Bragging about anything won't make you stronger than what you really are.

unless you want the U.S and NK to nuke each other and possibly China getting involved??
That would only serve as a catalyst. Within a matter of a couple of years, US will be annihilated from the phase of earth. Pu$$y NATO countries won't help you.
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It was P5 decision to ban Nuclear Test, so it included your "Chinese" and "Russian" buddies. Last I check, Chinese and Russian both were sanctioning North Korea and Iran for doing do.

Only naïve people like you cheer about whoever US is against, do you know who stand more to lose if these nuclear test in North Korea is successful? It's none other than the Chinese and the Russians.
Why is it that people just simply post without doing even basic research ? For as long as I have been on the Internet, and I am a late comer to this, it never ceases to amaze me that people would comment on things that five minutes of search would prove their positions either wrong or inadequate. :crazy:
I completely understand where are you coming from. Had those failed tests been successful, things would have been different. US has one goal and that goal is no other country shall test any new technology that can challenge hegemony of US. Russia and China has already started challenging US both technologically as well as economically. Now, US doesn't want more countries that are anti-US advance technologically.
If Iran or NK test a nuclear weapon in your territory or in the US then US can bark. If its within their country, no country should act like a street dog and start barking. Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons? The countries which have tested them many a times in the past? Don't give me load of this B.S, I won't take it.

Yes, that is so true. I agree with what you've said.

Wait for a few more years and you'll get to know what I'm going on about. US hegemony days are counted. The fate has been sealed.

That act of ruthlessness could only have been expected from a country like US. That is run by lunatics.

You can first talk to Satan, from Russia and then brag about your 70 history with the codes. Bragging about anything won't make you stronger than what you really are.

That would only serve as a catalyst. Within a matter of a couple of years, US will be annihilated from the phase of earth. Pu$$y NATO countries won't help you.

Wait for a few more years and you'll get to know what I'm going on about. US hegemony days are counted. The fate has been sealed.

I agree the U.S days of hegemony are over, and that is actually a good thing :D

That act of ruthlessness could only have been expected from a country like US. That is run by lunatics.

act of ruthlessness?? so was Imperial Japan saints in Asia?? you know occupying Manchuria and most of South Asia. why don't you ask your fellow Chinese friends on here how ruthless the Imperial Japanese were to their ancestors.

You can first talk to Satan, from Russia and then brag about your 70 history with the codes. Bragging about anything won't make you stronger than what you really are.

we have enough nuclear bombs to destroy the planet 10 times over. not bragging just stating a fact. Russia has enough nukes to do the same, China as well, France,UK,India,Pakistan,Israel, and now NK.

this isn't bragging. when the air sirens go blasting off you'll have 5 minutes to shout as many Allahu Akbar you can before being turned into irradiated goo.

That would only serve as a catalyst. Within a matter of a couple of years, US will be annihilated from the phase of earth. Pu$$y NATO countries won't help you.

annihilated from the Earth by whom?? do you know what MAD is?? sorry to burst your bubble you are living in, but the U.S is more important to China than NK and Pakistan combined 50 times over.

you seem mad though. must be still red in the face over the Osama Bin Laden raid :dirol:
If Iran or NK test a nuclear weapon in your territory or in the US then US can bark. If its within their country, no country should act like a street dog and start barking. Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons? The countries which have tested them many a times in the past? Don't give me load of this B.S, I won't take it.
I can see that you have not done proper research into why not only does the major nuclear powers but essentially global consensus that nuclear weapons should be restricted. Sure, no major power likes to be challenged in any arena, least of all militarily. But the horrors of unconstrained warfare in WW II that compelled the use of nuclear weapons pretty much convinced everyone that nuclear weapons serves only one purpose -- national annihilation.

Speaking as an American and a veteran, it may surprise you that I support a nuclear free US military, but only on the provision that no one else has nuclear weapons as well.

The main reason why nuclear weapons frightens everyone is the amount of destruction wrought in relation to the effort it takes to deliver that level of destructive capability. If you want to kill one person, it takes one combatant and one bullet. Even if you have a machine gun, it is still one combatant and one bullet per enemy killed. Further, it takes precision to kill. By that, I mean it takes a lot of training and focus on your part to deliver that one bullet. Whether the enemy combatant was hit by one bullet or 10 bullets, you still need to point that machine gun at him. The same idea applies to something like an artillery shell. If you want to kill a cluster of enemy troops, it takes more than one of you to deliver that artillery shell. You need a crew to mobilize that gun, load, aim, and fire. All the while, your crew is vulnerable to response by the enemy's artillery. Am sure you are smart enough to see the point.

Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) weapons are different in the sense that each do not discriminate. With a rifle, you have to reposition your aim from the 'civilian' to the 'soldier'. A chemical or biological shell do not. Even less so for a nuclear warhead. Even engaging in a war, armies would rather have each other's troops expend great efforts in killing each other, and leave civilians alone. So when specialists in warfare and weapons calls NBC weapons as 'weapons of mass destruction', they mean that inability to discriminate between combatants and non-combatants.

If NKR want to take over SKR, the world would rather have NKR lose tens of thousands of soldiers to achieve that goal. Vice versa for SKR. The world do not want zero NKR dead vs millions of SKR dead that includes civilians with soldiers. That is why not even Russia and China want a nuclear weapons capable NKR because of the potentiality of an equivalent nuclear response by SKR allies.

I understand you are anti-US. But try to exercise a little bit of common sense, critical thinking, and basic research into issues that goes beyond your basic emotions.
I tried to reason with you, but it looks like it is a lost cause. You want to play it that way from now on ? You got it.
Are you left with any reasons based on what I said in my previous post? Give me a break and have a good day!
Are you left with any reasons based on what I said in my previous post? Give me a break and have a good day!
Apparently...What I posted was more reason than you can comprehend.

You are in no position to call US 'evil' just because we have nuclear weapons or even used them. For what happened in WW II, no Asian countries that suffered under Imperial Japan complained, so what make you think you have the latitude to speak for them ?
Apparently...What I posted was more reason than you can comprehend.
You are in no position to call US 'evil' just because we have nuclear weapons or even used them. For what happened in WW II, no Asian countries that suffered under Imperial Japan complained, so what make you think you have the latitude to speak for them ?
You missed all the other points in my post and are constantly writing about the crimes of imperial Japan. What your forces have caused over the last 100 years is parallel to nothing. Stop posing yourself as a humanitarian champion. The whole mess in this world is because of US. I wish if you guys as a nation were brave. Whenever, there is a time to lead, you guys chicken out.
Remember, I'm not the one who initiated that. In your posts you said many things which were extremely disrespectful, I ignored them for sometime but obviously, everything has a limit. You crossed the limits many a times during our short discussion. Anyway, have a good day, nothing personal, just point of views and that's all.

actually, you are the one who initiate it. Don't blame me.

The first post I suggested for you to understand more the situation before commenting. Then This is what you said.

I completely understand where are you coming from. Had those failed tests been successful, things would have been different. US has one goal and that goal is no other country shall test any new technology that can challenge hegemony of US. Russia and China has already started challenging US both technologically as well as economically. Now, US doesn't want more countries that are anti-US advance technologically.
If Iran or NK test a nuclear weapon in your territory or in the US then US can bark. If its within their country, no country should act like a street dog and start barking. Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons? The countries which have tested them many a times in the past? Don't give me load of this B.S, I won't take it.

So, I did not start it, you did.
They didn't say they are fine with it either.
China does not need to publicly say it, but everyone knows China pretty much agrees with US that NKR as a nuclear weapons state is unacceptable.

...let Russia and other powers fix North Korea's issue.
Only a fool would believe that. If that is true, Russia would have done it a long time ago.

No, I don't believe I do.

lol, you got to admit tho, these people lacking the geopolitical knowledge, at the same time, they cannot chew on the idea of that, people only ever look after themselves, he may think China and Russia will do something about it and somehow glance at the far away glory that not shining on them.
This guy sounds more idiotic as his posts goes by...
So say a guy whose country has a %50 literacy rate.
Literacy rate might well be 50% but all men and kids born here have balls. You get that? No, you don't. Ask me what balls are as I'm sure you don't have them either.
Reply to the points I had sent you. If you can't, stop trolling.
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