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US test-fires ICBM traveling 4,000 miles to South Pacific

Literacy rate might well be 50% but all men and kids born here have balls. You get that? No, you don't. Ask me what balls are as I'm sure you don't have them either.
Reply to the points I had sent you. If you can't, stop trolling.
Yeah...The US as a 'pu$$y nation' violated your Pakistan's borders to get to our target. Balls ? Guess who does not have them. :lol:
Yeah...The US as a 'pu$$y nation' violated your Pakistan's borders to get to our target. Balls ? Guess who does not have them. :lol:
As I had said that to your other friend, if you truly believe in that story then what a shame. Your government requested our government to let you do that drama.
Even if I agree with your childish claim, so called veteran, answer me, where those balls were during 1971, during Soviet Afghan war, during Vietnam and many more.
Did you guys transplant balls in those soldiers and then sent them for this operation? :)
As I had said that to your other friend, if you truly believe in that story then what a shame. Your government requested our government to let you do that drama.
Keep on making up those excuses. But even if that is true, where were those mighty Pakistani balls ? We asked, you caved. You cannot take bin Laden yourself ? He had a fortified house within walking distance of a Pakistani military academy and you 'let' US killed him ? Looks like that %50 literacy rate might be on the low side, son.
Keep on making up those excuses. But even if that is true, where were those mighty Pakistani balls ? We asked, you caved. You cannot take bin Laden yourself ? He had a fortified house within walking distance of a Pakistani military academy and you 'let' US killed him ? Looks like that %50 literacy rate might be on the low side, son.
Again, you skipped all the other points I had made my assumption on and you decided to talk about one point where you were able to get bin laden who had no defenses.
If Pakistani army wanted to save him, they would have. Remember that. Where are your balls when Afghan Talibans are literally screwing your soldiers and you get bodybags over there? How does that feel veteran?

He had a fortified house within walking distance of a Pakistani military academy and you 'let' US killed him?
The highlighted is the glorious history of US, the superpower that gets chickened out in front of Russia, China, Afghan Taliban and the mighty Pakistan. What an amazing pu$$Y superpower US is lol
Again, you skipped all the other points I had made...
You have no 'points' worth talking about. I tried to reason with you, but you dismissed my post as 'speech', so as far as I am concerned, you are nothing but a 12 yr old trying to play adult.

The highlighted is the glorious history of US, the superpower that gets chickened out in front of Russia, China, Afghan Taliban and the mighty Pakistan. What an amazing pu$$Y superpower US is lol
Yeah...On the one hand, the US a 'pu$$Y nation', but then you complained that you are tired of the US poking our nose everywhere in the world.

Face it, buddy, if you want to compare 'balls', your Pakistan gots a long way to go. Looks like that %50 literacy rate is really on the low side.
Yeah...On the one hand, the US a 'pu$$Y nation', but then you complained that you are tired of the US poking our nose everywhere in the world.
By poking nose you don't become a superpower. You did poke your nose into Vietnam. What happened there? Awful retreat, remember that?

Face it, buddy, if you want to compare 'balls', your Pakistan gots a long way to go. Looks like that %50 literacy rate is really on the low side.
What balls you're talking about? If you had balls, you won't have chickened out back in 1971, when Russia dominated you. If you had balls, you won't have been eating dirt in Syria. You back ISIS and look what's their situation there. What balls you're talking about?

You have no 'points' worth talking about. I tried to reason with you, but you dismissed my post as 'speech', so as far as I am concerned, you are nothing but a 12 yr old trying to play adult.
If that's what you think then you should be ashamed veteran that a 12 years old kid has outwitted you and now you're only trolling and nothing else. :)
Like your government, you're incredible in delivering emotional speeches. Amazing speech, so much so that people would think that you're an angel from heaven, just like your government.
Which country did the heinous crime of testing its nuclear warheads? How many countries had wars, some of them nuclear powers (India and Pakistan, 1999 Kargil conflict). They didn't nuke each other. It was only one dirty country with people having dirty mindset that Nuked a country which didn't have the nuclear capability. Its like you fight with a man whose arms and legs are crippled, yet you use different weapons to overpower his resistance. Shame on your government.
In WWii, if Soviets didn't support you, Germans would have eaten your forces alive and USA would have been removed from the globe. You were no match for the Germans. When it comes to be a man, US lacks there so for face saving, you guys opt for pu$$y tactics. You nuked poor Japanese to kill not only their resistance but also to give heads-up to the Soviets. You were and are still scared of the mighty Soviets/Russia.
What US did to Pakistan when it was an ally back in 1971? Your government was chickened out in front of Soviets. They were backing Indians and they indirectly drilled you. What about Afghan war? Back then you were chickened out and had to ask for our support, our men to achieve your goals. We only supported you because we wanted to level the score with Soviets.
What you guys have done in Syria? You organized ISIS and Daesh to crush Russian influence in Syria and get a new pro US government. Russia is openly supporting Bashar to kill ISIS and Daesh. Can you do it openly? No, you can't. You're a pu$$y nation. Look at your history. Aren't you yet ashamed of yourself? Remember Vietnam? Still you call yourself a superpower? Shame on US and your so called glory.

You said this with the flood of tears. I can understand that. Watch out for the surprises you guys will get in the coming years. :)

Your argument is that you were a less of an evil than the Japanese. It won't help you be noble. At least whatever Japanese maniac were doing, that was by using their men. What you did on them was pu$$y act. You should be ashamed of that. If you had soldiers with balls, you should have done that way. Instead you decided to nuke them to not only kill the soldiers but the innocent civilians, old men, women, children included. Shame on you for supporting it and counter-arguing as well as your government.

If its so, Russia can destroy the planet 20 times over. If it makes you feel good :)

Lets not talk about things you can't understand. Religion is something, I don't expect you to understand. Forget about it. As far as nuclear radiations are concerned, I can care less about that. We aren't scared of death. No matter how we meet with it. It just doesn't matter. This is where you manipulate Muslims, be it Afghan war or Syrian conflict.

The only country that would seriously nuke you straight to the hell is Russia. I would never say China will nuke you. I know their economy to some extent is dependent on US. However, if you think you're more important to China than any other country, get South China Sea from them at your terms. If you do any of that or even try, they'll do arrangements for your one sided trip to the HELLLLLLLLL :)

You yourself know how true your government's story about Bin Laden was. If you don't, never tell anyone else to do 5 minutes research on the topic. Never call anyone naive because no one would be more naive and stupid than you, you dumb chap. Sorry for... :dirol:

You don't seem to understand what my point is. All I'm saying is, US is the Evil that not only started the nuclear tests but nuked a country. Now, if that country would try to stop other countries from acquiring nukes is B.S. End of the story.
Russia can raise its voice and take measures against a country that is trying to acquire nukes. China can do that, Germany can do that. All countries can join hands to make sure this curse is avoided. However, US?? I mean, US? Are you kidding me?? The country that kils more innocents everyday is talking about noble causes? That country that doesn't respect life of humans is talking about humanity and the losses humanity will bear courtesy of nuclear radiations? That's what I call B.S.
You can keep on ejecting shit out of your hole all day long, it won't make any difference. The reason is, you don't understand what my point is. You're more into delivering emotionally charged speeches than understanding what the other person is saying. I must saying, you're very loyal to your job, job to talk in favor of your saviors. Shame on you by the way.

You said this with the flood of tears. I can understand that. Watch out for the surprises you guys will get in the coming years. :)

flood of tears?? hegemony doesn't benefit me personally so why would I care?? and what surprises? please go into more detail instead of being cryptic :lol:

Your argument is that you were a less of an evil than the Japanese. It won't help you be noble. At least whatever Japanese maniac were doing, that was by using their men. What you did on them was pu$$y act. You should be ashamed of that. If you had soldiers with balls, you should have done that way. Instead you decided to nuke them to not only kill the soldiers but the innocent civilians, old men, women, children included. Shame on you for supporting it and counter-arguing as well as your government.

I can't believe how ignorant you are about WW2 and Imperial Japan atrocities and weapons program. they were experimenting on using biological weapons against Chinese and Americans. they were going to release bubonic plague and other diseases in masse.

dropping both nukes were a necessary evil, and surprise you don't mention our firebombing campaign against Japan which actually killed more civilians than both nukes. you say we were Pu$$y for not invading Japan instead, LMAO!! do you know how many more civilians and soldiers were to die with an invasion of the Kyushu and Honshu, millions more more!! heck we could have kept up the firebombing and mining their waters to starve to them death instead.

Lets not talk about things you can't understand. Religion is something, I don't expect you to understand. Forget about it. As far as nuclear radiations are concerned, I can care less about that. We aren't scared of death. No matter how we meet with it. It just doesn't matter. This is where you manipulate Muslims, be it Afghan war or Syrian conflict.

stop being ignorant. you know damn well if the world knew the nukes were in the air and about to hit everyone would be crying to god. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD PLEASE HELP ME GOD, or for Muslim Allah Akbar and chanting the oath of one god and Mohammad is the messenger :wave:

Muslims manipulate other Muslim you don't need the CIA to do that. just look at the battle going on between Sunni and Shia, did the CIA do this?? even though this rift has been ongoing for a millennium.

You don't seem to understand what my point is. All I'm saying is, US is the Evil that not only started the nuclear tests but nuked a country. Now, if that country would try to stop other countries from acquiring nukes is B.S. End of the story.
Russia can raise its voice and take measures against a country that is trying to acquire nukes. China can do that, Germany can do that. All countries can join hands to make sure this curse is avoided. However, US?? I mean, US? Are you kidding me?? The country that kils more innocents everyday is talking about noble causes? That country that doesn't respect life of humans is talking about humanity and the losses humanity will bear courtesy of nuclear radiations? That's what I call B.S.
You can keep on ejecting shit out of your hole all day long, it won't make any difference. The reason is, you don't understand what my point is. You're more into delivering emotionally charged speeches than understanding what the other person is saying. I must saying, you're very loyal to your job, job to talk in favor of your saviors. Shame on you by the way.

muh U.S is evil muh U.S made and tested nukes on human muh evil. I hope you get a taste of nuclear hell fire or at least feel the cold of nuclear winter, since you think everyoneshould have these horrible weapons!! especially NK which threatens to destroy SK and Japan daily!!
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flood of tears?? hegemony doesn't benefit me personally so why would I care?? and what surprises? please go into more detail instead of being cryptic :lol:
I would have but most probably you won't be able to digest them, just now. Wait kido and see whats next.

I can't believe how ignorant you are about WW2 and Imperial Japan atrocities and weapons program. they were experimenting on using biological weapons against Chinese and Americans. they were going to release bubonic plague and other diseases in masse.
You're ignorant. Stop this nonsense propaganda against Japanese. They invaded China and killed many Chinese. Of course that was brutal of them to do so. However, they didn't nuke Chinese., but you did. Stop this nonsense. Either you're too naive and acting to be one.

dropping both nukes were a necessary evil, and surprise you don't mention our firebombing campaign against Japan which actually killed more civilians than both nukes. you say we were Pu$$y for not invading Japan instead, LMAO!! do you know how many more civilians and soldiers were to die with an invasion of the Kyushu and Honshu, millions more more!! heck we could have kept up the firebombing and mining their waters to starve to them death instead.
Nuking Japanese was a pu$$y act. What you did based on man-man combat is to be appreciated, if any at all. lol

stop being ignorant. you know damn well if the world knew the nukes were in the air and about to hit everyone would be crying to god. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD PLEASE HELP ME GOD, or for Muslim Allah Akbar and chanting the oath of one god and Mohammad is the messenger :wave:
No comments on this. Avoid it, as simple as that.

Muslims manipulate other Muslim you don't need the CIA to do that. just look at the battle going on between Sunni and Shia, did the CIA do this?? even though this rift has been ongoing for a millennium.
Muslims don;t manipulate each other. Its God damned American race that do it. Who broke Ottoman empire and had its puppets establish power in gulf? Whats going on in Syria? Are you so dumb or what? You're a goner, a nut case. Not worth to discuss anything with bye bye Chaooooo :)
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I would have but most probably you won't be able to digest them, just now. Wait kido and see whats next.

You're ignorant. Stop this nonsense propaganda against Japanese. They invaded China and killed many Chinese. Of course that was brutal of them to do so. However, they didn't nuke Chinese., but you did. Stop this nonsense. Either you're too naive and acting to be one.

Nuking Japanese was a pu$$y act. What you did based on man-man combat is to be appreciated, if any at all. lol

No comments on this. Avoid it, as simple as that.

nonsense propaganda against Japanese?? you do know I am talking about IMPERIAL JAPAN that doesn't exist anymore right?? just wanna make sure you understand that :rofl:

you are right though nuking Japan was a pu$$y act. we should have bombed them more. we should have starved them to death. we should have invaded and killed school children taught to stab U.S soldiers in the gut with bamboo spears. yeah, but anything from dropping a nuke to end the war :wave:
By poking nose you don't become a superpower.
Take balls to do that.

You did poke your nose into Vietnam. What happened there? Awful retreat, remember that?
Do no presume you know anything of worth about the Vietnam War. But if you want to talk about balls, the US military got big ones in the Vietnam War. Larger than your Pakistani military can grow.

If that's what you think then you should be ashamed veteran that a 12 years old kid has outwitted you and now you're only trolling and nothing else. :)
The real troll is YOU, kid.

You asked a legitimate question: "Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons?"

I presumed you wanted an adult debate so I politely responded with post 24. I said nothing about your Pakistan. But it appeared my comment went 'whoooosh' over your head. So like a troll who found out the subject is more complex than he thought, you resort to cheap insults against me and against the US. Went off on unrelated tangents like the Vietnam War. Trolls needs to satisfy their emotional hatred of US. You are exactly that.
For the second time in a week, the U.S. Air Force test launched another long-range ballistic missile on Wednesday morning, flying more than 4,000 miles from a base in California before splashing down in the Pacific near the Marshall Islands.

The test comes just days after North Korea attempted a missile test of its own -- but failed -- as tensions remain high in the region.

The Minuteman III missile was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California by a team in Montana shortly after 3 a.m. ET, the Air Force said in a statement. Officials said the launch was planned years in advance and was not related to rising tensions with North Korea.

"The tests are scheduled 3-5 years in advance, and it can take up to a year to plan and prepare for each launch," Linda Frost, a U.S. Air Force spokesperson, told Fox News. "...GT 222, held this morning, had already been scheduled. The command typically schedules four launches a year."

A launch that occurred last week was actually one that had been delayed from November due to brush fires in California.

The Air Force keeps 400 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles on alert around the clock in underground silos across three bases in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming.

U.S. Air Force long-range B-52 and B-2 bombers are capable of carrying nuclear missiles, and the Navy’s fleet of ballistic missile submarines are each able to carry 24 nuke-tipped ballistic missiles with multiple reentry warheads apiece.

Take balls to do that.
Do no presume you know anything of worth about the Vietnam War. But if you want to talk about balls, the US military got big ones in the Vietnam War. Larger than your Pakistani military can grow.
Yes, US military has big balls that's what resulted in their awful retreat in Vietnam. A shameful defeat which is like $hit on the face of US. What about Cuba? Remember anything from that? What about Korean war? I wish if it was only Vietnam where your military's large balls costed you the war.

You asked a legitimate question: "Who has banned the test of nuclear weapons?"
I presumed you wanted an adult debate so I politely responded with post 24. I said nothing about your Pakistan. But it appeared my comment went 'whoooosh' over your head. So like a troll who found out the subject is more complex than he thought, you resort to cheap insults against me and against the US. Went off on unrelated tangents like the Vietnam War. Trolls needs to satisfy their emotional hatred of US. You are exactly that.
I understood your reply. Everything that you had mentioned but it was full of hypocrisy so I responded as I had found fit. You called some dudes to help you here but all of them have run away.
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Remember Somalia.......... Who collected ur balls after u left them lying in streets of Mogadishu........... Now if ur weren't found by our men u cant blame them. Ur responsibility....... Y friend
nonsense propaganda against Japanese?? you do know I am talking about IMPERIAL JAPAN that doesn't exist anymore right?? just wanna make sure you understand that :rofl:
you are right though nuking Japan was a pu$$y act. we should have bombed them more. we should have starved them to death. we should have invaded and killed school children taught to stab U.S soldiers in the gut with bamboo spears. yeah, but anything from dropping a nuke to end the war :wave:
I completely understand How Imperial Japan drilled you from bottom till your neck. I know that right now you've bases in Japan to make sure they don't rise again against you. You guys pee your pants on the sight of Japanese. That's how brutal they drilled you. Douglas MacArthur's escape from the Philippines against Japan is shameful. Your forces couldn't fight Japanese like a man so you guys decided to nuke them at the end of the war. You initiated oil embargo on Japanese. A country that didn't have oil to run its equipment was nuked. No wonder why you're scared of Bamboo spears lol...TALK TO THE HAND :wave:
Yes, US military has big balls that's what resulted in their awful retreat in Vietnam. A shameful defeat which is like $hit on the face of US.
Like I said, you do not know much about the Vietnam War, least of all the military side of it. To educate you would be beyond the scope of this thread, not that you gots the brains for such a discussion.

What about Cuba? Remember anything from that?
Yeah...The Soviets chickened out.

What about Korean war?
Our half of the Korean Peninsula is better than the Chinese half.

I understood your reply.
I doubt that.
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