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US test-fires ICBM traveling 4,000 miles to South Pacific


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The U.S. Air Force test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile which traveled over 4,000 miles before splashing down in the South Pacific after launching early Wednesday from a base in California.

The nuclear-capable missile was unarmed, according to the Air Force, and comes amid increasing tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The Minuteman III missile blasted off at 12:03 a.m. Wednesday from Vandenberg Air Force Base, 130 miles northwest of Los Angeles.

The test was long-planned, according to defense officials. When asked about the timing of the test amid the threats surrounding North Korea, one official told Fox News, "If we had canceled the launch, that would be a story too."

The U.S. Air Force has 450 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles in underground silos across three bases in Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana. This number will be reduced to 400 in the coming years, according to a senior U.S. military official.

The U.S. military also maintains a fleet of long range B-2 and B-52 bombers capable of delivering nuclear weapons as well as a fleet of ballistic missile submarines. Air Force fighter jets can carry smaller tactical nuclear weapons as well.

The mission was part of a program to test the effectiveness, readiness, and accuracy of the weapon system, Air Force officials said.

The 30th Space Wing commander, Col. John Moss, said Minuteman launches have been essential to verify the status of the U.S. nuclear force and to demonstrate the national nuclear capabilities.

In a Minuteman test, a so-called re-entry vehicle travels more than 4,000 miles downrange to a target at Kwajalein Atoll near the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

"Team V is once again ready to work with Air Force Global Strike Command to successfully launch another Minuteman III missile," Moss said. "These Minuteman launches are essential to verify the status of our national nuclear force and to demonstrate our national nuclear capabilities. We are proud of our long history in partnering with the men and women of the 576th Flight Test Squadron to execute these missions for the nation."

The 576th Flight Test Squadron will be responsible for installed tracking, telemetry, and command destruct systems on the missile.

US can test as many missiles as they want. However, North Korea can't. Iran, Can't. Pakistan, can't. Shame on you US government and Mafia. Shame on you. Your policies and dual standard have helped you dig yourself a grave. You're at the verge of it. China and Russia will give you final push into it. You can kiss goodbye to your hegemony. I feel sorry for poor US nationals who feed on what their news agencies offer them.

^^ When you have invaded a long list of countries around the globe but your idea of scaring north Korea is a missile test. :partay: :partay: :partay:
US can test as many missiles as they want. However, North Korea can't. Iran, Can't. Pakistan, can't. Shame on you US government and Mafia. Shame on you. Your policies and dual standard have helped you dig yourself a grave. You're at the verge of it. China and Russia will give you final push into it. You can kiss goodbye to your hegemony. I feel sorry for poor US nationals who feed on what their news agencies offer them.

what are you going on about.


^^ When you have invaded a long list of countries around the globe but your idea of scaring north Korea is a missile test. :partay: :partay: :partay:

you do know we are the only country in the world to actually USE nuclear weapons on another country, and we got a 70 year old business mongol/reality star with the nuclear codes, sooooooooo........I wouldn't taunt him if I were you.

unless you want the U.S and NK to nuke each other and possibly China getting involved??

I personally feel we should do a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea.
Now US sounds quite serious in using ICBMs.
we need to develop Peacemaker II since Russia has Sarmat or aka Satan 2.

Minuteman III is getting old and has too little throw weight.
Why this thing is coming in my mind after the use of MOAB in Afghanistan. I think Trump use cost-effective shortcuts to deal with things that aren't easy. All Minuteman III might be put against future threats - this is what I am assuming right now!
you do know we are the only country in the world to actually USE nuclear weapons on another country, and we got a 70 year old business mongol/reality star with the nuclear codes, sooooooooo........I wouldn't taunt him if I were you.

unless you want the U.S and NK to nuke each other and possibly China getting involved??

I personally feel we should do a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea.

Exactly my point. :partay: :partay: :partay:

US has air-dropped two nuclear bombs, conducted a thousand more nuclear tests, videos of some are declassified now (Source), so it is indeed a let down to see a missile test. All humour aside, congrats on a successful test.

we need to develop Peacemaker II since Russia has Sarmat or aka Satan 2.

Minuteman III is getting old and has too little throw weight.

Wouldn't that be Peacekeeper II?
The US can test as many missiles it likes. The world isn't going to stop either.
we need to develop Peacemaker II since Russia has Sarmat or aka Satan 2.

Minuteman III is getting old and has too little throw weight.

Ya, that's an excellent idea and perhaps arrange for it to be dropped on the zionist illuminati freemasonary mafia elected dictatorship of the USA?

Please do no bother responding.

US can test as many missiles as they want. However, North Korea can't. Iran, Can't. Pakistan, can't. Shame on you US government and Mafia. Shame on you. Your policies and dual standard have helped you dig yourself a grave. You're at the verge of it. China and Russia will give you final push into it. You can kiss goodbye to your hegemony. I feel sorry for poor US nationxals who feed on what their news agencies offer them.

Akhi, as you know, the USA is an elected dictatorship made up of the zionist freemasons & illuminati et al; all with the same aim and purpose: NWO, in which the zionist yehud take control and try to rule the world with their master and leader, the dajjal. May ALLAH AoJ protect us from his fitnah, ãmiin.

We cannot and should not expect anything from these pale face red neck hypocrites, because, they only live for the life of this dunya, all embroilled in greed, tyranny and mastership over anybody and everybody. We muslims have been warned against these dastardly evil rotten dirt, and in all honesty, we muslims are in deep slumber expecting these zionist yehud led entities, to come to our rescue, when we should totally rely on and expect our affairs to be put right by ALLAH AoJ.

May ALLAH AoJ give taufiq, steadfastness and unity within the muslim world, ãmiin.:pakistan:
US can test as many missiles as they want. However, North Korea can't. Iran, Can't. Pakistan, can't. Shame on you US government and Mafia. Shame on you. Your policies and dual standard have helped you dig yourself a grave. You're at the verge of it. China and Russia will give you final push into it. You can kiss goodbye to your hegemony. I feel sorry for poor US nationals who feed on what their news agencies offer them.

NK got sanctioned from nuclear weapon test, not missile test, NK tested two missile and fail in the last week, did US or UN slap sanction on it?? Nuclear Warhead testing (Actual blast) is banned across the world, no one in this world is currently doing it, aside from Iran and North Korea. All other nation uses supercomputer simulation instead of actual nuclear blast.

You need to understand what is the situation before commenting.
US ballistic missiles need a serious update
A Contractor of Peace shows its power.
A Country with two or more faces at a time.
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