Marwat Khan Lodhi

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monkey d luffy u r a shitty afghani ok .. first of all imran khan is a pure pashtun for u and still he speaks seraiki ok .. my father lived in punjab and my mother ofcourse migrated from parachinar to lahore ok .. so that is the place where they met ..and i dont wana give proof to u that i can speak pashto or not .. well i only know scertains wrds in pashto but thats becaus emy father was v strict and he wanted us to learn urdu as i was sent to boarding school all my life alrite u stupid afkoni.. u r nothing just a piece of **** .. i feel bad that parachinar is close to afghanistan i hate the geography of that region because there ur kind of afkonis live .. and i know u dont consider turis to be real pashtuns too because they are shia .. i dont know pashto like u do but i can understand some bits..
ta 1 number fraud insan ye za ta ta da na sabit ka wa che za fraud ya,ya ta fraud ye ta dher begarat ow ghataya saraye khpl asliat pa ta ye..dont hide ur afkoni identity.. i dnt know much but i know alot of abuses that i have learnt from my czns..
teh actual disturbing fact is that when u afkonis try to say that u r from lakki marwat sometimes from swat the next u r from bannu .. and start spewing bs against pakistan .. this is actually quite distrbing .,.its not necesaary that i nee dto know pashto just because my mother knew it . also imran khan and all other niazis mothers were i guess then punjabi becaus ethey lost their language which was pashto .. this is what u r trying to elaborate over here ..lying about false afghan pride and false history doesnt make u superior actually makes u inferior..
I am indeed a proud Afghan. So your mama is turi from lahore and your punjabi papa met her in lahore, interesting story and a possible one. But higher chances are that you are making it up, so that you could rant against pakhtuns with full freedom without being labelled racist and anti-pakhtun. Your username suggests that you have joined this forum to malign afghans and their history. Its surprising that despite being a punjabi ,you are calling yourself pakhtun while at the same time you are murdering and mocking pakhtun history. You are calling pakhtuns inferior while people love and respect their mother's background. You should say anti-pakhtun stuff as a punjabi, you are degrading proud turis by claiming turi blood in you.