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US takes distance from ‘Balochistan resolution’ US takes distance from ‘Ba

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US takes distance from ‘Balochistan resolution’

The United States on Tuesday reiterated that it supports Pakistan's territorial integrity after Islamabad voiced anger over a US lawmaker's call for self-determination in restive Balochistan.

The State Department said that it had heard Pakistani diplomats' complaints both in Islamabad and Washington over the resolution proposed last week by Dana Rohrabacher, an outspoken Republican congressman.

"The United States respects the territorial integrity of Pakistan," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

"Members of Congress introduce legislation on many foreign affairs topics, but they don't in any way imply US government endorsement of those positions," she said.

"With regard to Balochistan itself, we encourage all the parties in Balochistan to work out their differences peaceably and through a political process," she said.

Balochistan in southwestern Pakistan has been torn by violence since 2004, with human rights groups charging that hundreds have been detained, killed or gone missing as government forces try to crush the uprising.

Baloch rebels want a greater share of the oil, gas and mineral deposits in the region touching Iran and Afghanistan. Taliban and sectarian extremists have also taken up arms in the region.

Rohrabacher recently chaired a hearing on Balochistan and Friday proposed a resolution saying that the Baloch people "have the right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country, and they should be afforded the opportunity to choose their own status."

Two fellow Republicans joined Rohrabacher in sponsoring the resolution but few believe it has chances of approval soon. Rohrabacher earlier pushed unsuccessfully to cut off all aid to Pakistan after US forces found and killed Osama bin Laden on its soil.

Pakistani leaders including Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani have repeatedly voiced outrage over Rohrabacher's efforts on Balochistan, amid strong anti-US sentiment in the country.

Rohrabacher's proposal is a "concurrent resolution," meaning that even if passed it would not have legal force and would not need the signature of President Barack Obama, a member of the rival Democratic Party.

US takes distance from
The whole SOAP OPERA was ill-advised and it was'nt going anywhere.
There are number of congressmen who do not agree with the way Israel deals with Palestinians, but you will never see any legislation by any one against Israel.

Moral of the story: it was a stunt carefully planned and watchfully executed.
the funniest statement by the UNITED STATES " WE RESPECT TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF PAKISTAN":rofl::rofl:

and these people as usual believe it
the funniest statement by the UNITED STATES " WE RESPECT TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF PAKISTAN":rofl::rofl:

and these people as usual believe it
Nicely said dude! Its reminds me about indians:lol: , how they really trusted on Mushraf's agreement that Pakistan don't let their territory to use against india but still used in 2008 and both sides were failed to stop that:agree:. but still indian speakers trust on Pakistan's Goverment and want better ties . Thats called diplomacy which is something higher then your level kid.:rofl:
Damage control: US lawmakers reject Balochistan resolution


Visiting delegation meets Prime Minister Gilani, Senate chairman. PHOTO: PID

ISLAMABAD: As clamour over Balochistan grows, US Congressmen visiting Pakistan attempted to turn down the heat on Thursday, and insisted that Washington does not support an “independent Balochistan, and respects Pakistan’s territorial integrity.”

At a meeting with Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, a US bipartisan congressional delegation led by David Dreier insisted that both Republicans and Democrats were against the resolution recently tabled in the US Congress on Balochistan.

The US government has already dissociated itself from a resolution introduced by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, chairperson of a sub-committee on oversight and investigations of the US House of Foreign Affairs Committee, seeking the ‘right of self-determination of Baloch people.’

This is the first time, however, that both Republicans and Democrats have come up with a categorical denunciation of the move.

“I want to convey to the people, and the government of Pakistan, that US is committed to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan,” said Congressman Dreier.

“We do not support an independent Balochistan and only support a united Pakistan,” the congressman added.

The congressional delegation also met Senate Chairman Farooq H Naek.

The visit by US congressmen is seen as ‘soft resumption’ of bilateral cooperation that was damaged by last year’s Nato airstrikes on Pakistani check posts along the Afghan border that killed 24 soldiers.

According to an official statement, Premier Gilani told the US Congressmen that Pakistan wanted to have ‘excellent relations with the US’ but it was important to follow a partnership approach based on mutual interest and mutual respect.

Pakistan supports an ‘Afghan-led and Afghan-owned’ reconciliation process, the premier added.

“It is important that Afghanistan, Pakistan and US were on the same page and worked together to promote national reconciliation, peace and stability in Afghanistan,” Gilani added.

Sources say the prime minister also raised the issue of recent burning of copies of the Holy Quran at a US military base in Afghanistan.

“Such shameful acts will certainly make it difficult for the Pakistani government to support the US,” Gilani was quoted as telling the American lawmakers.

Sources said the US delegation brought up the issue of Nato supplies that Pakistan has suspended since the November 26 incident.

The congressmen wanted Pakistan to take a decision to reopen key supply routes at the earliest, sources added.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 24th, 2012

Damage control: US lawmakers reject Balochistan resolution – The Express Tribune

indian dreams are destroyed :tup:

we dont want baluchistan for trade. and btw,US needs pakistan now to counter iran:)
so wait more until eggs are hatched:D
Good cop, bad cop.

It's all coordinated. Don't be fooled.

I buy this logic , first they ask a loose cannon Senator to rant about some sensitive issue about some country which he doesn't even have a knowledge of ... then they announce an official clarification stating we respect territorial sovereignty and all that crap ...

This is done to tell Pakistan either support us in WOT, Iran issue etc or we will rake up the issue Thats sensitive to you ... kind of black mail diplomacy ...They have done this in the past they will do it in the future , no surprises !!! :coffee:
I buy this logic , first they ask a loose cannon Senator to rant about some sensitive issue about some country which he doesn't even have a knowledge of ... then they announce an official clarification stating we respect territorial sovereignty and all that crap ...

This is done to tell Pakistan either support us in WOT, Iran issue etc or we will rake up the issue Thats sensitive to you ... kind of black mail diplomacy ...They have done this in the past they will do it in the future , no surprises !!!

exactly alot of worse issues around the world but ever since pakistan stopped supplies i wont be surprised if somethinmg of khyber pukhtunkhwa and kashmir is raised
exactly alot of worse issues around the world but ever since pakistan stopped supplies i wont be surprised if somethinmg of khyber pukhtunkhwa and kashmir is raised

Yes you are right..However i believe that they have not been raised with the intensity that one would have expected is because US is waiting for Pakistan to unleash her new engagement policy...i think Pak has learned some cues from Indian counterparts...make things so damn slow that other party is left with no choice but to wait :D
now what its almost done now evry pakistan got it what you think abut pakistan
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