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US strategic rivalry with growing China will prove mistaken in long term

Your economic rise is not the problem, your bullying attitude is, and that will be contained, you are not achieving any kind of Asian hegemony.
Join the party, my Indian friend. We might consider giving you Vietnam. They have good land for you Indian to live. LOL
What do you think is happening now?
Our hegemonic process has begun.
Resistance is futile.

Awww!! You sound so cute!!

Join the party, my Indian friend. We might consider giving you Vietnam. They have good land for you Indian to live. LOL

Respect other nations and their sovereignty. Just because China is bigger & more powerful than Vietnam doesn't mean it should behave like a insecure fat bully in the junior school. China looks ugly when it does that.

And we have great respect for the fighting spirit of Vietnamese.
Respect other nations and their sovereignty. Just because China is bigger & more powerful than Vietnam doesn't mean it should behave like a insecure fat bully in the junior school. China looks ugly when it does that.

And we have great respect for the fighting spirit of Vietnamese.
Since you love to conquer and steal your neighbor land like Sikkim and Kashmir, why are you resisting our offer of Vietnam? Or do you prefer Philippines, instead? LOL

Look my Indian friend, we are drilling just 17 miles off our continental shelf of Paracel which under UNCLOS in 1998 gives us full economic right. Legally, we did nothing wrong. We drill nearer to our island than Vietnam coast which is 120 miles away. LOL
so it is not a tabloid?

shall I take the warning serious as it calls for a war against Vietnam?

It is not a tabloid by the definition of the term. It has variety of articles, some of them may counter one another. Even if it is state media, it does not always reflect the policy of the state.

The comments and OpEds belong to their others and may not reflect state policy.

So, the "Teaching Vietnam a lesson" might simply be the opinion of an author.

Nobody in Vietnam believes your bullshit. Pls stop.

you have a history of raging wars against Vietnam. also, you have a history of supporting our enemies raging wars against Vietnam.

your recent action has further damaged your image and pushes Vietnam further to the camp of Japan and America. It is Japan who helps to recover from the wars you raged against us in the 1970-80s.

Mind your language.

Speak for yourself only.

You are free to make a decision as a country. We have our own strategy.

Image can be re-made. Public opinion has 5-second memory.

Awww!! You sound so cute!!

Did you say this in Indian accent?

'Cause nothing would sound cuter than that.
Since you love to conquer and steal your neighbor land like Sikkim and Kashmir, why are you resisting our offer of Vietnam? Or do you prefer Philippines, instead? LOL

Look my Indian friend, we are drilling just 17 miles off our continental shelf of Paracel which under UNCLOS in 1998 gives us full economic right. Legally, we did nothing wrong. We drill nearer to our island than Vietnam coast which is 120 miles away. LOL

So UNCLOS has agree that Paracel belong to China? then it is Vietnam who invade the China water here. But can you show us the proof here?
So UNCLOS has agree that Paracel belong to China? then it is Vietnam who invade the China water here. But can you show us the proof here?
It is important to know the party that administer the island during ratification process in 1982 will dictate who has EEZ right.
It is important to know the party that administer the island during ratification process in 1982 will dictate who has EEZ right.

EZZ of Vietnam is 200 nmile, china signed, don't lie.
oh, give us the proof, and the EZZ of Vietnam need permission from China?

China signed in UNCLOS 1982. This document stated that EZZ of every country in the world is 200 nmiles. China aggreed that.

Next time china have to study more before you sign on it.
China signed in UNCLOS 1982. This document stated that EZZ of every country in the world is 200 nmiles. China aggreed that.

Next time china have to study more before you sign on it.
hehe, you selectively post something that good for you, for us, the Xisha island is ours, the rig also in our EZZ, how to deal with the problem? you also signed, now we are in our EZZ, any problem? Do you think Chinese is fooler than you?
hehe, you selectively post something that good for you, for us, the Xisha island is ours, the rig also in our EZZ, how to deal with the problem? you also signed, now we are in our EZZ, any problem? Do you think Chinese is fooler than you?

Paracel is our Island, not your . Its the dispute. Occoupation with force is illegal. This is a key item.
Paracel is our Island, not your . Its the dispute. Occoupation with force is illegal. This is a key item.
You say it is yours, so it is yours? very arrogant, you are. you say occupation with force is illegal, but you occupy the island with force, are they illegal? you are lame.

BTW, what's the key Item?
By Zhang Jie Source

Global Times – May 13, 2014

Washington's "pivot to Asia" strategy has exerted a constant, significant impact on China's geopolitics. Recent statements and behaviors by Washington have clearly signaled its intention to treat China as its primary strategic rival. The US' ambiguous attitude concerning sanctions on Moscow amid theUkrainecrisis indirectly demonstrates that it is China that Washington deems its biggest competitor.

The US has designed a comprehensive set of strategic institutions to contain China. It seeks to stir up troubles through China's domestic problems.

The US also deliberately supports and assists regional countries involving in territorial or maritime disputes with China, so as to undermine Beijing's geopolitical and economic connections in East Asia.In the meantime, Washington is engaging in transpacific and transatlantic negotiations to set up a new system of rules that involve more than 20 countries and that will guide the global trade in services. For now, China is excluded from this process, which might weaken its advantage in global trade and block the channels for the transformation and upgrading of China's economic structure.

It is likely that the US will also take advantage of the high risks and fragility of China's current social stage of transformation, trying to transplant a "democratic revolution" and ruin China's catch-up capacity from inside.

Nonetheless, judging from both Washington's strategic intention and specific measures it adopts, the "pivot to Asia" strategy is a significant strategic misjudgment by the US.

The economic interdependence between China and the US serves as a solid stabilizer that balances Washington's "pivot to Asia" strategy. In fact, the interdependence of the global economy determines that no country can excludes China, an open and massive economy, from the global trade system.

China has neither a historic memory of seeking fierce expansion, nor strives for global hegemony.

Beijing has been stressing safeguarding its own core interests and maintaining a friendly external environment as the focus of its diplomatic strategy.

Some foreign scholars and analysts insist that once China replaces the US as the world's largest economy, it will turn to seeking hegemony.

This is blunt prejudice that reflects these countries' own reliance on global hegemony and expansion.

The essential logic behind Washington's "pivot to Asia" strategy is largely to deal with a 21st century China with the 19th century system of ideologies and values. China's development does not exclude democracy and freedom at all. The fading of the "color revolution" in some countries and current reflections upon the deficiencies of Western democracy will prompt the emergence of new theories and practices of national governance.

The continuity of China's history and culture, combined with the special personality of the Chinese people, decides that the unique flexibility and tolerance of Chinese society can provide a relatively stable internal environment for the nation's reform. The Chinese government attaches great importance to positive reform and the adjustment of interest structure.

China needs to carry on the existing guideline of peaceful development, and keep consolidating economic interdependence with major countries in both regional and global spheres.

How the US interprets and deals with China's rise will play a decisive role in the world's future.

US strategic rivalry with growing China will prove mistaken in long term - Global Times

China's actions with its neighboring countries will prove mistaken in the long term. But I encourage China to keep doing what it does best when it starts feeling confident it can conquer other countries and expand. Just to prove to the Chinese posters here on this forum that we cannot contain China.
Do you think China gives a **** your jungle is begging Japan or USA for help? You Vietcongs love to repeat the same old shit everyday. Well why don't the jungle now join the Japan/USA dream team right now? Just open up our soil to those GIs and let them rape your women. Also let Indian troops station on your soil too since you got their backing too. Indians already have established the reputation of gangbanging women and kill them afterwards. Hey you want help you gotta give something back in return Vietcong.
Just don't brag about how supa powa jungle is so mighty they kicked every foreign invaders out by themselves without any help.
ha ha ha...your insulting doesn´t impress me at all.

take a look on the map and realise how vulnerable you are. You are virtually surrounded by enemies:

- a nuclear armed Paskistan, you call it as your best friend. The country is shaken by economics desaster, political chaos, terrorism and the US drone strikes. Should the Taliban or radical military take over the nuclear arsenal, China could be the target.

- a nuclear armed and hostile India

- a nuclear armed friend/foe Russia. You never know friend or foe. Should Russia decide to abandon China and side with Vietnam. Russia would become your worst nightmare.

- a nuclear armed friend/foe unpredictable N Korea. Should the regime collapse, millions of refugees would enter China.

- a friend/foe S Korea, backed by US armed forces.

- a hostile mighty enemy Japan. They have the most potent army in western pacific, plus the technology to produce nukes.

- a hostile Taiwan, backed by US armed forces, refuses to unite with China. Majority of Taiwanese want status quo, do not want to join China, they even protest against harmless economics pacts recently.

- a hostile Philippines, backed by US armed forces

- Thailand: political chaos

- Burma: no longer your friend

- Laos: friend of Vietnam

and now you have turned Vietnam to your enemy. We had been very cooperative in the past, now thing has changed.

Do you have any friends at all in the world?

China's actions with its neighboring countries will prove mistaken in the long term. But I encourage China to keep doing what it does best when it starts feeling confident it can conquer other countries and expand. Just to prove to the Chinese posters here on this forum that we cannot contain China.
Chinese live in the own world. Let them.
in ancient times, they thought their country situated in the middle of the world, so their mindset.
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