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US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

The rules of engagement between nations are a bit more civilized , and there is a modus operandi as well as decorum that regional partners abide by. I have very much sound respect for China and Chinese people.

Please stop using racist terms and insults when it is unnecessary.
I reiterate my stance that the Jap military is not even a threat to the PLA anymore. Outdated junk will not work against our advanced missile force delivered from air, ships, subs and land. Our ballistic and cruise missile force is absolutely MASSIVE and its constantly getting upgrades both qualitatively and quantitatively and as we get new air and naval platforms in the form of type 056 corvettes, type 057 frigates, type 052D destroyers, type 055 cruisers, type 041 SSK, type 095 SSN, type 096 SSBN, type 071A LPDs, type 075 LHDs, multiple new carriers, J-20 and J-31 5th generation fighters, H-20 strategic stealth bomber (under development), Y-20 strategic transport, KJ-500 AWACS, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc Japs and the Yanks will find it harder and harder to counter China. Chinese economy is MASSIVE and still creating over $1 trillion in GDP every year and with government revenue of over $2 trillion we can increase our military budget SIGNIFICANTLY when needed. The advantage will continue to move towards China as our hard power rises (already surpassed Japs in economic and military power) and as the economic and military advantage shifts to China as time goes by, we will continue to change the status quo.
Our nuclear arsenal is a lot bigger than what is officially published and that too is growing in numbers and lethality along with our anti-satellite weapons, cyber weapons, electronic warfare (EMP, etc) weapons, air defences, missile defences, hypersonic weapons, etc.

If the Chinese motherland is threatened, our no-first-use nuclear policy will be abolished within seconds. Never underestimate the ruthlessness of communists. They are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless human beings.

China will continue to increase its hard power and we will continue to challenge and change the status quo.
End of story :coffee:

Finally, I utterly and passionately despise the Japs, I find them to be truly revolting and disgusting creatures.
A good Jap is a dead Jap :D
Plz kill yourself u lunatic. All of ur posts were trash.
It's hard to believe people would go to the trouble of learning English and then waste it by engaging in such meaningless conversations.

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