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US spice imports from India, Mexico found contaminated


Jun 28, 2010
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Washington, Oct 31 (IANS) About 12 percent of spices brought to the United States are contaminated with those from Mexico and India found to be most contaminated, according to an analysis of spice imports by federal food authorities.

The contaminants include insect parts, whole insects, rodent hairs and other things, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analysis cited by the New York Times. Nearly one-quarter of the spices, oils and food colourings used in the US comes from India, according to the FDA.

FDA commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg had intended to visit India in autumn and meet with spice industry officials to discuss the agency's concerns about spice safety, but the government shutdown delayed her plans, she was quoted as saying.

Indian spice officials are offering incentives to get farmers to change some traditional harvest and handling practices that could lead to contamination, the US daily said.

Part of a comprehensive look at the safety of spice imports, FDA analysis also found that nearly 7 percent of spice imports examined by federal inspectors were contaminated with salmonella, a toxic bacteria that can cause severe illness in humans.

The shares of imported spices contaminated with insect parts and salmonella were twice those found in other types of imported food, the Times said citing federal food officials.

According to the Times FDA called spice contamination "a systemic challenge" as most of the insects found in spices were the kinds that thrive in warehouses and other storage facilities.

This suggested that the industry's problems result not from poor harvesting practices but poor storage and processing, it said.

Under new US laws FDA has the power to refuse entry of foods that the agency even suspects might be contaminated - strong leverage to demand changes in harvesting, handling and manufacturing practices in foreign countries, the Times said.
The contaminants include insect parts, whole insects, rodent hairs and other things, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analysis cited by the New York Times. Nearly one-quarter of the spices, oils and food colourings used in the US comes from India, according to the FDA.

OMG! I hope our Government is reading this news and be highly aware of the quality of these imports!
OMG! I hope our Government is reading this news and be highly aware of the quality of these imports!

if I was living there i would raise my concerns to them.

I wish my government does the same when it comes to contaminated food exports from both China and Pakistan....

"China's exports threatened over contaminated food"
Just as in the US, China has never approved the commercial growing of GM rice but GM contamination is damaging its exports and compounding a lack of confidence in Chinese products.

Source(s):- http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listi...rts-threatened-over-contaminated-food-2252007

"China's food safety woes now a global concern"
The list of Chinese food exports rejected at American ports reads like a chef’s nightmare: pesticide-laden pea pods, drug-laced catfish, filthy plums and crawfish contaminated with salmonella.

Source(s):- http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18078824/#.UnMsmvmnqPw

'You Get What You Pay For': The Hidden Price of Food from China
In recent years, China has become a major food supplier to Europe. But the low-cost goods are grown in an environment rife with pesticides and antibiotics, disproportionately cited for contamination and subject to an inspection regime full of holes. A recent norovirus outbreak in Germany has only heightened worries.

Source(s):- http://www.spiegel.de/international...azards-of-cheap-food-from-china-a-861406.html


Not even good enough for dog food: Imported food from China loaded with chemicals, dyes, pesticides and fake ingredients
Source(s):- http://www.naturalnews.com/040266_food_fraud_china_heavy_metals_contamination.html#ixzz2jMhVq5LJ

Mexico suspends contaminated rice imports from Pakistan
Mexico has suspended rice imports from Pakistan following the detection of the Khapra beetle in the rice shipments from Pakistan...

Source(s):- http://tribune.com.pk/story/568795/...rs-confirm-mexico-has-detained-rice-shipment/

#BTW if I was living there i would raise my concerns to them too....
One bad news about India and the usual suspects going bonkers here trying to take their cheapshots - it is like cat calling the kettle except in this case it is not a deliberate attempt to cheat people - The difference here is poor harvesting/storage techniques.
One bad news about India and the usual suspects going bonkers here trying to take their cheapshots - it is like cat calling the kettle except in this case it is not a deliberate attempt to cheat people - The difference here is poor harvesting/storage techniques.
Why all you indian take every thing negatively , What is wrong in sharing a valuable information about contamination, Quality checks in US and europe are very strict, root cause the issue and learn from your mistakes(possibly poor reprocessing /packing and poor cleaning of containers). and adopt techniques according to WHO or ICH. Take it positively.
Why all you indian take every thing negatively , What is wrong in sharing a valuable information about contamination, Quality checks in US and europe are very strict, root cause the issue and learn from your mistakes(possibly poor reprocessing /packing and poor cleaning of containers). and adopt techniques according to WHO or ICH. Take it positively.

We understand our negatives and we question them - corruption,poverty, sanitation, economic slowdown - we know and we question them, bring in focus and try to rectify them but there is nothing to be taken positively here when some bots(who would not dare tolerate any negative news about their country) take cheapshots at us at every single opportunity. I have seen Indians criticize their government, Pakistanis their government and some of them even their army, Americans do the same and likewise other countrymen here but I have seen these bots project one side of the picture about their country and take cheapshots about other countries and spin their stories in a convenient way and they hide behind different flags - "German", "French" and what not. I am disgusted by these people and I am not willing to take anything positively from these kinds.
OMG! I hope our Government is reading this news and be highly aware of the quality of these imports!

But I think that your government is not reading the news of danger Chinese Gutter oil as the business still flourish.
I wish my government does the same when it comes to contaminated food exports from both China and Pakistan....

"China's exports threatened over contaminated food"
Just as in the US, China has never approved the commercial growing of GM rice but GM contamination is damaging its exports and compounding a lack of confidence in Chinese products.

Source(s):- http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listi...rts-threatened-over-contaminated-food-2252007

"China's food safety woes now a global concern"
The list of Chinese food exports rejected at American ports reads like a chef’s nightmare: pesticide-laden pea pods, drug-laced catfish, filthy plums and crawfish contaminated with salmonella.

Source(s):- http://www.nbcnews.com/id/18078824/#.UnMsmvmnqPw

'You Get What You Pay For': The Hidden Price of Food from China
In recent years, China has become a major food supplier to Europe. But the low-cost goods are grown in an environment rife with pesticides and antibiotics, disproportionately cited for contamination and subject to an inspection regime full of holes. A recent norovirus outbreak in Germany has only heightened worries.

Source(s):- http://www.spiegel.de/international...azards-of-cheap-food-from-china-a-861406.html


Not even good enough for dog food: Imported food from China loaded with chemicals, dyes, pesticides and fake ingredients
Source(s):- http://www.naturalnews.com/040266_food_fraud_china_heavy_metals_contamination.html#ixzz2jMhVq5LJ

Mexico suspends contaminated rice imports from Pakistan
Mexico has suspended rice imports from Pakistan following the detection of the Khapra beetle in the rice shipments from Pakistan...

Source(s):- http://tribune.com.pk/story/568795/...rs-confirm-mexico-has-detained-rice-shipment/

#BTW if I was living there i would raise my concerns to them too....

So long as the americans are complaining occasionally they are still importing these (see quote) from us and I think our quality check should keep improving or otherwise we are killing our business by turning our customers away.

The same applies to this case of "rat" contaminations in indian spices - a big alert for all importers around the world!

Americans have long been eating foods imported from China, the world’s largest agricultural economy and one of the biggest exporters of agricultural products. China shipped 4.1 billion pounds of food to the United States last year, according to the Agriculture Department, including almost half of the apple juice, 80 percent of the tilapia and more than 10 percent of the frozen spinach eaten.


I am sure any further malpractices by any exporter will only cause tighter scrutiny or outright rejections /ban by importing countries but our agricultural business still keeps going.
Indians have been exporting poisonous food to the world for years. Good things they go caught this time. It's one thing they want to poison their people. It's completely unacceptable to export their poison.

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