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The artificial sun in central China

The artificial sun in central China


Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, also known as "artificial sun", has been designed by the Institute of Plasma Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Hefei, central China. Just like the real sun, the "artificial sun" can generate electricity and help to solve the present global energy crisis.



Zhejiang University developed a hexagonal columnar "invisibility cloak"

2013年11月01日15:16 新华网 新浪科技
At 15:16 on November 1, 2013 Xinhua and Sina Technology


Manufactured to achieve perfect invisibility "cloak", is the scientists, engineers and technology enthusiasts dream of things. October 31, Zhejiang University, Professor Chen Hongsheng research team staff demonstrate a "stealth" device effect. When a pencil is placed in the apparatus, the middle of the pencil, "gone", but the parts of the background patterns remain visible. Xinhua News Agency reporters Han Chuan and Hao She



October 31, Zhejiang University, Professor Chen Hongsheng research team staff, Dr. Zheng Bin organize a "stealth" device. The research team is working on electromagnetic "invisibility cloak" Mechanism and Experimental Research. They believe that, although there are still some technical limitations, electromagnetic stealth stealth technology will be the field of real life into a major opportunity. Xinhua News Agency reporters Han Chuan and Hao She


工作人员演示“隐身”装置。一束光在该装置内“转弯”,但穿过装置后仍按原来的方向传播。电磁波(包括光波)照射到物体时,会在物体上发生散射;散射的电磁波被接收后,就表明那里存在物体。如能让电磁波“转弯”,绕着物体走,这样物体就能 “隐身”。该研究正是基于这一理念。

Staff demo "stealth" device. A beam of light within the device, "turn", but through the device based upon the original direction after the transmission. Electromagnetic waves (including light) irradiated to the object, the object will be scattered; scattering wave is received, it indicates that there exists an object. Such as to make waves, "turn", walk around the object, so that the object can be "invisible." The study is based on this philosophy.

net assisted translation
Zhejiang University





The results of a new scientific research on treatment of "Waste oil (Gutter Oil)"

2013年10月21日 来源:科技日报
Oct 21, 2013 Source: Scitech


Other conversion and research successes:

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Turning 60 thousand tons of "waste (gutter) oil into treasure next year
http://www.testrust.com 来源: 时间:2011-11-15


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1 liter "waste oil (gutter oil)" gives output 980 kg of biodiesel
2011年08月29日07:31 来源:《科技日报》


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A new generation of bio-diesel technology in the trial successfully
来源:中国化工报 发布者:亦云 日期:2013-03-19
Source: China Chemical Industry News Posted by: Yiyun Date :2013 -03-19




  在研究过程中,常州大学首创固体碱法合成生物柴油工艺路线。新工艺后处理工序简单,可减少废弃物排放,产品重要质量指标达到德国生物柴油质量标准(DIV V 51.606),得到了我国著名石油化工专家、中科院院士闵恩泽的肯定。课题组据此研究撰写的论文《固体碱法制备生物柴油及其性能研究》,获“第六届中国科协期刊优秀学术论文”一等奖。该论文发表4年内累计被引108次,这在《化工学报》近20年来的所有文章中排名第二。



  此外,还建立了江苏省生物质炼制重点实验室,获得授权专利20余项,获得省部级科技奖励9项,在“Bioresource technology”等国际一区期刊上发表学术论文近10篇。




Changzhou University collaborative socio-economic development of innovative services

Past two years, "waste oil (gutter oil) " incident frequent exposure , how to solve this so that people suck, government headache social problems, become the focus of attention the community generally . In July, Carter Changzhou University and Jiangsu New Energy Co. , Ltd. , Jiangsu Institute of Organic Chemistry very large invested 10 million yuan jointly organized the " very large waste oil in Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute ."

Past two years, "waste oil " incident frequent exposure , how to solve this so that people suck, government headache social problems, become the focus of attention the community generally . In July this year , Changzhou University and Jiangsu Carter New Energy Co. , Ltd. , Jiangsu Institute of Organic Chemistry very large invested 10 million yuan jointly organized the " very large waste oil in Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute ."

As the industry's influential "waste oil" processing specialists , with the depth of research institutes, universities and cooperation Carter Jiangsu New Energy Co., Ltd. has established a nationwide 12 acquisition point , the annual controllable "waste oil" and transformed production nearly 30 million tons.

Unremitting perseverance "waste oil" research
From the 1990s onwards, Changzhou University began to study bio-diesel , has assumed the petrochemical project " biodiesel development", Jiangsu Province high-tech research project " solid base biodiesel key technologies" such as more than 10 relevant provincial department level project .

Today, Changzhou University to hot social issues as scientific research objectives, give full play to its own characteristics and advantages in the field of petrochemicals to waste oil as raw materials, research and development of bio-diesel and other new products.

During the study , Changzhou University 's first solid base synthetic biodiesel process route. Post-treatment process is simple new technology can reduce waste emissions , product quality indicators have reached an important German biodiesel quality standards (DIV V 51.606), has been famous petrochemical experts , Chinese Academy of Sciences Min Enze affirmed. Task Force which research papers written by " solid base and properties of biodiesel ", won the "Sixth China CAST Excellent Academic " award . The paper was published four years cumulative cited 108 times , which in the " Chemical Engineering " nearly 20 years ranked second in all articles .

In recent years , biodiesel research boom gradually dispersed , many researchers into other areas. But Changzhou University persevered , not compete with grain raw materials, "waste oil " as the starting material , and constantly improve the production process , technical suitability of biodiesel over a number of foreign manufacturers .

In addition to research and development of biodiesel synthesis of new technology, Changzhou University also make great efforts to study follow-up related products. These products include: biological plasticizers, bio- lubricants , bio- materials ( polyamide resin ) , biochemicals ( glycerol and epichlorohydrin ) .

Formed to " waste oil" as a starting point , biodiesel , bio- glycerol backbone , a variety of biochemicals and bio-based materials for the end product of biomass refining and chemical technology . In Changzhou, Jiangsu , Hebei, Xingtai , Guangdong Zhuhai transfer completed and put into several sets of tons of bio-diesel , bio- plasticizers and epichlorohydrin industrial production equipment .

In addition, the establishment of Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of biomass refining , authorized more than 20 patents , won the provincial science and technology awards 9 , in "Bioresource technology" and other international journals published an area nearly 10 .

Local Economic Development Collaborative Innovation

Changzhou University Institute of Petrochemical car ceremony party secretary Wang told reporters that at present, China's industrial plasticizer product structure is irrational , phthalate plasticizers in the production and consumption accounts for about 90% ( including DOP total consumption about 70% ) , non- phthalate plasticizers less than 10% of total production , biodegradable and biomass as feedstock plasticizer products are seldom , unable to meet the plasticizer of PVC plastic processing non-toxic , biodegradable and high plasticizing capacity requirements. DOP can be especially oral , respiratory , intravenous infusion, and other means of skin absorption into the human body , the human body has a plurality of system toxicity , is considered an endocrine disrupting system .

In recent years , as the international crude oil prices continued to rise , but also led include plasticizers , including many petrochemical product prices increase. Therefore, with cheap raw materials to produce plasticizer is important.

Changzhou University as a research goal , successfully developed a non-toxic, biodegradable plasticizer. The subject of the use of waste oil as a starting material was prepared C22 acid tris ester plasticizers , low price of raw materials ; Efficient Solid Catalysts and molecular distillation technology , the production process green ; Product C22 acid tris ester plasticizers have similar trimellitates structure , good heat resistance , non-toxic , biodegradable , so there is a good prospect of industrialization .

Changzhou University invented a silicon tetrachloride from glycerol and preparation methods of epichlorohydrin and silica . The invention is directed to oil processing biomass byproduct glycerol and polysilicon industry byproduct silicon tetrachloride as raw materials, water and HCl to achieve in the case of exogenous prepared silicas and epichlorohydrin , to achieve energy saving and emission reduction , clean to reduce product cost.

The invention is made using an aprotic solvent reaction medium , the coupling reaction can promote heat transfer , mass transfer, to improve the reaction selectivity , and to prevent the formation of silicone gel in the device and the adhesion of clogging the pipeline , the reaction can be long , stable operation.

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China to build new Antarctica station
Xinhua | 2013-11-1 15:09:13
By Agencies


China is planning a new research station in Antarctica, the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) said Friday.

The Taishan Station, the fourth of its kind in Antarctica, will be set up between the existing Zhongshan and Kunlun Stations to provide logistical support, according to Qu Tanzhou, director of Arctic and Antarctic Administration at SOA.

A scientific expedition team will leave Shanghai on Nov.7 to carry out multiple investigations, including setting up the Taishan station. A summer station that can be used from December to March, the station will be used to study geology, glaciers, geomagnetism and the atmosphere in Antarctica.


Great Wall - Kunlun - (proposed) Taishan - Zhongshan Stations


雪龙 Xuelong Ice breaking vessel


China Research Team in Antarctica
Above photo credit: ChinaToday.com

Great Wall Station



Zhongshan Station


中山站的路标。南极还是一片未开发的土地,路标只指向国内各大城市,中山站距离北京1.26万公里,由于中山站还没有机场,目前到达这里唯一的交通工具是船。乘极地科考船“雪龙”号从上海出发,到达这里往往需要一个月左右的时间。记者 阮煜琳 摄
Zhongshan station signs. Antarctica is still an undeveloped land, road signs pointing to major cities only, Zhongshan Station 12600 kilometers away from Beijing, the Zhongshan Station has no airport, and is currently the only means of transport to reach here is the ship. Take the polar expedition ship "Snow Dragon" from Shanghai, arrived here often requires a month or so. Reporter Ruan Yulin photo




通讯卫星接收器。记者 阮煜琳 摄
Communication satellite receivers. Reporter Ruan Yulin photo


中山站气象台,常年进行中山站的气象观测和预报。记者 阮煜琳 摄
Zhongshan Station observatory carries out all year meteorological observations and forecasts. Reporter Ruan Yulin photo


这是中山站旧的办公和生活主楼,现在已经被新的综合楼所替代,2011年1月新的综合楼开始使用,办公条件大为改善。新的综合楼可以上网、打国内长途电话,有餐厅,篮球、羽毛球、兵乓球、台球活动场地,还有图书馆、会议室、网吧等。记者 阮煜琳 摄
This is the Zhongshan Station in the old main building, office and living, has now been replaced by a new complex, in January 2011 to start using the new integrated building, working conditions greatly improved. The new complex can access internet, domestic or long distance calls, a restaurant, basketball, badminton, table tennis, billiards venues, as well as a library, conference rooms, cafes and so on. Reporter Ruan Yulin photo
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Blue whale Quad Rotor Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft Concept at China Helicopter Exposition (CHE 2013) in Tianjin. Blue whale Quad Rotor Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft will have capability to carry 20 ton payload with maximum speed of 538 km/h. It will have range of 3106 km and maximum ceilling of 8615 m 

Images of the new Chinese VWA-01 vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at the aircraft industry Chengdu Aircraft Design Exhibition. VWA-01 vertical take-off and landing UAV has maximum speed of 220 km/h and an endurance of over two hours.

Revealed: How Chinese scientists made a kitten and goldfish disappear using a light-bending 'INVISIBILITY CLOAK'

  • a novel way
  • 'Invisibility cloak' made of glass works by bending light around an object at its centre to make it invisible to a viewer standing in a certain place
  • The scientists hope that one day the technology could have security, entertainment, and surveillance applications

Scientists have revealed the optical trickery behind an 'invisibility cloak' that has been shown to make a kitten and goldfish mysteriously disappear.

In a video demonstrating the team of Chinese and Singaporean researchers' work, a kitten and goldfish are hidden from view using the 'cloak' - which is not like the flowing material version worn by Harry Potter but carefully arranged thin panels of glass.

The cloak works by bending light around an object in the centre of a specially-designed glass construction to make it invisible to a viewer.

Scroll down for video


Scientists have revealed the optical trickery behind an invisibility 'cloak' that has been shown to make a kitten (pictured) and goldfish mysteriously 'disappear'

The video of the disappearing animals had baffled some viewers, but now the scientists behind the 'magic' have revealed the shape of the device and how it works.

The video begins by showing a kitten seemingly disappearing behind a cloak or tubular screen and then a goldfish swimming until it disappears inside a similar cloak so that only its wriggling tail remains visible to the viewer.


Researchers from the Zhejiang University, China and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have found a way to use light refraction to render objects invisible using their cloak, which is actually a cleverly-designed hexagonal array of panels of glass.


A diagram to explain how the illusion was created. The scientists used light refraction to render the kitten invisible - which sits in the middle of an array of carefully-angled pieces of glass - designed to bend the light around the animal



The goldfish in the video appears to disappear behind the invisibility cloak, leaving just its wiggling tail visible

Zheng Bin, a researcher at Zhejiang University, told China View that the light humans see bounces off an object before it reaches our eyes.

'We found that if we could control the path of the light, we could make the object invisible.'

He said this means that they have worked to make the light bypass the object they want to hide, but still enable the light to reach a human's eyes.

3D bioprinter a fair attraction

2013-11-05 08:20

CHINA’S first self-developed 3D bioprinter, used by scientists to“print”human tissue, is among highlights at the China International Industry Fair, which opens in the city today.

Chinese scientists have used the printer to create human skin, ears and teeth.

Other highlights of the five-day fair are a model of a lunar rover and the world’s first automated LED bulb production line, said the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.

The fair, which is being held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center in the Pudong New Area, takes green technology, clean energy and intelligent manufacturing as its themes, said organizers.

“The 3D bioprinter is a very promising technology. It can be used to develop tissue and organs to save patients’lives and make micro-tissue for drugs trials,”said Wang Yungan, president of Shanghai FoChif Mechatronics Technology Co.

“The self-developed printer, which is only 400,000 yuan (US$65,593), is much cheaper than imported ones that cost about 1.8 million yuan,”Wang said.

He said dozens have been sold to domestic universities and institutions.

Revealed: How Chinese scientists made a kitten and goldfish disappear using a light-bending 'INVISIBILITY CLOAK'

    • a novel way

    • 'Invisibility cloak' made of glass works by bending light around an object at its centre to make it invisible to a viewer standing in a certain place

    • The scientists hope that one day the technology could have security, entertainment, and surveillance applications

Scientists have revealed the optical trickery behind an 'invisibility cloak' that has been shown to make a kitten and goldfish mysteriously disappear.

In a video demonstrating the team of Chinese and Singaporean researchers' work, a kitten and goldfish are hidden from view using the 'cloak' - which is not like the flowing material version worn by Harry Potter but carefully arranged thin panels of glass.

The cloak works by bending light around an object in the centre of a specially-designed glass construction to make it invisible to a viewer.

Scroll down for video


Scientists have revealed the optical trickery behind an invisibility 'cloak' that has been shown to make a kitten (pictured) and goldfish mysteriously 'disappear'

The video of the disappearing animals had baffled some viewers, but now the scientists behind the 'magic' have revealed the shape of the device and how it works.

The video begins by showing a kitten seemingly disappearing behind a cloak or tubular screen and then a goldfish swimming until it disappears inside a similar cloak so that only its wriggling tail remains visible to the viewer.


Researchers from the Zhejiang University, China and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have found a way to use light refraction to render objects invisible using their cloak, which is actually a cleverly-designed hexagonal array of panels of glass.


A diagram to explain how the illusion was created. The scientists used light refraction to render the kitten invisible - which sits in the middle of an array of carefully-angled pieces of glass - designed to bend the light around the animal



The goldfish in the video appears to disappear behind the invisibility cloak, leaving just its wiggling tail visible

Zheng Bin, a researcher at Zhejiang University, told China View that the light humans see bounces off an object before it reaches our eyes.

'We found that if we could control the path of the light, we could make the object invisible.'

He said this means that they have worked to make the light bypass the object they want to hide, but still enable the light to reach a human's eyes.


wow this is very interesting :)

Additional report on the above link

Chinese scientists lead breakthrough in HIV research
Chinese scientists lead breakthrough in HIV research|Life|chinadaily.com.cn

Updated: 2013-11-06 07:00
By Wang Hongyi in Shanghai (China Daily USA)

Chinese scientists together with US experts have determined the high-resolution structure of one of two gateways HIV uses to get into the human immune system, which could help develop better HIV drugs in the future.

The research was led by scientists from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the study result was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Science.

CCR5, a receptor on the surface of human cells, is one of two main entry points the HIV virus uses to initiate its attack on the human immune system. By binding to the receptor, an HIV protein can fuse to the cell membrane beneath, ultimately digging its way inside the cell.

Both CCR5 and CXCR4 belong to a family of proteins called G-protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRs, which mediate a range of functions in the body and are thus important drug targets.

Only recently, however, have scientists been able to image GPCRs at high resolution, a critical step for drug design.


"Structural studies of GPCRs are enormously challenging," explains Wu Beili, a researcher from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, who participated in the study.

CXCR4's structure has already been solved, but even so, aspects of how this receptor recognizes and binds to HIV viral proteins remain unclear.

In this study, Wu and her colleagues have gotten the first precise look at CCR5, which HIV strains penetrate more often, by using a drug for treatment of HIV-1 called Maraviroc.

This drug is a CCR5 receptor antagonist that works by binding the co-receptor so it's unavailable to circulate the virus.

Wu and her colleagues allowed Maraviroc to bind an engineered CCR5 receptor. Then they purified and crystallized the resulting receptor/drug complex at 2.7 angstroms - a very high resolution.

Based on the study, scientists have received a series of critical insights, which will assist them in improving existing HIV drugs based on CCR5 inhibition, and also in creating new HIV drugs.

"We hope that the structure we determined can be used to understand the molecular details of the current viral strains of HIV entry, to develop new molecules that can inhibit both CXCR4 and CCR5 receptors, and to block future strains that might emerge and be addressed with second-generation HIV-entry inhibitors," Wu says.

"This important research from a team of international scientists is another significant milestone in this field and provides insights critical for the development of better treatments for HIV," says Dr Helen Pickersgill, contributing editor of the journal Science.

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Rare earth recycling breakthrough in China
November 06, 2013 by Editorial Staff

Rare earth recycling breakthrough in China | Research and Legislation - China - Recycling News | Recycling International - recycling magazine for professionals by professionals |

China: Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered a way to recycle rare earth elements from wastewater, according to their paper in the ‘ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces’ journal. Whereas previous projects in this area have failed owing to the complexity of recovery and high levels of expense, the new method is said to bring 'considerable economic benefits'.


The researchers based their project on the fact that a nanomaterial known as nano-magnesium hydroxide is capable of removing a proportion of metals and dyes from wastewater. The team successfully analysed the nanomaterial to produce relatively inexpensive flower-shaped nanoparticles under a high-powered microscope.

By conducting lab tests that replicated real-world conditions, the researchers found that more than 99% of the rare earth metals were diluted in the wastewater samples - with no less than 85% of them being 'captured' by their unique nanoparticles.

Additional analysis proved that the rare earth elements could be easily collected on the surface as metal hydroxide nanoparticles. This pilot-scale breakthrough will provide 'a good example' for the recycling of increasingly popular rare earth elements in practical industrial applications, according to the scientists.
Chinese Scientists' new finding on curing psoriasis
Coding Variants Not Major Determinant Of Psoriasis Risk, Study | Asian Scientist Magazine | Science, Technology and Medicine News Updates From Asia

November 14, 2013

Scientists have found that gene variants representing protein-coding changes may play only a small part in the genetic risk for psoriasis.


Credit: mayoclinic


Credit: novartis

Asian Scientist (Nov. 14, 2013) – Genetic variants that represent functional protein-coding changes may play only a small part in the overall genetic risk for psoriasis, according to a new study led by researchers in China.

The study, published in Nature Genetics, looked at the contribution of functional protein-coding genetic variants to psoriasis in 21,309 Chinese individuals. The researchers discovered only two independent low-frequency coding variants with moderate effect on disease risk from this large-scale investigation.

Psoriasis is a complex, chronic, lifelong skin disease. It typically first strikes people between the ages of 15 to 35, but can affect anyone at any age, including children. The disease may arise due to multiple factors, including the environment, genetics, and immunology.

Researchers had identified numerous risk-associated genetic variants in psoriasis, but functional coding variants, particularly low-frequency and rare variants, have not been systematically study.

In this study, researchers used a two-phase strategy to identify coding variants. In the discovery stage, they conducted exome sequencing on 781 patients with psoriasis and used 676 people without psoriasis as controls.

To confirm their findings in the discovery stage, the researchers performed 2 further independent studies in a large sample of 9,946 patients with psoriasis and 9,906 controls using targeted sequencing of the variants identified.

Through their analysis, the researchers identified only two low-frequency coding variants and 5 common coding variants that were associated with psoriasis. They also investigated 622 immune disease-related genes and showed that coding variants have limited independent contribution to psoriasis risk. Taken together, the study provides a strong indication coding variants in the 1,326 targeted genes had limited contribution to the overall genetic risk of psoriasis.

By comparing their results with previous work in a European population, the study also found genetic differences between European and Chinese people with psoriasis.

Xin Jin, co-author of this study at BGI, said, “Target sequencing in such a large sample size enables us to investigate full spectrum of variants in these region. Although we did not identify any low-frequency or rare coding variants with strong genetic effect, the data helps us to refine several known GWAS loci and identify some candidate casual variants. It remains to be shown whether limited contribution of rare coding variants will also hold true for other regions outside the target and in other common diseases beyond psoriasis.”

The article can be found at:


A large-scale screen for coding variants predisposing to psoriasis


Authors and affiliations
  1. Department of Dermatology, First Affiliated Hospital, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China.
    • Huayang Tang, Yang Li, Xianfa Tang, Hui Cheng, Gang Chen, Fusheng Zhou, Xianbo Zuo, Xiaodong Zheng, Xianyong Yin, Cheng Quan, Yong Cui, Fengli Xiao, Anping Zhang, Xing Fan, Zaixing Wang, Bo Liang, Yunqing Ren, Liangdan Sun, Jianjun Liu, Sen Yang & Xuejun Zhang
  2. BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.
    • Xin Jin, Hui Jiang, Xu Yang, Junpu Mei, Renhua Wu, Yong Zhang, Haojing Shao, Xia Zhao, Fengping Xu, Qibin Li, Liya Lin, Huiling Fu, Shaowei Huang, Xuefeng Xie, Qingquan Gu, Xueli Wu, Min Xia, Lin Yang, Yingrui Li & Jun Wang
  3. School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.
    • Xin Jin
  4. Department of Dermatology, Jining No. 1 People's Hospital, Jining, Shandong, China.
    • Ying Qiu, Fangzhen Tian,Dongmei Shi, Tianhang Li & Xiuyun Zhang
  5. Department of Dermatology, Second Hospital, Chengdu, China.
    • Qi Cai
  6. Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, Shandong Academy of Medical Science, Jinan, China.
    • Hong Liu,
    • Hongqing Tian,
    • Baoqi Yang &
    • Furen Zhang
  7. Department of Dermatology, Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College, Huhehot, China.
    • Jianwen Han
  8. Department of Dermatology, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing, China.
    • Cheng Zhou,
    • Fang Wang,
    • Guangdong Wen &
    • Jianzhong Zhang
  9. State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Cancer Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College and Center of Basic Medical Sciences, Navy General Hospital, Beijing, China.
    • Yulin Sun & Xiaohang Zhao
  10. Department of Dermatology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China.
    • Lin Dang & Yuzhen Li
  11. Department of Dermatology, Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou, Hangzhou, China.
    • Junjun Shan & Aie Xu
  12. Department of Dermatology, No. 1 Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, China.
    • Chundi He & Xinghua Gao
  13. School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China.
    • Liping Wei
  14. Department of Dermatology, Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
    • Jinhua Xu & Xuejun Zhang
  15. Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
    • Runsheng Chen
  16. Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Jun Wang
  17. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Jun Wang
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