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'US should stop blocking Palestinians from joining UN'

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1949 Armistice Agreements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN Resolution 181 - 1948

And what??? Arabs didn't attack?? they were just defending???
you all went to push the Jews in Mediterranean, your one and only goal was the extermination of Israel. Don't deny it

Quit your bullshit, the Jews want to drive the Arabs out of their land. That's why Israel does not define it's borders nor does it have a constitution to explain what it means to have a 'Jewish state' since they would contradict democracy. They only leave people to guess, it's very evident no Israeli leader from the past to this day are willing to give up their colonization project. Any unbiased person can tell that. You talk about Israelis as if they're soft people, they're by far one of the extreme people there is. Just read their statements on Arabs, Palestinians only want their rights restored, the Jewish people want to drive all non Jews out of their land.


Do you realize what Zionism is? It's an nationalist movement which seeks a homeland in 'Eretz Israel'. Now look up what that it is, it includes every inch of Palestinian land. That's why there's no peace, Zionism and peace can't go together.

Of course you come here try to victimize a rich nation armed to teeth colonizing the Palestinians trying to portray them as helpless innocent people who just want to survive. Please....
Quit your bullshit, the Jews want to drive the Arabs out of their land. That's why Israel does not define it's borders nor does it have a constitution to explain what it means to have a 'Jewish state' since they would contradict democracy. They only leave people to guess, it's very evident no Israeli leader from the past to this day are willing to give up their colonization project. Any unbiased person can tell that. You talk about Israelis as if they're soft people, they're by far one of the extreme people there is. Just read their statements on Arabs, Palestinians only want their rights restored, the Jewish people want to drive all non Jews out of their land.

Truth hurts doesn't it??

I gave you the answer for your question in post number 13, you made a wrong decision in 1948 waging war against Israel.... they're not being soft to you because you're not soft on them... don't tell me about Islam and how soft it's.... We all are aware of it, why wherever Islam there's trouble ???
Truth hurts doesn't it??

I gave you the answer for your question in post number 13, you made a wrong decision in 1948 waging war against Israel.... they're not being soft to you because you're not soft on them... don't tell me about Islam and how soft it's.... We all are aware of it, why wherever Islam there's trouble ???

Have you ever heard of reasoning or rationality? Of course you're a person that hates all Muslims which is why you support Israel as if that helps your cause anyways. There are Palestinian non Muslims who face the same occupation the Muslim Palestinians face. Nobody can answer your question in a few words, it depends which Muslims you're speaking of. If you're speaking of the Middle East, we all know the decades of colonialism they faced and modern day regimes that rule them. The Muslims there are in a struggle for self determination since the world is after their resources and will do everything to exploit them for their own interests. They will even prop up dictatorial regimes, however, the discussion is not about Islam or the Muslims. There isn't a single Muslim world in existence, there are dozens of nations with Muslim majorities. You insist on judging people as 'Muslims' which indicates you have a bias against them and blame all the problems in the world on Muslims and refuse to take responsibility for any misery that international world has caused.

If you hate Muslims then just tell is that, don't act like you're an independent person who takes the I/P conflict seriously. Don't troll here either because this isn't a Muslim conspiracy, this is a real world issue. The Palestinians are struggling for their rights and all Palestinians have agreed to a two state solution based on 1967 borders. It's not our problem, the onus is now on Israel to tell the world what they really want, they won't tell us anything. They just point the finger at the Palestinians. The problem is also their ideology which doesn't recognize the Palestinian people and pledges to establish a Jewish state in all of 'Eretz Israel' as they call it.

So why doesn't Israel define it's borders? Why doesn't it have a constitution? What does it mean to be a 'Jewish State'? Israel had to define the meaning of that if they want the world to recognize them as a 'Jewish State'. You can't define they for them.
Jimmy Carter backs PLO move to sign treaties | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Former US President Jimmy Carter on Monday expressed support for the PLO's move to seek membership in international organizations.

"The decision by the Palestinians to exercise their right to join international organizations should not be seen as a blow to the peace talks," Carter said in a statement.

"I hope that, on the contrary, it will help to redress the power imbalance between Israelis and Palestinians, as we approach the 29 April deadline set by Secretary Kerry."

The UN is a pure BS that was created to fool people around the world and colonize countries in a new style ( Western civilized model )
The UN is a pure BS that was created to fool people around the world and colonize countries in a new style ( Western civilized model )

That's known by logical people but we have to act as if they stand up for human rights so the rest if the world which doesn't understand politics takes them seriously. If the UN fails to do so then their own values and ideals will be hedo against them. I know it's meant to advance western interests, however the vast majority of the world is ignorant.
Have you ever heard of reasoning or rationality? Of course you're a person that hates all Muslims which is why you support Israel as if that helps your cause anyways. There are Palestinian non Muslims who face the same occupation the Muslim Palestinians face. Nobody can answer your question in a few words, it depends which Muslims you're speaking of. If you're speaking of the Middle East, we all know the decades of colonialism they faced and modern day regimes that rule them. The Muslims there are in a struggle for self determination since the world is after their resources and will do everything to exploit them for their own interests. They will even prop up dictatorial regimes, however, the discussion is not about Islam or the Muslims. There isn't a single Muslim world in existence, there are dozens of nations with Muslim majorities. You insist on judging people as 'Muslims' which indicates you have a bias against them and blame all the problems in the world on Muslims and refuse to take responsibility for any misery that international world has caused.

If you hate Muslims then just tell is that, don't act like you're an independent person who takes the I/P conflict seriously. Don't troll here either because this isn't a Muslim conspiracy, this is a real world issue. The Palestinians are struggling for their rights and all Palestinians have agreed to a two state solution based on 1967 borders. It's not our problem, the onus is now on Israel to tell the world what they really want, they won't tell us anything. They just point the finger at the Palestinians. The problem is also their ideology which doesn't recognize the Palestinian people and pledges to establish a Jewish state in all of 'Eretz Israel' as they call it.

So why doesn't Israel define it's borders? Why doesn't it have a constitution? What does it mean to be a 'Jewish State'? Israel had to define the meaning of that if they want the world to recognize them as a 'Jewish State'. You can't define they for them.

I don't hate Muslims in fact i've more than 20 good friends from KSA, Oman and Iran.. Don't blame the world for your mistakes, Muslims not the only people who faced decades long colonialism even Jews were. And come on you'll agree for two state solution but you won't recognize Israel!!! that's lame, even just last week Abbas told they'll never recognize Israel.!!!
Have you thought about why the world judges Muslims??? It's because of your Ideology, When someone pokes you, you poke them in the same manner, Use diplomacy or Military don't mind wash people and make then kill innocent civilians, Don't wage a war in the Name of God. Again let me clear what i said in my earlier post, JEWS have the rights to take back whats belong to them just as you thought to drive the Jews into Mediterranean and take back the lands after the creation of Israel.
I don't hate Muslims in fact i've more than 20 good friends from KSA, Oman and Iran.. Don't blame the world for your mistakes, Muslims not the only people who faced decades long colonialism even Jews were. And come on you'll agree for two state solution but you won't recognize Israel!!! that's lame, even just last week Abbas told they'll never recognize Israel.!!!
Have you thought about why the world judges Muslims??? It's because of your Ideology, When someone pokes you, you poke them in the same manner, Use diplomacy or Military don't mind wash people and make then kill innocent civilians, Don't wage a war in the Name of God. Again let me clear what i said in my earlier post, JEWS have the rights to take back whats belong to them just as you thought to drive the Jews into Mediterranean and take back the lands after the creation of Israel.

You're just talking thoughts in your head, has nothing to do with reality. Nobody needs to recognize Israel as a 'Jewish' state until Israel implements a constitution which explains to the world what that means. You don't know anything about UN resolution 242:

Should the Palestinians Recognize Israel as a Jewish State?

"The historic requirement for the Palestinians was, in the words of U.N. Security Council Resolution 242, to recognize Israel's "right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force." The Jewish state issue was never raised during Israel's negotiations with Egypt and Jordan."


Palestinians already recognized Israel in 1988 and the Israeli prime minister made a statement acknowledging that, did that stop Israel from colonizing our land? No, all it did was get Israel to 'recognize' the PLO as a government. You and others here need to stop pushing that lie, Israel will dig up more excuses since their belief is all of historic Palestine belongs to them. What's preventing peace is Israel, so it's time for the UN to take lead.
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