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'US should stop blocking Palestinians from joining UN'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
'US should stop blocking Palestinians from joining UN'

The UN should "support rather than oppose Palestinian actions to join international treaties that promote respect for human rights," Human Rights Watch said yesterday.

Deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch Joe Stork said: "It is disturbing that the Obama administration, which already has a record of resisting international accountability for Israeli rights abuses, would also oppose steps to adopt treaties requiring Palestinian authorities to uphold human rights."

Stork added: "The US should press both the Palestinians and the Israelis to better abide by international human rights standards."

In wake of the failure of Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, Palestinian Authority PresidentMahmoud Abbas filed applications to join 15 international treaties, including the core treaties on human rights and the laws of war.

The following day, the US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said that the US would strongly oppose the Palestinian action to join international bodies and treatments.

Based on the US "solemn commitment to stand with Israel," Power said that the US firmly opposes "any and all unilateral [Palestinian] actions in the international arena."


@vostok @Chinese-Dragon

Can Russia or China do anything to get Palestinians recognized at the UN? Or will the US and Israeli rejectionists once again derail world peace to advance Israeli colonialist interests?
'US should stop blocking Palestinians from joining UN'

The UN should "support rather than oppose Palestinian actions to join international treaties that promote respect for human rights," Human Rights Watch said yesterday.

Deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch Joe Stork said: "It is disturbing that the Obama administration, which already has a record of resisting international accountability for Israeli rights abuses, would also oppose steps to adopt treaties requiring Palestinian authorities to uphold human rights."

Stork added: "The US should press both the Palestinians and the Israelis to better abide by international human rights standards."

In wake of the failure of Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, Palestinian Authority PresidentMahmoud Abbas filed applications to join 15 international treaties, including the core treaties on human rights and the laws of war.

The following day, the US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said that the US would strongly oppose the Palestinian action to join international bodies and treatments.

Based on the US "solemn commitment to stand with Israel," Power said that the US firmly opposes "any and all unilateral [Palestinian] actions in the international arena."


Recognize Israel, Close all the Terror cells, then it'll happen
Recognize Israel, Close all the Terror cells, then it'll happen

What in the world are you talking about? For a Palestinian state to happen the world needs to hold the terrorist Israeli racially imperialist regime accountable for its occupation and then the Palestinians will be free. The Israeli regime needs to stay within its borders and abide by UN resolution 242, the Palestinians already have their territories which are illegally occupied by Israel. The Israelis need to end their crimes against humanity, that's it, there's nothing to discuss you terrorist supporter.
'US should stop blocking Palestinians from joining UN'

The UN should "support rather than oppose Palestinian actions to join international treaties that promote respect for human rights," Human Rights Watch said yesterday.

Deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch Joe Stork said: "It is disturbing that the Obama administration, which already has a record of resisting international accountability for Israeli rights abuses, would also oppose steps to adopt treaties requiring Palestinian authorities to uphold human rights."

Stork added: "The US should press both the Palestinians and the Israelis to better abide by international human rights standards."

In wake of the failure of Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, Palestinian Authority PresidentMahmoud Abbas filed applications to join 15 international treaties, including the core treaties on human rights and the laws of war.

The following day, the US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said that the US would strongly oppose the Palestinian action to join international bodies and treatments.

Based on the US "solemn commitment to stand with Israel," Power said that the US firmly opposes "any and all unilateral [Palestinian] actions in the international arena."


@vostok @Chinese-Dragon

Can Russia or China do anything to get Palestinians recognized at the UN? Or will the US and Israeli rejectionists once again derail world peace to advance Israeli colonialist interests?
This issue will be solved when the U.S. influence in the region will fall to values close to zero. Not before.
This issue will be solved when the U.S. influence in the region will fall to values close to zero. Not before.

I'm really proud of Putin, he's an informed man who knows which forces are against Russia and for what reason. The Jewish dominated press has published so much anti Russian rhetoric this year because he's not going to submit into their camp. The problem are Jewish organizations in the states, if there isn't a law preventing corruption and domination through wealth than the U.S. will be stuck in the Middle East for decades until Israeli fights it enemies to the last American.

This is really unfortunate that one nation demolishes all efforts for peace in the Middle East because they'd rather advance extremist Israeli interests at the expense of hundreds of millions of people. They supported dictators for decades to keep the populations submissive into their agenda, they prevent the self determination of all those people. It's time for that to turn around and hopefully the Arab people move away from the US in the times to come.
@vostok @Chinese-Dragon

Can Russia or China do anything to get Palestinians recognized at the UN? Or will the US and Israeli rejectionists once again derail world peace to advance Israeli colonialist interests?

America will veto it every single time.

Unfortunately, the structure of the United Nations was designed very badly.

As long as America insists on vetoing it, they can keep shutting it down unilaterally. Even the threat of a veto is enough to shut it down, since it is pretty much guaranteed that America will veto it no matter what.
America will veto it every single time.

Unfortunately, the structure of the United Nations was designed very badly.

As long as America insists on vetoing it, they can keep shutting it down unilaterally. Even the threat of a veto is enough to shut it down, since it is pretty much guaranteed that America will veto it no matter what.

So that's conclusive evidence that the US and Israel are rejectionist states opposed to the self determination and dignity of the Palestinian people. Which means they exercise evil policies against them. In the Jewish mainstream press though they keep telling us other things, I thought these people wanted peace....what victimized Israeli people with hundreds of all types of nuclear weapons ...:( Wink Wink
I'm really proud of Putin, he's an informed man who knows which forces are against Russia and for what reason. The Jewish dominated press has published so much anti Russian rhetoric this year because he's not going to submit into their camp. The problem are Jewish organizations in the states, if there isn't a law preventing corruption and domination through wealth than the U.S. will be stuck in the Middle East for decades until Israeli fights it enemies to the last American.

This is really unfortunate that one nation demolishes all efforts for peace in the Middle East because they'd rather advance extremist Israeli interests at the expense of hundreds of millions of people. They supported dictators for decades to keep the populations submissive into their agenda, they prevent the self determination of all those people. It's time for that to turn around and hopefully the Arab people move away from the US in the times to come.

You seems to forgot Ryssland have a larger Jewish population than the US, and most Ryssland politician can be either trace back to Jewish origin or Orthodox origin.....

If you are saying US is being manipulated by the Jews, then Ryssland is even more possible.....
You seems to forgot Ryssland have a larger Jewish population than the US, and most Ryssland politician can be either trace back to Jewish origin or Orthodox origin.....

If you are saying US is being manipulated by the Jews, then Ryssland is even more possible.....

I know it's possible, so really there is no option but to form an Islamic empire. However, that's the impossible, the reality is the international world proclaims to stand up for people's rights and they must act to recognize the Palestinian people. The world of the past is unrealistic today, it's the duty of international bodies to take steps to put an end to this modern day colonial state.
I know it's possible, so really there is no option but to form an Islamic empire. However, that's the impossible, the reality is the international world proclaims to stand up for people's rights and they must act to recognize the Palestinian people. The world of the past is unrealistic today, it's the duty of international bodies to take steps to put an end to this modern day colonial state.

If the Muslim countries put aside their differences, and said "Either you do business with the Muslim world, or do business with Israel", then no one could refuse. Muslim countries occupy the most vital geostrategic and resource-rich regions in the world.

However, the divisions currently seem too strong.
If the Muslim countries put aside their differences, and said "Either you do business with the Muslim world, or do business with Israel", then no one could refuse. Muslim countries occupy the most vital geostrategic and resource-rich regions in the world.

However, the divisions currently seem too strong.

We know that needs to happen, one part of it is divisions and the other is US interference and propping up of dictators in our region. The interference is not led by American people, it's lead by Jewish people. They will do anything to manufacture internal conflict in the region through the Mossad or CIA. Justice will not be seen until the Muslim world becomes almost near perfect or until the American people rebel against the Jewish community which dominates their press and affairs.
Israel has broken international law by annexing Golan and East Jerusalem. Israel must go back to before 1967 border in order for any possibility of dialogue.
What in the world are you talking about? For a Palestinian state to happen the world needs to hold the terrorist Israeli racially imperialist regime accountable for its occupation and then the Palestinians will be free. The Israeli regime needs to stay within its borders and abide by UN resolution 242, the Palestinians already have their territories which are illegally occupied by Israel. The Israelis need to end their crimes against humanity, that's it, there's nothing to discuss you terrorist supporter.

Oh.. you want to go for UN Resolutions?// when UN declared the State of Israel, did you respect the resolution... you attacked wih armies from 5 nation.. and after you loose you cry and talk about resolution.... and israel is the jew's land they don't need a permission from you to take back whats belong to them
Oh.. you want to go for UN Resolutions?// when UN declared the State of Israel, did you respect the resolution... you attacked wih armies from 5 nation.. and after you loose you cry and talk about resolution.... and israel is the jew's land they don't need a permission from you to take back whats belong to them

UN did not declare the Israeli state, it was a Zionist-British project which the British empire imposed. They had no right to partition most of the land for the less than 50,000 Jews at the time of the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs didn't attack any nation, they were defending themselves against the plan but it was too organized and had international backing thanks to Jewish money and partly because the whole world was sick of Jewish people and wanted to throw their problems unto us.

The plan to occupy Palestinian land came very long ago, regardless of what the Arabs had or had not done we would have seen the same results today achieved one way or another. Because that is the Zionist expansionist policy and the charter of the Israeli government which states all the land from the Jordan river and within it is Jewish land granted to them by God and nobody can do anything about it.
UN did not declare the Israeli state, it was a Zionist-British project which the British empire imposed. They had no right to partition most of the land for the less than 50,000 Jews at the time of the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs didn't attack any nation, they were defending themselves against the plan but it was too organized and had international backing thanks to Jewish money and partly because the whole world was sick of Jewish people and wanted to throw their problems unto us.

The plan to occupy Palestinian land came very long ago, regardless of what the Arabs had or had not done we would have seen the same results today achieved one way or another. Because that is the Zionist expansionist policy and the charter of the Israeli government which states all the land from the Jordan river and within it is Jewish land granted to them by God and nobody can do anything about it.

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1949 Armistice Agreements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN Resolution 181 - 1948

And what??? Arabs didn't attack?? they were just defending???
you all went to push the Jews in Mediterranean, your one and only goal was the extermination of Israel. Don't deny it
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