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US sends warning to Bangladesh on free election


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US sends warning to Bangladesh on free election​

Wed, May 24, 2023 at 1:57 PM GMT-4·2 min read

Supporters of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party rally in Dhaka in December 2022

Supporters of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party rally in Dhaka in December 2022

The United States said Wednesday it would restrict visas to Bangladeshis who undermine elections, in a pre-emptive warning as fears mount of turbulence in the upcoming vote.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was supporting "free, fair and peaceful national elections" and would target either pro-government or opposition supporters in the deeply polarized nation.

"I am announcing this policy to lend our support to all those seeking to advance democracy in Bangladesh," said Blinken, who already has authority under US law to restrict visas over election meddling.

He said the move could affect current or former officials and politicians and members of law enforcement, the judiciary and security services "believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh."

"The holding of free and fair elections is the responsibility of everyone -- voters, political parties, the government, the security forces, civil society and the media," he said in a statement.

Bangladesh is scheduled to hold general elections in January. The opposition has already been leading large protests, demanding that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina hand over to a caretaker government and accusing her of irregularities in past votes.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the visa announcement should not be interpreted as a US accusation against the government.

Hasina has been in power since 2009 and has generally been seen as a Western ally, with her opposition to radical Islamism and business-friendly policies, and has especially close ties with neighboring India.

But the United States under President Joe Biden has also voiced concern on rights, criticizing a law on digital security that has been seen as a way to curb online dissent, and did not invite Bangladesh to it two summits of democracies.

China has also been seeking influence in the world's eighth most populous country, investing billions of dollars in infrastructure projects.

US may restrict visa for Bangladeshis believed to be responsible for undermining elections


TBS Report
25 May, 2023, 12:05 am
Last modified: 25 May, 2023, 12:18 am

US may restrict visa for Bangladeshis believed to be responsible for undermining elections


TBS Report
25 May, 2023, 12:05 am
Last modified: 25 May, 2023, 12:18 am

Picture: UNB
Picture: UNB

Picture: UNB

The US has announced a new visa policy for Bangladesh to promote free and fair elections.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the announcement on his Twitter handle on Wednesday.

Under this policy, the US will impose visa restrictions on individuals and their immediate family members if they are found responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.

In the announcement also issued on the US State Department's website, Blinken said, "Under this policy, the United States will be able to restrict the issuance of visas for any Bangladeshi individual, believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.

"This includes current and former Bangladeshi officials, members of pro-government and opposition political parties, and members of law enforcement, the judiciary, and security services. The United States notified the Bangladeshi government of this decision on May 3, 2023."

According to the announcement, "actions that undermine the democratic election process include vote rigging, voter intimidation, the use of violence to prevent people from exercising their right to freedoms of association and peaceful assembly, and the use of measures designed to prevent political parties, voters, civil society, or the media from disseminating their views," all fall under the new policy.

"The holding of free and fair elections is the responsibility of everyone—voters, political parties, the government, the security forces, civil society, and the media. I am announcing this policy to lend our support to all those.

A clear case of escalation.
Can't wait to hear what Alga Momen has to say about this !
BTW Blinken's tweet is very vague so this can apply to anyone who is benefitting from BAL being in power !
Its interesting US is punishing BD for not holding free & fair elections yet call recent development in Pak “internal matters”.

Only difference between the 2? BD has a stronger economy and government. Seems US under Biden is hell bent on making sure no Islamic country in the region prospers.

Whether IEA, Pakistan, BD, KSA, UAE or even Turkey. The Biden admin seems hell bent on ruining relations with key allies.
Its interesting US is punishing BD for not holding free & fair elections yet call recent development in Pak “internal matters”.

Only difference between the 2? BD has a stronger economy and government. Seems US under Biden is hell bent on making sure no Islamic country in the region prospers.

Whether IEA, Pakistan, BD, KSA, UAE or even Turkey. The Biden admin seems hell bent on ruining relations with key allies.
Perhaps, the American perception of Pakistan is ‘Not to return to normal again and no hope’. Do, it may be a hands off policy. But, Pakistan has a democracy. IK was ousted in the Parliament through a vote.

Moreover, Pakistan is no more a geographically important as it was when the USSR moved south to Afghanistan that could have resulted it to reach the Arabian Sea.

Now, America does not want China to make a military corridor through Burma and reach the BoB. America needs BD assistance here.

The way this Hasina Bibi and the BAL party are entertaining China, the day is not far when China will extend its hand to the BoB.

Greed for power and money has made Hasina an idol for China. America wants a fair election that may change the situation.
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Well boys and girls - looks like the other shoe has dropped ! Earlier - this was applied to Nigerian situation, and now it is Bangladesh.

Hasina and her lathi bahini cohorts will be banned from the USA forever. No US visas for one party hacks.

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This is just the beginning

that’s how USA target lol

Next it will be limited sanctions

Then it will encourage uk Australia Canada eu do the same

And then it will go after bd army to ban them from un mission

And list will go on

Bd is too poor and week to do anything about it
Interesting USA is silent on the martial law and brutal crack down on PTI in
Exactly, but they need Pakistan against Russian and our chaprasi pm and rental **** army is already on board. The previous army chief was issuing policy statements diametrically opposite to what the then pm sated, namely that Pakistan will stay neutral

US govt’s new visa policy does not bother Bangladesh: Shahriar Alam​

Prothom Alo English Desk
Published: 24 May 2023, 15: 36

Shahriar Alam

Shahriar AlamFile photo

State minister for foreign affairs Md Shahriar Alam said on Wednesday that the new visa policy announced by the US government "does not bother" the government of Bangladesh as authorities are "committed" to holding a free and fair election, reports UNB.

"It's not a sanction. BNP should be worried as violence before or during election is another criterion that will trigger visa restriction," he told UNB in a quick response when his reaction was sought.

It's not a sanction. BNP should be worried as violence before or during election is another criterion that will trigger visa restriction
Shahriar Alam

The state minister said they will give official reaction in detail once they know details about the policy on Thursday.

The United States on Wednesday announced a new visa policy to promote free and fair elections in Bangladesh.

"Under this policy, we can impose visa restrictions on individuals and their immediate family members if they are responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced.
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