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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

Nov 10, 2011
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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty


Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

US Senator Joe Lieberman has criticized China for offering nine offshore blocks, located in Vietnam’s territory, to international gas and oil companies for bidding, the Vietnam News Agency reported Friday.
At the Maritime Security in the South China Sea Conference organized by US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington on Wednesday, Lieberman said that the action taken by China's state owned National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) was “unfounded” and “unprecedented.”

It is a “provocative” move that is a “rhetorical” comeback to Vietnam’s assertion of its legal rights through domestic law (the Law on the Sea of Vietnam) passed last week, Lieberman was quoted as saying.

The blocks lie within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone that is recognized by international laws, he said.

Also, according to the senator, to solve the East Sea issue, all involved parties need to recognize that the disputes can only be resolved on the basis of international law.

Making historical claims only increases conflicts, tensions and the risk of violence, he said.

Earlier other international observers like Carlyle Thayer of the University of New South Wales in Australia also told the two-day conference that China's action was an act of revenge against Vietnam for having recently passed the Law on the Sea.

In other related news, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Association declared Friday that the CNOOC’s action was “wrong” and “meaningless,” as it violates the 1982 United Nations Convention on The Law of The Sea and international conventions on oil and gas.

The association “strongly” opposed the action and demanded that the CNOCC immediately cancel its “wrongful” invitation for bids and comply with international laws as well as the ground rules for solving sea issues that Vietnam and China signed last year, the news agency reported.

Early this week, foreign ministry spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi, and Do Van Hau, director general of the state-owned Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), which are conducting activities at blocks overlapping with the ones eyed by CNOOC, also voiced the same criticisms of China.
White people from Europe who stole America and Australia are in no position pointing fingers at China or other countries when it comes to sovereignty. VN members here are good at one thing and that is CRYING. They don't criticize those whites for robbing lands, instead they beg them for protection.
The Irony here is so thick that you can scoop it up and eat it.
You mean to tell me that the country that invaded and killed millions of Vietnamese is now defending its sovereignty?

American, the worlds biggest hypocrite
White people from Europe who stole America and Australia are in no position pointing fingers at China or other countries when it comes to sovereignty. VN members here are good at one thing and that is CRYING. They don't criticize those whites for robbing lands, instead they beg them for protection.

But Vietnam is part of the west now. She's waltzing with Uncle Sam in Hawaii this moment at the Ocean Arena, maybe that's why Lieberman slams China.
Give me a break.

U.S. Senators always blame China for everything. It's not even news. It happens every week.

Also, U.S. Senators are not exactly a reliable source of information. Do you remember when they all lined up and falsely blamed Russia for starting the Russo-Georgian War?

Gee, I wonder why there are dead Russian peacekeepers? Perhaps the Georgians killed them!

In 30 years, U.S. Senator John McCain has been consistently anti-Chinese on everything. I challenge you to show me a non anti-Chinese statement by Senator McCain. The rest of his colleagues in the U.S. Senate aren't much better.

The U.S. Senate is a hotbed of anti-Chinese racism and they're very biased.
But Vietnam is part of the west now. She's waltzing with Uncle Sam in Hawaii this moment at the Ocean Arena, maybe that's why Lieberman slams China.

Perhaps that's the reason Lieberman is licking some VN a$$ a bit at this moment. Americans always criticize China, what's new? Even Americans here in this forum think they have the right to mind China's business and tell us how our country should be ruled (not by 1 but by 2 or more parties and more freedom). That's the thing with Americans, they enjoy so much liberty that they forgot the meaning of internal affairs. If VN wants to become the dog of and screwed by America that's their choice.

this sick old guy looks like a child molester. damn him.
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