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US Senator questions US' aid to India

There is an english proverb. It is better to teach a hungry man to fish than to give him a fish. Aid tends to come with strings usually attached and makes the recipient dependent. If at all possible in the long run it should be avoided. Our countries should aim for self reliance.
One thing that I can see is that, No one in India or in Pakistan is ready to move forward, digest the stone of the past. You blame us and we blame you is the tendency that has developed over a very long time. Gandhi never wanted a divided nation yet we went ahead to see all the chaose that we bear today. and from all these bitter experiences we have still not learnt to atleast respect and help each other.

I never said China was our Enemy.... its just that China does alot of things and choices that dont make sense in regards to peace in the region.....
@illuzioN, what moves do China do to destabilize the peace in the region, are these that you fear
1) China becomming a strong economy
2) China developing indegeneous weapons
3) China motivating and spending its hard earned money in technology, etc
what ever they are doing they are doing it to improve their defence not to go on a war with the surrounding countries or to attack the USA.
you fear because what ever they are doing will reduce your international sale of weapons. so you think that India can counter it. in no way in the world you can make us your puppets againts China.
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