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US senator criticises China visit

Pakistan has become a country of nothing but BLOOD SHED and TERROR.... I PITY for my BROTHER AND SISTER THAT HAVE LOST THERE LIVES

I wish India had still kept Pakistan when we got our independence, we have made a great mistake by letting religion separate us Brothers and Sisters...
Pakitan will and already is a bloody play ground for U.S. , China, and Russia... These countries will menace pakistan... and destroy the intergreity and secularity of Pakistan...

CHINA Is no ally of Pakistan.... and Russia or U.S. are not allies of INDIA.... in reality no one is there to protect ourselves but US... CHINA will turn it's back on Pakistan like, It has on North Korea...

PLEASE PAKISTAN REALIZE THIS AND kick U.S. out of your country, and Keep China away from your politics...


INDIA AND PAKISTAN Were ONCE TOGETHER, and we share the SAME ANCIENT ETHNIC BACKGROUND... and i don't wany my brothers and sisters to suffer, Indians and Pakistanis look alike, why do we fight each other...

You just posted the same reply in two different threads.
WTF? Seriously, Mr. Senator?

Please check out Gen. Jones's testimony: -- No friend here
U.S. Strategic Interests in Pakistan - C-SPAN Video Library

I have seen about 1:24 (One Hr: 24 Mn) of this 2+ hour video. Some how the rest is not loading for me.
But this video is well worth watching and ponder. Pretty interesting moments starting minutes 13 onward.
India comes into the discussion early on. And keeps showing up. China later. Really an insight into the American mindset in this region.
A transcript, from minute 13 onward would be great.
Heck, this is worth a 'Sticky' IMO.
Yay!!.. Wow.. Congrats my countrymen..

We are Aids Free now

Oh wait.. was it suppose to be a threat? :undecided:
Senator has a right to free speech, not issue with that, but the PM's visit was planned 13 months ago.
so now it makes sense to you that it was for public consumption and nothing in reality? by your tone I believe you want to keep your faith in Ganja... SIGH !!

Well seems like it is very hard for u to understand the basic statement by PML N league...i can only imagine who do u support?army?MQM?PPP?PMLQ?ANp?

I have full faith on great nawaz sharif only one man who could take Pakistan out of this dark hole,he proved him self as a true pakistani over n over 1 example when he refused to take over 800 million in 1998 from uncle sam over our nuke test, U.S couldn't buy him with money so uncle sam ended up buying our general who licked U.S.A boots for good 10 years n Pakistan ended up as terrorists state...
They should stick this aid to their @$$$ we don't need this blood money !

Well seems like it is very hard for u to understand the basic statement by PML N league...i can only imagine who do u support?army?MQM?PPP?PMLQ?ANp?

I have full faith on great nawaz sharif only one man who could take Pakistan out of this dark hole,he proved him self as a true pakistani over n over 1 example when he refused to take over 800 million in 1998 from uncle sam over our nuke test, U.S couldn't buy him with money so uncle sam ended up buying our general who licked U.S.A boots for good 10 years n Pakistan ended up as terrorists state...

Teend Sharif is a waste of space. That ganja apologized to India after Pakistani Army conducted nuclear tests. Not to mention the amount of he started in Karachi. We saw how much debt this ganja put Pakistan in. Can you explain why this ganja pays only a few hudnred rupees in tax? While he has billions of dollars of property in Pakistan alone.
Teend Sharif is a waste of space. That ganja apologized to India after Pakistani Army conducted nuclear tests. Not to mention the amount of he started in Karachi. We saw how much debt this ganja put Pakistan in. Can you explain why this ganja pays only a few hudnred rupees in tax? While he has billions of dollars of property in Pakistan alone.

You need to update ur self about nawaz sharif
1.where is the sources when he apologized to india ?????even kargil war was started by Musharraf he didn't inform to P.M without the knowledge of Nawaz sharif

2.wht ever happened in karachi was in interest of pakistan, karachi need another military operation as soon as possible

3.he belong to multi millionaire family you cannot rise ur finger n say he is corrupt there is no corruptions charges on him, even your god father mush couldn't prove any corruptions on him..
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