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US senator criticises China visit

tell me exactly how the province Punjab can say no to American aid?
Okay i think i know where you going with this...even if federal government gets the aid punjab won't use it get it..

Punjab took the initiative so others would follow but unfortunately others are not given up on it.who would, just like you seems to be surprise over the fact as punjab government will take all the credit,in my opinion even if Altaf hussian takes steps which can be better for pakistan i would appreciate i don't care who would take the credit as long as pakistan gets back on the track!!!!
He also said Washington must strive to convince countries like China, Brazil and India “that with this great economic power that they’re about to have, and already have in some cases, there comes some great responsibilities in terms of making the world a better place.”—AFP

US senator criticises China visit | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

what a shameless cheater. stole the lines of Spiderman comic.
I think Marvel Comics should sue him for infringing the copyright law.

With great power comes great responsibility
Okay i think i know where you going with this...even if federal government gets the aid punjab won't use it get it..

Punjab took the initiative so others would follow but unfortunately others are not given up on it.who would, just like you seems to be surprise over the fact as punjab government will take all the credit,in my opinion even if Altaf hussian takes steps which can be better for pakistan i would appreciate i don't care who would take the credit as long as pakistan gets back on the track!!!!

so now it makes sense to you that it was for public consumption and nothing in reality? by your tone I believe you want to keep your faith in Ganja... SIGH !!
Its a great wish of every honest Pakistani not to get aid from such blood suckers, we r destroying ourselves by taking the Americans side . Its time to bury another Empire in Afghanistan.

People of Pakistan wants to live with Honor and Dignity

first of all, he's acting as if this is the first time Pakistani officials visit China.....what about the thousands of other visits?

I think the Senator is exposing his internal emotional insecurity. Pakistan doesn't offer terse statements when American officials visit New Delhi. So why is he issuing such a statement?

As for the aid money, the senator and the American people should be rest-assured that Pakistani people are against US ''aid'' to Pakistan. It's counter-productive, actually.
I honestly don't think that our problems will get solved simply by not taking aid from the US. The whole system is CORRUPT, there needs to be a revolution lead by the common Pakistani............a new start.

We Pakistanis call ourselves a lot, but we there is no denying that we have a lot of problems which stretches far beyond the political spectrum (our ethics, feudal system, work morale, problems with parts of our culture..... (ranking certain families, very similar to what they do in India etc..))
I think what I am going to post below deserves a separate topic in itself. But it may fit in here. Here is a statement by Robert Gates.
This is a slap on the faces of those not only here, but elsewhere in the world, who have maliciously tried to implicate the whole state of Pakistan in the OBL raid.
And this is particularly BIG SLAP on the faces of those Pakistanis here and elsewhere who jumped the gun and started unjustifiably attacking Pakistani military and its security agencies.
As some of us have been saying from day one: There was no love for OBL in the Pakistani establishment and that, at most, some moles may have helped OBL.
Now, will some MODERATORS start a 'sticky' where they highlight the statements by Rumsfeld, Gates etc which support the Pakistani official position and then contrast that with the malicious media campaign against Pakistan?

US should continue Pakistan aid, says defense chief | World | DAWN.COM

As to whether Pakistani authorities knew the hiding place of bin Laden before the US raid in which he was killed this month, Gates said, “I’ve seen no evidence at all” to support that notion and that “I’ve seen some evidence on the contrary.”
ameer al afrikia al aafriki'oun ...you know me.....i am famous in Pakistan.....Gadaffi stadium....dont change its name when i am gone :cheers:

la'a la'a -- ABADAN ya basha! Abadan!

Tughey mirchi lagey tu mein kiya karoon :lol:

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As for the aid money, the senator and the American people should be rest-assured that Pakistani people are against US ''aid'' to Pakistan. It's counter-productive, actually.

They fail at understanding - Slapping people with money will not buy them friends.
I don't think they will be too impressed by it either, if someone slaps them with money for extended drone bombing contracts.
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