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US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction


What about the treason of Pakistan Army/ISI officials responsible for the failure which enabled OBL to hide in Pakistan for a decade? What about their trial?
That's ''failure'' as you mentioned and not ''treason''. Besides it's purely, Pakistan's internal matter and America has no right to interfere.
That's ''failure'' as you mentioned and not ''treason''. Besides it's purely, Pakistan's internal matter and America has no right to interfere.

America has no right to intervene when there is a possibility that its "ally" gives sanctuary to the US dangerous enemy?

This is hardly an internal matter, Pakistan should conduct a real investigation (and not the usual cover-up whitewash), find the responsible officials in the Army and ISI and publish the conclusion. If the government is too weak to do it, it should ask an international investigation by the UN (like with Bhutto assassination) or other international body.

Until Pakistan presents the responsible for this "failure", Pakistan's government and military are the responsible and should pay the price for covering this crime.
America has no right to intervene when there is a possibility that its "ally" gives sanctuary to the US dangerous enemy?

This is hardly an internal matter, Pakistan should conduct a real investigation (and not the usual cover-up whitewash), find the responsible officials in the Army and ISI and publish the conclusion. If the government is too weak to do it, it should ask an international investigation by the UN (like with Bhutto assassination) or other international body.

Until Pakistan presents the responsible for this "failure", Pakistan's government and military are the responsible and should pay the price for covering this crime.
While the issue of intelligence failure is also being looked at by the judiciary, lets not try to create a dilemma here, things will be pursued in an orderly manner. But, first things first, this doc without an iota of doubt is guilty of treason and therefore, have been punished according to the law of the land.

What about the treason of Pakistan Army/ISI officials responsible for the failure which enabled OBL to hide in Pakistan for a decade? What about their trial?

Lets start with escape from tora bora and who was responsible there????
While the issue of intelligence failure is also being looked at by the judiciary, lets not try to create a dilemma here, things will be pursued in an orderly manner.

Please specify the schedule for publishing the findings. For some reasons arresting the physician was very quick while investigating the "failure" (as you call it) takes forever...

Lets start with escape from tora bora and who was responsible there????

You are right, it is the same thing: on one hand, failing to capture OBL in a fighting zone and on the other hand giving OBL sanctuary for more than a decade, acting only against the man who helped to capture him, and never investigating who was responsible.
Please specify the schedule for publishing the findings. For some reasons arresting the physician was very quick while investigating the "failure" (as you call it) takes forever...
Doc's involvement is way too obvious, therefore an easy task for investigators and judiciary. While probing the actions and dealings of institutions is a lengthy process and will take time.
Doc's involvement is way too obvious, therefore an easy task for investigators and judiciary. While probing the actions and dealings of institutions is a lengthy process and will take time.

How much time? It is over a year since OBL was captured. BTW, investigating in the ISI and army is quite easy: they are organised disciplinary organisations, in few months at the most Pakistan's authorities could find the responsible officials. But of course it is all a joke: everybody knows who they are and nobody wants to accuse them because that will only expose the complicity of more senior officials.

My educated guess is that as usual Pakistan will do nothing and hope that no one will notice.
how can it be considered treason? did he not expose the most wanted man in the world? is it not true that due to this man 2 wars were started? and is not Pakistan a part of that war ? so going by that logic , how could what he did be considered treason?

i have heard some arguments which says that he should have told the ISI. but lets be realistic. the ISI does not have a corner office in ever city, and considering how most members here feel about your police force(no trust) why would he go there.

sorry this thing of him being a traitor does not wash.
First of all, he wasn't convicted in a Pakistani Government Court but a Kangaroo Court run by the Tribals.

Second of all Pakistani Military and Intelligence was humiliated that US Navy Seals were able to enter Pakistan without being detected and the world's biggest terrorist was living 1 km from Pakistani Military Academy.

So it was a colossal failure. Pakistanis have been led to believe that the Pakistani Military and Intelligence are invincible. That is due to the Military's stranglehold on the Pakistan. From its industries, to factories, to media, pretty much every facet of Pakistan is controlled by the Military and spied on by the Intelligence.

This has reduced their effectiveness due to the fact that hey are so entangled in bureaucratic management of Pakistan and spying on Pakistanis that they have forgotten on how to spy on foreign terrorists.

So this failure at every level is now being scapegoated to this Pakistani Doctor who was brave enough and cared for his country to help it rid of this dangerous terrorist.

Pakistan has a serious choice to make. Either it wants to be a country like Turkey. Which is secular, westernized, tolerant, nationalistic, has Islam in its core but also forward looking, a strong ally of the West and supporter of Democracy and peace and stability in the region.

Or it wants to be like Somalia or the former Yugoslavia.
only problem is that OBL died years ago

No need to get into an argument here about conspiracy theory's, just answer this QS, are the 2 pics below of the same person?


Yes or No
Treason, eh?

What usually constitute a 'treasonous', or harmful to the country, act?

1. The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

2. The action of betraying someone or something.

So if Pakistan consider an individual acting on his own volition to expose a wanted person that Pakistan supposedly say is an 'enemy' to be 'treasonous' then may be it is likely that Osama bin Laden was living in Pakistan with consent from the Pakistani government.

only problem is that OBL died years ago

No need to get into an argument here about conspiracy theory's, just answer this QS, are the 2 pics below of the same person?

Yes or No
You think Ayman al-Zawahiri never seen those?

How many of the 9/11 perpetrators were Pakistani?
Since 9/11 was an 'inside job', how many would you like?
only problem is that OBL died years ago

No need to get into an argument here about conspiracy theory's, just answer this QS, are the 2 pics below of the same person?


Yes or No

Then I am confused.

Then why is Pakistan jailing this doctor over the killing of a fake Osama? :lol:

Why did the Taliban conducted revenge attacks for the killing of fake Osama? :lol:

Why did the US risk sending its Navy Seals into Pakistan for the killing of fake Osama? :lol:

Why couldn't the US have picked a target near the border area which would have been safer than flying deep into Pakistan? :lol:

Why did Osama bin Laden's family acknowledge that he was killed in US Navy Seal operation? :lol:

Why did Al Qaeda second in command acknowledge that fake Osama was killed? Why couldn't he have gotten another actor to play Osama and continue this charade? :lol:

Who were all those women and children fathered by fake Osama? :lol:
First of all, he wasn't convicted in a Pakistani Government Court but a Kangaroo Court run by the Tribals.

Good for him ! The Supreme Court would have handed a straight death sentence ! :azn:
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