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US Senate OKs transfer of two minehunters to India


Dec 19, 2009
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US Senate OKs transfer of two minehunters to India

The US Senate has approved the transfer of two Osprey-class minehunter coastal ships to India.

The two minehunter ships are Kingfisher (MHC-56) and Cormorant (MHC-57). Both were decommissioned in 2007 and now awaiting it’s delivery to India.

Osprey-class coastal minehunters are designed to find, classify, and destroy moored and bottom naval mines from vital waterways. They use sonar and video systems, cable cutters and a mine detonating device that can be released and detonated by remote control.

Touted as world's second largest minehunters, they are constructed entirely of fibre-glass and are designed to survive the shock of underwater explosions.

Their primary mission is reconnaissance, classification, and neutralisation of all types of moored and bottom mines in littoral areas, harbours and coastal waterways. The ships are equipped with a high definition, variable-depth sonar, and a remotely-operated, robotic submarine used to neutralise mines.

US Senate OKs transfer of two minehunters to India
decommissioned in 2007 !

next year again Comptroller and Auditor General of India going to have a hard time discribing the weast of money on buying such old stuff ...
Transferring decomissioned ships needs senete aprroval. thanks but no thanks ..

Buy new ones from Russia or EU.
They are only 14/15 years old but I don't understand why IN is going for them??? Isn't the Goa shipyard making mine haunters for the navy?

They can buy old carriers or LDP etc but not destroyers or frigates or corvettes or mine haunters.
There was no news about these deals, how many more secret deals we are having I wonder.!!
"They are only 14/15 years old but I don't understand why IN is going for them??? Isn't the Goa shipyard making mine haunters for the navy?"

No, Goa Shipyard or any shipyard in India has not/is not making any any mine-hunters. Only MDL made smaller (coastal) mine-sweepers in the 60/70s. Nothing after that.
BTW, Naval ship hulls are made for a minimum of (approx) 30 yrs life. GRP hulls are known to last longer. In case of larger ships, hull life can easily be 50 yrs. The machinery and running parts are prone to wear and tear and are replaced as necessary. Electronics/Sensors are upgraded/replaced as required.

"They can buy old carriers or LDP etc but not destroyers or frigates or corvettes or mine-hunters. "

Any particular logical reason for the above statement?
India does not have to make anything and everything. It needs to manufacture according to "requirements" in a "cost-effective" way.
Osprey class are the world's second largest minehunters

The ships are equipped with a high definition, variable-depth sonar, and a remotely-operated, robotic submarine used to neutralize mines.

USS Kingfisher


USS Cormorant

A good addition to indian navy indeed. We should do the INDIGENOUS talk in limit..Reality is that we dont have the capacity to build each and every thing.
More Junk For The Indian Navy, To Get 2 Used American Minehunters​


Looks like the Indian government can't get enough of treating its Navy like a junkyard for defunct American vessels. Wire reports say the the US Senate has cleared the transfer of two decommissioned Osprey-class minehunters to the Indian Navy, both decommissioned from service in the US Navy in 2007. Oh well, so we'll see another audit report a couple of years from now about how we paid too much for scrap.

Livefist - The Best of Indian Defence: More Junk For The Indian Navy, To Get 2 Used American Minehunters

Livefist - The Best of Indian Defence: More Junk For The Indian Navy, To Get 2 Used American Minehunters

Personally, i am inclined to take Shiv Aroor's opinions with a truck-load of salt in some matters for sure. He is a journalist; at best a defence enthusiast, but NOT a defence equipment specialist.

In the first place India has no dedicated mine-hunters, only minesweepers (folks can check that out). Minesweepers in the IN inventory are of a certain source and vintage (please verify that too). The sensors and equipment on mine-hunters are optimised for the task and are the key to the issue. The hulls are relatively unimportant (in the mine-hunter fleet of some slight importance, witness GRP hulls).

In any case does India have any other source for mine-hunters? Or any plans or abilities to build and equip these ships by herself ?
None that we can find at the moment.

Never mind Shiv's statement about the CAG's report etc. Finally the CAG consists of "bean counters" (accountants). Some of their previous reports while meeting the standards of accountancy norms (GAP/GAAP or something like that) have been technically hilarious.
Another Masterpiece by SHIV AROOR...
Guys has india payed cash for it,or is it just an offer,please reply me?????
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