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US sees critical Pakistan role for inclusive govt in Afghanistan

While it is obviously their choice to make, I would hope the new government officials in Kabul see the wisdom in bringing at least one Female minister and one Shia Hazara minister ASAP. And considering add more in other key roles as well (especially considering the gender segregation; so in fields like Health, education, interior/police, etc.) . If not the minsters then deputy ministers. Bringing back civil servants from the previous government what were honest should also be done ASAP, to get government services functional again; but should vet them for Spies.

IMHO, they should consider Jamila Afghani, for Minister of women’s affairs as well as a deputy education minister, considering her education and her work with thousands of Imams in Afghanistan, empowering women through Islam not a humanist/secularist/feminist lens. She was also born in Kabul, and was disabled at a young age due to Polio. So she maybe a great bridge between the different perspectives and different communities across the Afghan spectrum. She was also a minister in the old government, so in that way, her appointment will also signal that members of the old government have a pathway to participating in the new government; at least the hope of reconciliation will be made real with her appointment. It can’t be stressed enough, how important it is to integrate and employ and pay members and workers of the former regime by the new regime, to prevent a new anti-government insurgency from forming.

she was minister for Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled. Her global outreach and contracts will make her ideal for advocating for humanitarian aid for the sake of the Afghan people, despite reservations foreigners may have for the new regime. She could also be present at Press conferences to field the tough questions that will be asked of her, but only if she is given real power. Her or someone like her is the best way to counter the securalist women’s organizations that will continue to protest if the current government remains only male.

here is an article about her

here is her Twitter, I presume


They should also highly consider appointing one of their most prominent Shia Hazara commanders, Mawlawi Mahdi, from amongst their ranks as Minster for Minority Affairs.

Just these two appointments, on an ASAP basis, if given real power, could help ease the unease many Afghans especially urbanites and minorities as well as the international community feel towards the new government. It could ease tensions with countries like Iran and give the global financial institutions the narrative to free money to be given to the Afghans to prevent a humanitarian crisis and pay the salaries of former government Workers ASAP.
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The awarding of exploration, development, and ancillary contracts for its onshore and offshore oil and gas fields is a principal mechanism by which ADNOC is used to promote engagement with countries regarded as ‘in play’ by Washington. A longstanding prime example of this is Pakistan and the awarding last week of the first ever oil concession to it by the UAE can be regarded as a signal that despite its history of double dealings with the U.S. over Islamic terrorism, Washington has not yet lost all hope that Islamabad can remain at least partly under U.S. influence.

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