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US seeks to cut Russia off Black Sea: Corrigan

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US seeks to cut Russia off Black Sea: Corrigan

A journalist and international lawyer says the United States has been “mischievous” in Ukraine, exploiting the crisis to “cut off” Russia from its naval bases in the Black Sea.

“The United States has been very mischievous in terms of supporting the overthrow of the democratically-elected government in Ukraine, and also using it as an attempt to cut Russia off from the Black Sea and its traditional naval bases in Crimea,” Edward Corrigan said in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday.

“Most people in the West are oblivious to these facts [like] the fact that they spent over $5 billion to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Ukraine,” he added

Corrigan was referring to a speech by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland earlier this year in which she disclosed that Washington “invested” about $5 billion in “promoting democracy” in Ukraine over the past two decades.

On the sidelines of a ceremony on Friday in France marking the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, the allied landings in France during World War II, US President Barack Obama met with his Russian counterpart for 15 minutes.

The meeting was the first between the two leaders since tensions between Washington and Moscow intensified over the crisis in Ukraine, especially following a March referendum in the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in which people overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation.

Corrigan described the meeting as “appropriate,” saying the West usually ignores “the contribution of the Soviet Union and Russia in the second World War.”

PressTV - US seeks to cut Russia off Black Sea: Corrigan
Corrigan described the meeting as “appropriate,” saying the West usually ignores “the contribution of the Soviet Union and Russia in the second World War.”

Maybe because Stalin allied himself with Hitler and supplied the Nazi war machine with the plan to divide Europe amongst themselves. Until when? Until his own Nazi ally backstabbed him and invaded Russia.

Anyway, I support cutting off Russia from Black-sea. :enjoy:

I think it would put Europe in safer position.
Seems like the US plan is working like it worked in Afghanistan. :enjoy:
What a retarded plan. Russia gained Sevastopol, and hence their mastery over the Black Sea only increased. Now it's a Russian lake.
Why does it seem like the US is trying to provoke some kind of reaction by Russia, Putin is playing verrrry cool at the moment
What a retarded plan. Russia gained Sevastopol, and hence their mastery over the Black Sea only increased. Now it's a Russian lake.

Well, Americans are not the brightest of people (as you may have als noticed reading their messages here or anywhere on internet). And their politicians don't fare any better.
It's true. In the media were published documents, estimates, according to which in the Crimea was planned to create military infrastructure of NATO. Some say that it is in this was main sense of maidan - to oust Russia from Sevastopol and place U.S. Navy there .
It's true. In the media were published documents, estimates, according to which in the Crimea was planned to create military infrastructure of NATO. Some say that it is in this was main sense of maidan - to oust Russia from Sevastopol and place U.S. Navy there .

Of couse it's true....
Do you post every Iranian government propaganda piece? Interesting...
Maybe because Stalin allied himself with Hitler and supplied the Nazi war machine with the plan to divide Europe amongst themselves. Until when? Until his own Nazi ally backstabbed him and invaded Russia.

Anyway, I support cutting off Russia from Black-sea. :enjoy:

I think it would put Europe in safer position.

Black sea Fleet's ships suppose to pass through Turkey's waters right??
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