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US Says UAE Bombed Libya Islamists as Turmoil Deepens


Sep 24, 2010
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US Says UAE Bombed Libya Islamists as Turmoil Deepens

TRIPOLIUAE warplanes secretly bombed Islamist militia targets in Libya, apparently catching Washington off guard, as turmoil in the North African country deepened with the Islamists naming a rival premier.

US officials said on Monday that the United Arab Emirates jets launched two attacks in seven days on the Islamists in Tripoli using bases in Egypt.

An Emirati official told AFP only that his country had “no reaction” to the report, while Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri on Tuesday denied any “direct” role by his country.

The airstrikes signaled a step towards direct action by regional Arab states that previously have fought proxy wars in Libya, Syria and Iraq in a struggle for power and influence.

The bombing raids were first reported by The New York Times, and Islamist forces in Libya had also charged that Egypt and the UAE — two of the region’s main anti-Islamist powers — were behind them.

“The UAE carried out those strikes,” one US official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Asked about the account, a senior US official said “the report is accurate.”

The United States did not take part or provide any assistance in the bombing raids, said the two officials, who could not confirm that Egypt and the UAE had left Washington totally in the dark about the attacks.

The first strikes, on Monday last week, focused on militia targets in Tripoli, including a small weapons depot, according to the Times.

A second round south of the city early Saturday targeted rocket launchers, military vehicles and a warehouse, it said.

Those strikes may have been a bid to prevent the capture of the airport, but the Islamist militia forces eventually prevailed anyway.

No 'Direct' Egypt Role

The UAE — which has spent billions on US-made warplanes and advanced weaponry — provided the military aircraft, aerial refueling planes and crews to bomb Libya, while Cairo offered access to its air bases, the Times said.

Egypt’s Shoukri said: “We have no direct tie to any military operation in Libya.”

However, he told journalists in Cairo: “We help the Libyan armed forces by supplying their requirements for training.”

Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE view Islamist militants in the region as a serious threat and have cooperated against what they see as a shared danger.

“I think this strike is the unsurprising result of a momentum we’ve seen building in Libya... and within the region amongst Egypt and these Gulf states,” said Frederic Wehrey of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“I believe there was no consultation with the West,” said Wehrey, a specialist on the Gulf, Libya and US policy in the Middle East.

Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, political science professor at Emirates University, said: “The lesson of Syria still resonates ... that you cannot depend on America or the West ... America is no longer reliable.”

News of the raids came after Libya’s Islamist-dominated General National Congress on Monday threw down the gauntlet to the interim government by naming a premier-designate to form a rival administration.

The GNC, officially replaced earlier this month by a freshly elected parliament, selected pro-Islamist Omar al-Hassi to form a “salvation government,” a spokesman said.

“The GNC dismissed (interim premier) Abdullah al-Thani as head of government and gave Omar al-Hassi a week to form a salvation government,” Omar Ahmidan told journalists in Tripoli, where GNC members met.

At the same time, Libya’s new army chief Abdel Razzak Nadhuri declared “war on terrorists” after parliament, holed up 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) east of Tripoli in Tobruk, nominated him to tackle the unrest sweeping the nation.

Thani rejected the GNC’s decisions.

“The meeting was illegal, its decisions are illegal and the only legislative body is parliament,” he said in a televised news conference from Tobruk.

Thani said Islamist militants had ransacked and torched his house in Tripoli.

The Fajr Libya (Libya Dawn) militia alliance — in which the Islamists play a prominent role — seized Tripoli airport at the weekend after weeks of skirmishes with nationalist militia who had controlled it since the overthrow in 2011 of long-time dictator Moamer Kadhafi.

Fajr Libya, mainly composed of fighters from Misrata, east of Tripoli, on Tuesday rejected a call from Ansar al-Sharia, controllers of around 80 percent of the eastern city of Benghazi, to unite under one banner.

They said in a statement published by the LANA news agency Tuesday that they “respect the constitution and the peaceful transfer of power.”

Ansar al-Sharia is an al-Qaida inspired group that is on the US terror blacklist for its alleged role in a deadly 2012 assault on the US consulate in Libya’s second city.
UAE? Really? All the way over? UAE is too far. Makes no sense.
UAE? Really? All the way over? UAE is too far. Makes no sense.

yaap .... even for me its hard to believe ...... they manage to produce a good show .... it might be a practice run for any unforeseen future event in the region ....
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yaap .... even for me its hard to believe ...... they manage to produce a good show .... it might be a practice run for any unforeseen future event in the region ....

UAE AF is the one they could use to cover up with minimal blowback. Not doubting their abilities. Think about it.
UAE? These cannot even build their country without foreign labor. Were these jet pilots mercenaries?
Do not underestimate the UAE, They have Mirage 2K-9s with aerial refueling capabilities. So, it sounds and looks like a possibility, although not very credible, since no one really knows what are the stakes that will push the UAE and only it to bomb Libya!!!
It all looks funny, Egypt denies any link to it, SA is totally absent from the scene, it all sounds like they know that there are some bad and mean rebells out there in Libya who can reach them, so they have chosen the farthest one to put the blame on!?:lol:
Do not underestimate the UAE, They have Mirage 2K-9s with aerial refueling capabilities. So, it sounds and looks like a possibility, although not very credible, since no one really knows what are the stakes that will push the UAE and only it to bomb Libya!!!
It all looks funny, Egypt denies any link to it, SA is totally absent from the scene, it all sounds like they know that there are some bad and mean rebells out there in Libya who can reach them, so they have chosen the farthest one to put the blame on!?:lol:

They have fuel tankers A330 I think.
UAE? Really? All the way over? UAE is too far. Makes no sense.

yaap .... even for me its hard to believe ...... they manage to produce a good show .... it might be a practice run for any unforeseen future event in the region ....

UAE? These cannot even build their country without foreign labor. Were these jet pilots mercenaries?

The report clearly states that Libyan fighter aircrafts were based in Egypt.

Well done United Arab Emirates.
The report clearly states that Libyan fighter aircrafts were based in Egypt.

Well done United Arab Emirates.

Doesn't make any sense. Libya is so far away from UAE and poses no threat to any gulf state. The whole mission looks suspicious at most and ridiculous at best. Americans also believe Emiratis have no capability to hit Libyans. If they did, why the heck were they silent on recent massacre on Gazans by Jewish terrorists?
Doesn't make any sense. Libya is so far away from UAE and poses no threat to any gulf state. The whole mission looks suspicious at most and ridiculous at best. Americans also believe Emiratis have no capability to hit Libyans. If they did, why the heck were they silent on recent massacre on Gazans by Jewish terrorists?

As the article clearly states they were helping the Libyan Government by trying to stop the airport being over run.

Have you even bothered to check what the United Arab Emirates holds in its inventory? For starters, at least realise that the United Arab Emirates has a Nominal GDP which is bigger than even Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, etc.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Union Defence Force (UAE) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Doesn't make any sense. Libya is so far away from UAE and poses no threat to any gulf state. The whole mission looks suspicious at most and ridiculous at best. Americans also believe Emiratis have no capability to hit Libyans. If they did, why the heck were they silent on recent massacre on Gazans by Jewish terrorists?

They only bite or bark when master orders them to do so.
Doesn't make any sense. Libya is so far away from UAE and poses no threat to any gulf state. The whole mission looks suspicious at most and ridiculous at best. Americans also believe Emiratis have no capability to hit Libyans. If they did, why the heck were they silent on recent massacre on Gazans by Jewish terrorists?
'cause Libya has no air cover, it was all destroyed by Europe, while Usrael has an air force about ten times bigger than the UAE one. It is as simple as that.

They have fuel tankers A330 I think.
And a big American base to relay on for their satellite data links.
Doesn't make any sense. Libya is so far away from UAE and poses no threat to any gulf state. The whole mission looks suspicious at most and ridiculous at best. Americans also believe Emiratis have no capability to hit Libyans. If they did, why the heck were they silent on recent massacre on Gazans by Jewish terrorists?

Possibly to prevent the spread of wildfire in the ME as I would put out. If they have total control of Libya they can set their eyes on Egypt and spread further.
As the article clearly states they were helping the Libyan Government by trying to stop the airport being over run.
Yes, its called direct involvement. Even if Libya asked for help, UAE just created an enemy among wild jihadists. Next target for terrorist attack is UAE

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