I think the americans would be foolish. their actions seem to be having the opposite effect they are trying to have. It is no secret that they cant launch an all out war and all the other skirmishes etc suggest that americans have underestimated pakistan and overplayed their hand.
Reduced CIA operations, US training grounds, free foreign visa allow by Haqqani, 'do more' pressures, Shasmi Airbase closed, suspense drones attacks and bad public opinion will make US harder no doubt.
Next three years, we will be anxious to watch it closely since RQ-170 UAV, AC gunships, Stealth helicopters and others machines have been into Pakistan without knowledges.
Pakistan's response at this juncture would be crucial no doubt. I am sure it will be cognizant of its national interests above all.
NATO will continue to attack on Pakistan soldiers, they will not stopped. Their best interest long-term is to degrade Pakistan, you should be happy to hear it.
You still believe in both blames sides of miscommunication, 27th days is now passed.