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US requests NATO supply route from Iran.

See; India has set up major economic stakes in Iran and Afghanistan. And India always believed that Iran was being unfairly side-lined in regional matters. Of course, the hard-liner bunch in Teheran made it very easy for that to happen.
Now, Teheran has itself injected a measure of reasonableness in its utterances and policies; while USA has belatedly woken up to the importance of Iran in regional affairs.
Common Sense prevails again; that is to be welcomed.

US has merely played a good card for own benefits :).

Lets see what it will bring up
Nothing about sell out.

Their rulers are as wise as our establishment to reap benefits out of an opportunity.

Irani rulers watch out interests of Iran as first priority, all of a sudden americans wont start trusting them with their military gear..

this so called ummat news is very likely fake

You think there is only one way and if they can't be bought there is no way they would bear the same fate?? I highly doubt that though there are always weak links.

all I am saying its not a feasible option for America. its a fake news, made out of frustration. it has no references either.
Irani rulers watch out interests of Iran as first priority, all of a sudden americans wont start trusting them with their military gear..

this so called ummat news is very likely fake

i dont trust ummat .

But am talking about there can be this prospect and its not outlandish and there had been these secrete reports we have here that Iran was already helping US weapons' supply into Afghanistan even during peak fight against Afghan taliban by NATO.

And NO denial/rejection of that came from Iran ever
Thats great so we can hope to live in considerable peace and it means Iran would have to go through the next series of suicide attacks. Thats a sad thing though.

What makes you think that it will happen like that?

While the Taliban are talking against the Americans, their real target is GoP and the Pakistani State. They are able to target both; because both have become vey weak to the point of being nearly dysfunctional; at least in considerations of Security. In short, they have identified a weak quarry and they have already tasted blood. The Taliban will change neither their quarry nor their methods.

In comparison; the Regime in Teheran is far more decisive in their policies and methods, esp. in matters regarding their Security. If the Taliban even think to raise their heads there (which btw, is unlikely to happen), then the Regime will ruthlessly clamp-down as they did with Jundullah. Most of all the Establishment in Teheran does not speak with different voices unlike the one in Pakistan. So they are able to galvanise public opinion more effectively and unitedly.
Irani rulers watch out interests of Iran as first priority, all of a sudden americans wont start trusting them with their military gear..

this so called ummat news is very likely fake

all I am saying its not a feasible option for America. its a fake news, made out of frustration. it has no references either.

Yeah its most probably fake but i am just giving my opinion on what if it isn't.
Well another diplomatic failure for Pakistan, its not even surprising anymore.
So long personal interests will supersede national interest, such failures are not rare to fathom.

Thousands of people will lose jobs in Pakistan but atleast at the end of the day, our MAHAAAAN leader Imran khan will sleep like a baby. What a shame, this man has never used his brain and rather resorted to arguments and fighting and threats instead of using diplomacy and thinking for once for the sake of Pakistan. Oh well. I hope Imran khan is happy now.
What makes you think that it will happen like that?

While the Taliban are talking against the Americans, their real target is GoP and the Pakistani State. They are able to target both; because both have become vey weak to the point of being nearly dysfunctional; at least in considerations of Security. In short, they have identified a weak quarry and they have already tasted blood. The Taliban will change neither their quarry nor their methods.

In comparison; the Regime in Teheran is far more decisive in their policies and methods, esp. in matters regarding their Security. If the Taliban even think to raise their heads there (which btw, is unlikely to happen), then the Regime will ruthlessly clamp-down as they did with Jundullah. Most of all the Establishment in Teheran does not speak with different voices unlike the one in Pakistan. So they are able to galvanise public opinion more effectively and unitedly.

I disagree with all of what you said so nothing to discuss there i guess.
Any such development though would be good for the region . But it may not undermine the significance of Gawadar port and Gawadar-Kasghar proposed rail road

b/w Is Chahbahar a deep water port ?

Provided UAE lets it develop.

I disagree with all of what you said so nothing to discuss there i guess.
Becoming an ostrich or pigeon will not change the reality.
i dont trust ummat .

But am talking about there can be this prospect and its not outlandish and there had been these secrete reports we have here that Iran was already helping US weapons' supply into Afghanistan even during peak fight against Afghan taliban by NATO.

And NO denial/rejection of that came from Iran ever

This Im sure that they are dependent on Pakistan to supply back their stuff, even the regime change doesnot mean that establishment in Iran has changed.. it will take time to normalize relations, this could be sheer frustration, amriki political counselor met shah mehmood qureshi of PTI yesterday, as the time would pass so will their frustration, but eventually they will have to come down to their knees to us and only us, just like before over Sahlala incident.
US has merely played a good card for own benefits :).

Lets see what it will bring up

Oh yes; they have. But you conveniently overlooked that the Iranians are beneficiaries too and majorly at that. The Iranians are not fools, plus they have some self-respect; so they have entered into the agreement with USA keeping all that in mind.

Please do not overlook that the Iranian POV had support in other quarters, notably Russia, India and China. Then later countries in EU were persuaded. USA came around last of all. All of this happened in multiple bilateral, trilateral and multi-lateral dialogs over some years. This did not happen suddenly or fortuitously.

On numerous other discussions in the past in this forum; I had predicted this detente with the reasons for it.
I am unsurprised at the turn of events, since I was aware of the logic and the process connected with it.
This Im sure that they are dependent on Pakistan to supply back their stuff, even the regime change doesnot mean that establishment in Iran has changed.. it will take time to normalize relations, this could be sheer frustration, amriki political counselor met shah mehmood qureshi of PTI yesterday, as the time would pass so will their frustration, but eventually they will have to come down to their knees to us and only us, just like before over Sahlala incident.

i personally believe its not the supplies.

US can have arrangement with Russia for pulling out these or even Iran.

But the most worrisome aspect in my personal opinion is confusion of US this time.

They implementing more than one policy just like us and all are half-baked .

The disturbing of which is that future in the region is bloody

Oh yes; they have. But you conveniently overlooked that the Iranians are beneficiaries too and majorly at that. The Iranians are not fools, plus they have some self-respect; so they have entered into the agreement with USA keeping all that in mind.

Please do not overlook that the Iranian POV had support in other quarters, notably Russia, India and China. Then later countries in EU were persuaded. USA came around last of all. All of this happened in multiple bilateral, trilateral and multi-lateral dialogs over some years. This did not happen suddenly or fortuitously.

On numerous other discussions in the past in this forum; I had predicted this detente with the reasons for it.
I am unsurprised at the turn of events, since I was aware of the logic and the process connected with it.

As i said wait and see.

waters are murky
i personally believe its not the supplies.

US can have arrangement with Russia for pulling out these or even Iran.

But the most worrisome aspect in my personal opinion is confusion of US this time.

They implementing more than one policy just like us and all are half-baked .

The disturbing of which is that future in the region is bloody

As i said wait and see.

waters are murky

they dont give a flying damn about this region, all they want is to have their check on the natural resources of central asia. the more the destabilized region, the better for their designs !
I disagree with all of what you said so nothing to discuss there i guess.

That is perfectly alright. You are welcome to disagree with me.

But do pay some regard to what I said; because that will determine what is likely to happen.
Oh, I'm willing to stick my neck out and say instead: what will happen.

Watch events as they unfold.


As i said wait and see.

waters are murky

Wait and see.

Even if the waters are murky, the direction of its flow cannot be hidden......:-)
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