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US Report: Saudi Army Paper Tiger

Not only is KSA military a paper tiger but the most expensive paper tiger in history. You want proof? There has been only once in history of KSA when it was threatened by external army and that was when Iraq invaded Kuwait. What happened? KSA contracted out their defence to United States Army for $100 billion or so. Then in came the US Marines to do the fighting for SAudi#s. This is proof if were needed that KSA military is paper tiger.


I intended no offence ... i have nothing but warm feelings to all muslim brothers and armies except those who are killing other muslim brothers ...

I am telling what i have been told but i havent read much on egypt so there is a fair chance i am wrong ...

I would like to request you to rectify my current impression ... basis of my current impression is along with other areas we also lost sinai to israel ...
Sinai was lost in 1967 and regained in 1973..

Not only is KSA military a paper tiger but the most expensive paper tiger in history. You want proof? There has been only once in history of KSA when it was threatened by external army and that was when Iraq invaded Kuwait. What happened? KSA contracted out their defence to United States Army for $100 billion or so. Then in came the US Marines to do the fighting for SAudi#s. This is proof if were needed that KSA military is paper tiger.


KSA was against the war, but when iraq attacked Kuwait and the US decided to invade Iraq, which was a long standing policy (remember the destruction of Osirak, the Iraqi nuclear power plant by Usrael way before that?), Ksa saw it was better for its interests to join the UN (US) coalition..
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none of the islamic army is trained well except pakistan,egypt and turkey. I know arabs won't like my statement but they can't change the facts.

A saudi soldier maneuvers with his M-60 tank to let a another hit tank get away. his tank was also hit but it was not destroyed , and he turned his canon towards the Houthis and started firing back at them, he was called a hero by KSA military..
Ideology, culture and history are important here. Saudi's are not used to being an independent nation historically, they initially made up a faith based group of Muslims, who were mostly Arab in the beginning, but that no longer was the case as time went by.

Their purpose in last century has changed, they wanted independence as Arabs and that was about it. The military culture waned off, and they simply sought security and living normal lives. It wasn't until past several decades, where ideology started playing big role in the Middle East, did they shift their mentality. But, it remained one of influencing Muslims, and having them as safety net, besides the US physical protection.

I don't see them being like others in the region, it is not in their roots. Arabs have been historically more religious based fighters, so their prime would be seen in organized, moderate, volunteer based force that is inspired by Islam. They have a hard time identifying with a nationalist purpose, or a military doctrine reflecting off that(besides Egypt semi-manage this). So you find it all tailored around internal security, Arab nationalism, or Volunteer or 'Jihadi' like structured forces.

Arab nationalism was not able to give the identity needed to produce a new generation of people who are fascinated with military matters. Internal security based armies are reigning right now. The Islamic based structure seems to be the only one that values military culture/curiosity/competence more. Because they are driven by ideology and have to adapt to new realities requiring them to improve doctrine/training/tactics/etc... By that Islamic based structure, I don't mean ISIS or other militias, I believe we haven't seen it yet. Those small militias are more rag tag than people think, and reach their limits.

That does not mean Saudi nationalist pride based drive is unachievable, it is, the problem is the events in the region, can they ignore some of them, and lose pan-religious perspective, or will this pan-religious perspective remain.
How does that detract or add to what I said? KSA paid a ransom and then some to get US Marines to give Iraqi's a beating.
It had no choice but to participate with all means.. it was a UN security council decision, if you know what I mean, and that adds a lot to what you said, because you have ignored the main facts where more than 40 nations joined the US against Iraq..It was also about Oil supplies , if Iraq had to keep Kuwait to itself, it means Iraq would have had the control of 1/4th of world Oil..

Quoting a Hizbullah mouthpiece?
It is important to see what drives the US current government policies, this was quoted by the big US news outlets..
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Sinai was lost in 1967 and regained in 1973..

KSA was against the war, but when iraq attacked Kuait and the US decided to invade Iraq, which was along standing policy (remember the destruction of Osirak, the Iraqi nuclear power plant by Usrael way before that?), Ksa saw it was better for its interest to join the UN (US) coalition..

Sinai was lost in 1967 and regained in 1973..

KSA was against the war, but when iraq attacked Kuwait and the US decided to invade Iraq, which was a long standing policy (remember the destruction of Osirak, the Iraqi nuclear power plant by Usrael way before that?), Ksa saw it was better for its interests to join the UN (US) coalition..

Brother only small portion was won militarily in 1973 ... Even suez canal was partially under control of israel .. There was an agreement by which egypt allows to use suez canal to israel and in return israel withdraws from sinai ...
Brother only small portion was won militarily in 1973 ... Even suez canal was partially under control of israel .. There was an agreement by which egypt allows to use suez canal to israel and in return israel withdraws from sinai ...
It was the pressure put on Usrael to give back Sinai by force that worked, Suez navigation was part of it.. Egypt had tried so many times before the war to get sinai through diplomatic efforts, but it was faced by a categorical no and then it was yes through force , So Egypt has won the war, might have lost a few battles, it has trapped the main of the Usraeli forces on the west side of Sinai and had two operational plans to finish them off, they showed the plans to Kissinger who said the the US won't allow that and it will intervene, so a ceasefire was reached..
A comprehensive search will hand you the facts and truths..
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Quoting a Hizbullah mouthpiece?

Obviously such an action should have been taken judging some of the "brilliant" comments in this thread so far.

Anyway the ancestors of Saudi Arabians who founded 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history (more than any other ethnic group in the top 15) were especially "paper tigers" militarily and so where their religious, cultural, social, linguistic, ethnic, architectural, scientific etc. influence across 3 continents and that of their offspring.

It's such a shame that we cannot match people who belong to ethnic groups without a national state and whose influence in comparison as a people cannot even reach our ankles.:lol:

This reminds me of a dwarf making fun of a 2.5 meter tall person by calling him/her a person of small stature.
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An American expert described the Saudi army, which is considered the best equipped military in the world, as a paper tiger that disappointed its weapon suppliers, including mainly the United States.

Simon Henderson, a director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, mentioned an assessment for the performance of the Saudi army.

“The performance of the Saudi air force has been very weak, and the Saudi ground forces have failed to protect the Kingdom’s southern border.”

The report mentioned that on December 13, U.S. officials announced that the sale of about 16,000 guided munition kits to Saudi Arabia would be blocked due to concerns that the kingdom’s poorly targeted airstrikes were causing too many civilian casualties in Yemen.

“This apparently counterintuitive measure — such kits enable bombs to hit targets more accurately — follows a freeze on cluster bomb sales earlier this year, as well as warnings to Riyadh that U.S. aid is not a blank check.”

“The Obama administration’s frustration with its limited options for ending the intractable conflict was reflected in the media’s contradictory reporting of the development: the Washington Post headline read, ‘With Small Changes, U.S. Maintains Military Aid to Saudi Arabia Despite Rebukes Over Yemen Carnage,’ while the New York Times declared ‘U.S. Blocks Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia Amid Concerns Over Yemen War.'”


So,Obama needs a reason to block the sale of the guided munition kits,what does guided mean again?

''such kits enable bombs to hit targets more accurately''
Switched sides Obama?(i knew already and now the Saudis do also).
So,Obama needs a reason to block the sale of the guided munition kits,what does guided mean again?

''such kits enable bombs to hit targets more accurately''
Switched sides Obama?(i knew already and now the Saudis do also).

The so-called ban is so insignificant that I have not even bothered to read much into it or even to verify what exactly was "banned", however I do not believe that it will be of any influence once Trump takes office.

As for Obama, I think that "no comment" is sufficient here.

Anyway condolences for today's attack. Shame that such a thing happens a few hours after us having that discussion in that other thread.

Anyway you should know that the "article" originates from a Hezbollah mouthpiece. A bit similar to how this thread has developed so far.

You can compare it to PKK mouthpieces and their writings about Turkey. 99,9% of it is useless.

A troll thread that is used for people with an Arab/KSA obsession to write their usual frustrations and no Saudi Arabian/Arab to be seen in a mile as well.

See post 24 and the dwarf analogy.
The so-called ban is so insignificant that I have not even bothered to read much into it or even to verify what exactly was "banned", however I do not believe that it will be of any influence once Trump takes office.

As for Obama, I think that "no comment" is sufficient here.

Anyway condolences for today's attack. Shame that such a thing happens a few hours after us having that discussion in that other thread.

Anyway you should know that the "article" originates from a Hezbollah mouthpiece. A bit similar to how this thread has developed so far.

You can compare it to PKK mouthpieces and their writings about Turkey. 99,9% of it is useless.

A troll thread that is used for people with an Arab/KSA obsession to write their usual frustrations and no Saudi Arabian/Arab to be seen in a mile as well.

See post 24 and the dwarf analogy.
You can say a troll article. I posted it to show what the Americans think, or some of them at least, if you have read my posts you'll know that I've posted the article to expose its content..but you seem to be too emotional to understand..
You can say a troll article. I posted it to show what the Americans think, or some of them at least, if you don't like it do not read it.. I have more noble Saudi blood than you can ever dream of,, and trolling is not my thing, so wash your mouth from poisonous words and clean your mind from negative thoughts, if you have read my posts you'll know that I've posted the article to expose its content..but you seem to be too emotional to understand..

It does not require many brain cells to realize that a thread of this nature on a forum like PDF from this particular source (the authenticity of this entire article can be questioned as I cannot find it on any other media nor has it anything remotely to do with the official US position) will turn into pointless trolling from the usual suspects and others.

Also my post was not aimed at you, although I cannot see the point of this thread once again, but apparently your comprehension skills are not the best or something else is bothering you.

What are you blabbering about? Where did "noble Saudi blood" come from? Or what "poisonous words"? Are you under the influence of any substance or something?

Who are you exactly? Some Canadian?

As for noble blood, you are speaking to a Makkawi/Hijazi Hashemite. So your discussion of noble blood belongs in the trash bin, I am afraid. At least when interacting with me. Nor has that to do with anything. I could be the son of a beggar and you could be the son of the Japanese Emperor and it would have changed none of my points in post 24 and 26.

Anyway yes, KSA is a paper tiger. "Discussion" has ended.

Next time I suggest that you post an article about KSA that originates from PissTV or other Iranian Mullah pamphlets and that of their allies, so we can have more interesting "discussions" in the future on this otherwise peaceful/serious part of the forum!

I just gave you an brilliant idea!

And notice that my tone is only a reaction to your unmotivated attack on me. I never attacked your person.
Ideology, culture and history are important here. Saudi's are not used to being an independent nation historically, they initially made up a faith based group of Muslims, who were mostly Arab in the beginning, but that no longer was the case as time went by.

Their purpose in last century has changed, they wanted independence as Arabs and that was about it. The military culture waned off, and they simply sought security and living normal lives. It wasn't until past several decades, where ideology started playing big role in the Middle East, did they shift their mentality. But, it remained one of influencing Muslims, and having them as safety net, besides the US physical protection.

I don't see them being like others in the region, it is not in their roots. Arabs have been historically more religious based fighters, so their prime would be seen in organized, moderate, volunteer based force that is inspired by Islam. They have a hard time identifying with a nationalist purpose, or a military doctrine reflecting off that(besides Egypt semi-manage this). So you find it all tailored around internal security, Arab nationalism, or Volunteer or 'Jihadi' like structured forces.

Arab nationalism was not able to give the identity needed to produce a new generation of people who are fascinated with military matters. Internal security based armies are reigning right now. The Islamic based structure seems to be the only one that values military culture/curiosity/competence more. Because they are driven by ideology and have to adapt to new realities requiring them to improve doctrine/training/tactics/etc... By that Islamic based structure, I don't mean ISIS or other militias, I believe we haven't seen it yet. Those small militias are more rag tag than people think, and reach their limits.

That does not mean Saudi nationalist pride based drive is unachievable, it is, the problem is the events in the region, can they ignore some of them, and lose pan-religious perspective, or will this pan-religious perspective remain.

Interesting perspective.

You can say a troll article. I posted it to show what the Americans think, or some of them at least, if you don't like it do not read it.. I have more noble Saudi blood than you can ever dream of,, and trolling is not my thing, so wash your mouth from poisonous words and clean your mind from negative thoughts, if you have read my posts you'll know that I've posted the article to expose its content..but you seem to be too emotional to understand..

Fair point.

The fact is biased sources like Al-Manar (Hezbollah-affiliate) level such accusations regularly against KSA. It is better to confront them head on, debunk them rationally like you did in your first post and move on.
It does not require many brain cells to realize that a thread of this nature on a forum like PDF from this particular source (the authenticity of this entire article can be questioned as I cannot find it on any other media nor has it anything remotely to do with the official US position) will turn into pointless trolling from the usual suspects and others.

Also my post was not aimed at you, although I cannot see the point of this thread once again, but apparently your comprehension skills are not the best or something else is bothering you.

What are you blabbering about? Where did "noble Saudi blood" come from? Or what "poisonous words"? Are you under the influence of any substance or something?

Who are you exactly? Some Canadian?

As for noble blood, you are speaking to a Makkawi/Hijazi Hashemite. So your discussion of noble blood belongs in the trash bin, I am afraid. At least when interacting with me.

Anyway yes, KSA is a paper tiger. "Discussion" has ended.

Next time I suggest that you post an article about KSA that originates from PissTV or other Iranian Mullah pamphlets and that of their allies, so we can have more interesting "discussions" in the future on this otherwise peaceful/serious part of the forum!

I just gave you an brilliant idea!
No actually you are proving you have some comprehension problems.. the aim was to expose an influential thought in the midst of the US Media, this is a forum to debate ideas, not for you to decide on a thread as a troll thread, If you can't discuss it you shouldn't even post in it.. as for nobility you can be that, I am a Hassani direct descendant of our Prophet,, so swallow you words and be careful with them.. I happen to live in Canada, do you have a problem with that or you are some Spanish?
Your piss Tv has articles from Reuters , if you can't deal with that it is your problem..
You do not seem to have done any search about the article and you only rant about it, you can find the same article in many Arab forums, they criticize the writer of the article not the thread, that is left to the forum administration to decide..So it is not because you have an Oil well in your butt that you can come here dictating what you want..:omghaha: :astagh:
The forum is full of posts and articles criticizing KSA, you'll find me the first to defend it, I do not like to criticize any Muslim country including Iran, there are enough enemies to deal with than encouraging splits in the Muslim world.. no offense then if it was a misunderstanding..
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