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US relaxes travel advisory for Pakistan citing improved security situation

Awesome news. Would be awesome to see Americans visiting Pakistan and our Northern Areas. Good for tourism and US Pak relations. After the Brits handing out a positive travel advisory for Pak this is a very welcome development. Pak tourism is about to grow manifold.
Awesome news. Would be awesome to see Americans visiting Pakistan and our Northern Areas. Good for tourism and US Pak relations. After the Brits handing out a positive travel advisory for Pak this is a very welcome development. Pak tourism is about to grow manifold.
Weren't you the one who said the Americans are enemies of Pakistan?
To me....it's still a long way to call the updated advisory encouraging.

Level 3 generally stating to reconsider traveling and Level 4 for three major areas labeling them no go areas....and we are admiring and appreciating this....
One word: Disappointing!

It is a step in the right direction and we expect the Americans to do more in this regard.
A lot of good has come since IK became PM of Pakistan, but it seems no matter what he does - there are still those who have loyal to PML-N & PPP.
Unfortunately some people are too dumb to know what's best for them. Case in point people like @BATMAN who long for the days of the Sharif government to return even though Pakistan has worsened and floundered in every single metric whenever Sharif has ruled.
US relaxes travel advisory for Pakistan citing improved security situation
Web Desk On Feb 1, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The foreign office of Pakistan on Friday welcomed the statement issued by the United States regarding the travel advisory for Americans willing to travel to the country, ARY News reported.

Spokesperson to the foreign office, Aisha Farooqui said that the statement by United States authorities saying that “Pakistan’s security environment has improved,” was a step in the right direction.

Read More: Pakistan’s Foreign Office hails UK travel advisory change

The tweet read: “Pakistan has noted the update in the U.S. Travel Advisory, which has acknowledged that “Pakistan’s security environment has improved.” This is a step in the right direction.”

Spokesperson MoFA



Pakistan has noted the update in the U.S. Travel Advisory, which has acknowledged that “Pakistan’s security environment has improved.” This is a step in the right direction.


9:39 PM - Jan 31, 2020
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Earlier in the week, the United Kingdom had changed its travel advice to reflect the improved security situation in Pakistan.

Read More: Zulfi Bukhari hopeful for US to follow UK’s footsteps on travel advisory

The announcement came as a result of a comprehensive review of UK travel advice for Pakistan, based on a wide-ranging assessment of the country’s security situation. This is the first major update in the travel advice since 2015.

The improved security situation allowed for the return of British Airways to Pakistan in June 2019 and the visit by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in October 2019. Among other changes, the advice now allows for travel by road to the North of Pakistan as well as the Kalesh and Bamboret Valleys.
If I were to travel according to the travel advisory of US state department or UK foreign office, I would not be able to step out of home!
A lot of good has come since IK became PM of Pakistan, but it seems no matter what he does - there are still those who have loyal to PML-N & PPP.

You are absolutely. years of consuming haraam and indulging in PML N and PPP Sponsored mujras has damaged the DNAs of some people so no matter what IK does, they will still lick Nawaz and Zardari boots
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