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US Regime deletes Iran's national Coronavirus-fighting app


Jun 28, 2016
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In another shocking act of evil, the US regime deletes Iran's national coronavirus fighting app. Remember, these are the same psychopaths who will lie to your face and claim "they care about the Iranian people".

Death to America.

Under US sanctions, Google removes Iran’s coronavirus app

Wednesday, 11 March 2020 10:54 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 10:57 AM ]

Shoppers wear face masks and gloves in Tehran.
Google has removed from its Play Store a coronavirus app released by the Iranian government to detect patients.

According to its description, the app “tries to reach a clinical decision by asking a few medical questions”, but Google has cited worries by “some” who said the application might be intended as a spying tool for the Iranian government - and hence the decision to yank it from the store.

Tech news site ZDNet has quashed the claim, saying it had found the software free of spyware.

"The app is not a malicious Trojan or spyware," Lukas Stefankohe, a malware researcher with ZDNet, said. Though it asks for permissions, he said, those permissions are nothing beyond what you would grant any other health-based app.

The conclusion, however, has not made a dent in Google’s decision to remove the app. According to public terms of service statements from Google, the answer appears to be the fact that Iranian developer accounts are not allowed on Google Play under unilateral US sanctions on Iran.

And that in itself validates Iranian officials’ contention that the United States’ offer to aid Iran with its coronavirus outbreak was “hypocritical”.

“If we can help the Iranians with this problem, we are certainly willing to do so... All they have to do is ask. We will have great professionals over there,” US President Donald Trump said last week.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani shot back, saying the offer was insincere because if Washington had really wanted to help Iranians, it would have lifted its sanctions on medical supplies to Iran.

Pro-Trump US group moves to prevent medicine sales to Iran
The American hawkish group UANI is pressuring pharmaceutical firms to stop selling drugs to Iran amid a massive coronavirus outbreak in the country.

Trump has boasted that the sanctions are “the most biting ever imposed” after he withdrew the United States from an international nuclear deal with Iran in 2018.

Earlier this month, the Trump administration said Iran’s imports of medicine and other humanitarian goods were exempt from the sanctions, but Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said on Monday the claims was “a big lie”.

The minister questioned the US leaders’ sincerity in offering aid to Iran. “Do they think that we have billions of dollars in deposit in the international bank to come into us to use that money for buying the food and medicines?”

On Monday, the US government said it plans to crank up pressure on Iran by targeting shippers, port officials and insurance companies that help in storing Iranian oil.

“We will target and designate anybody that stores Iranian oil, petrochemicals or refined petroleum in violation of US sanctions, no matter where they are,” David Peyman, the deputy assistant secretary of state for counter threat finance and sanctions, said.

Zangeneh said the sanctions have specifically targeted the Iranian people. He said the US should be held to account for making life difficult for the Iranians, especially the poor.

“I believe ... at some time in the future these should be asked in a criminal court.”

Last week, online US news publication The Intercept revealed that a group with close ties to Trump was pressuring pharmaceutical companies not to sell drugs to Tehran despite his claim that the US was ready to aid Iran with the coronavirus outbreak.

The targeted companies include Bayer, Merck, Pfizer, Genzyme, AirSep, Medrad, Becton, Dickinson & Company, Eli Lilly, and Abbott Laboratories, with pro-Israeli United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) urging them to “end their Iran business”, it said.

UANI's efforts are particularly notable given the group’s close ties to the Trump administration, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Israel, and the Republican party’s biggest donors, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson.
Don't beg them to help you. You don't need western drugs to fight coronavirus. They don't have any useful drugs to fight it anyway. Nor do you need their shitty play store. If you ask me, this app would have spread more panic. What use is telling people they might be infected, despite there being no cure? Just buy some ginger/herbal tea, chicken soup and Russian vodka and you should be good. Vodka with black pepper is miracle cure for almost any disease and can also be used as hand disinfectant.
Don't beg them to help you. You don't need western drugs to fight coronavirus. They don't have any useful drugs to fight it anyway. Nor do you need their shitty play store. If you ask me, this app would have spread more panic. What use is telling people they might be infected, despite there being no cure? Just buy some ginger/herbal tea, chicken soup and Russian vodka and you should be good. Vodka with black pepper is miracle cure for almost any disease and can also be used as hand disinfectant.

well , I think finally we let Awpah Quds to start its Kashmir and Hind branch ....
Don't beg them to help you. You don't need western drugs to fight coronavirus. They don't have any useful drugs to fight it anyway. Nor do you need their shitty play store. If you ask me, this app would have spread more panic. What use is telling people they might be infected, despite there being no cure? Just buy some ginger/herbal tea, chicken soup and Russian vodka and you should be good. Vodka with black pepper is miracle cure for almost any disease and can also be used as hand disinfectant.

I think Vodka has got 35~40 percentage of alcohol which is insufficient percentage (70%) to be used as hand disinfectant. Beside no one beg them to help us we just point at inhuman american policy & its results ..
Can you first win in Syria? Turks and Americans are slaughtering this fartwah Quss of yours it seems :lol:

Sepah Quds main job is to support people to protect themselves against their adversity , not wining the battle ...
Sepah Quds main job is to support people to protect themselves against their adversity , not wining the battle ...

Ok, that explains why they lose everytime :lol:. Instead of dreaming of saving Kashmir, Timbaktu etc, try saving your pitiful sanctioned *** country from the coronavirus. With oil nearing $20, doubt your country can even afford suicide vests for these sepah quds. You were literally begging IMF a few days ago and your people are dying by the minute. Experts examining satellite images of mass graves put the death toll at above 2000.
Can you first win in Syria? Turks and Americans are slaughtering this fartwah Quss of yours it seems :lol:
Well if it wasn't for Quds forces a huge chunk of regional countries flags would have been black ... I wonder if they slaughtering then why they are loosing ground?
It's meant to lower the work load on medical workers by providing a "self serve" function. From the article...

Are you serious? Doctors need CT scans, all sorts of blood tests and you think you can replace that with "self serve" menu ?
Well if it wasn't for Quds forces a huge chunk of regional countries flags would have been black ... I wonder if they slaughtering then why they are loosing ground?

Well i'm personally happy that these quds of yours are winning. I was just trying to tell that Iranian buddy of yours not to overestimate your limited capabilities. These Quds might be winning in Syria and Iraq but they are having a hard time with hundreds killed everyday by Turkey, US and Syrian rebels, how well do you think they will do in Kashmir? You have good influence in countries around you, but if you step outside that zone, you will get decimated.
Ok, that explains why they lose everytime :lol:. Instead of dreaming of saving Kashmir, Timbaktu etc, try saving your pitiful sanctioned *** country from the coronavirus. With oil nearing $20, doubt your country can even afford suicide vests for these sepah quds. You were literally begging IMF a few days ago and your people are dying by the minute. Experts examining satellite images of mass graves put the death toll at above 2000.

Seems that most Iranian would agree with you , but the mullahs rather play irresponsible power games on the backs of their people , instead of taking care of them.

I think Vodka has got 35~40 percentage of alcohol which is insufficient percentage (70%) to be used as hand disinfectant. Beside no one beg them to help us we just point at inhuman american policy & its results ..

So what? Something better than nothing right? Hand sanitizer is sold out almost in all countries, so you have to do with the things that you have. Washing hands with cheap vodka 100 times better than soap. And of course, it is time tested recipe to cure flu. Just mix 2 spoons of black pepper in 2 shots of vodka and take before bedtime for 2 nights.
So what? Something better than nothing right? Hand sanitizer is sold out almost in all countries, so you have to do with the things that you have. Washing hands with cheap vodka 100 times better than soap. And of course, it is time tested recipe to cure flu. Just mix 2 spoons of black pepper in 2 shots of vodka and take before bedtime for 2 nights.
"Washing hands with cheap vodka 100 times better than soap." no it's not nothing can be replaced by warm water & soap even hand sanitizer that is produced for such a purpose let alone vodka:

Drinking alcohol itself ain't a cure let alone vodka, don't you think if black pepper in 2 shots of vodk was the cure then China would use it?

Are you serious? Doctors need CT scans, all sorts of blood tests and you think you can replace that with "self serve" menu ?

Well i'm personally happy that these quds of yours are winning. I was just trying to tell that Iranian buddy of yours not to overestimate your limited capabilities. These Quds might be winning in Syria and Iraq but they are having a hard time with hundreds killed everyday by Turkey, US and Syrian rebels, how well do you think they will do in Kashmir? You have good influence in countries around you, but if you step outside that zone, you will get decimated.
Hundreds killed everyday? where exactly do you get your infos?
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